General Strategies
Amazon Strategies
Assassin Strategies
Barbarian Strategies
Druid Strategies
Necromancer Strategies
Paladin Strategies
Sorceress Strategies
Sorceress Strategies
i have played over 6 sorceress, with different combos, so i am quite avare of what im talking about. First of all, you need to choose what type of sorc to create. MF, Cowkiller or PK.
We start with the MF: Have alots of mana, like 65% of ya skillpoints should be energy, the rest, strength and vitality. In the very beginning, find socketed stuff and add topaz in them. (i did) until you find good stuff like skullder's (i use), changeguard, oculus etc.... Skillpoints; should be a few points in Coldmastery and MAX frozenorb. go mephisto hell/nightmare and if ya want pindleskin, but then you need nova maxed lightning mastery too.
PK: Well, in my opinon the sorc is the very best PK char in d2. You cant survive an TS from an lvl90+ pksorc or a nova. Use stuff like Vipermagi, oculus/wizardpike, lideless, shako, soj and +2-3 sorc skill lvls ammy. MAx out Nova/ts/shield/chilling. High level on skills like: orb, Hydra, all3 masterys. Orbing can be good to slow and kill barbs, chilarmor adds defense and freezes enemys, hydra is a perfect camper outside town. With a max Hydra-firemastery you get another type of pksorc-more reccomended to sorc-vs-meleecharacters. You need alot of mana 4 teleporting and NOVA eats mana as hell! 75%minimum mana of ya skillpoints, rest str but dont forget dex, if ya wanna be an dueller, cuz wizardspike requires 75dex!
And now, the funniest part! A description how to kill all races;
Amazon; this can be a great problem! Teleport alot to avoid guided arrows and then orb them to death, your ts will take damage. No nova this time
Barbarian; dont let them hit ya, their whirlwinds will killl ya in 1 hit! but your ts will kill them fast. Slow them down with FO, and then nova them to death!
Paladins; FOH pallys (Fist of heavens) Can be one of ya worste enemy! those fists are 100% accurate, and if he casts 1 fist at you, youre DEAD. Kill them fast, teleport alot to confuse. then ts/nova to death. zealots shouldnt be a problem. Kill them as barbs =)
Necromancers; lol! i've only duelled vs necros 3 times ! i dont need to write an strategy about them! lol
Druids; shapeshifters werewolves can be very fast! kill them as you kill barbs/pallys.
Assassins; trap assassins is dangerous! their lightning/fire kills you. Avoid the traps and kill the assassin. Dont care about the shadow warrior! as you shouldnt care about valkyries.
SORCERESSES; orb, orb. The sorceresses hasnt high hitpoints. But that means that the sorceresses TS will kill ya too very fast! but an orb will slow the sorc and kill it with a bit of luck. Nova can be deadly too, and let us hope that ya ts is faster than the sorceresses ts Duel, kill cows! oh i forgot! the cow strategy, Max FW and mastery! very simple. Duel, kill cows and Have Fun!
Dark_undead lvl 74 mf sorc (orb lvl26, mastery lvl22), lvl 76 maul barb (1400-2100 damage), lvl 75 bowazon (600-1800 damage), lvl 71 zealadin (800-1200 damage) |
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It's very easy, I have a 99 pvp sorc so i know. 19 to orb, 19 to cold mas. 19 to ts, 19 to nova, 19 to lightning mas. When dueling barb, cast ts and orb him to slow'em down, than nova like a crazy a mother fu**er, always telo when u think the ww is coming. To duel zon, hire a NPC to take all the hits, telo to the other side of the screen when guided is coming, keep doing that and it will go away after a while, always telo next to her and nova/orb (which ever u want) remember to have ts on. Don't use nova against another sorc, use orb instead. and assian. just suck, do what ever u want to them. Necro is pretty hard to duel, they have the stupid bone armor+sprite and lower restis combination, telo in circle to avoid sprite, and make sure they are not too far away from u, most of them scroll. |
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HOW TO DO A SORC first max out warmth then once ur lvl 20 put 4 into fire wall and then once lvl 24 put 6 into blizzard. once ur lvl 30 MAX out frozen orb and cold masteries then max out blizzard. |
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this is for all the sorcs out there. there r 2 kinds of sorcs mf/pk. for mf sorcs go light/fire. fire wall is a definate. mephisto is the best mf boss and he uses a lot of ranged attacks. he stays in 1 position. fire wall does mad damage. i can kill him in 15 seconds with my fire wal. armor: skullders awsome for mf 1 to skills and 1.23 mf per lvl. put a p topaz in it. shako 50 to mf and put a p topaz in it. matalics orb 20 mf. goldwrap 30 mf. 40 mf chance gaurds is good. 30+ mf boots. ammys 30+ mf rings nagelrings 24 mf each. a lot of people say gull dagger is the best for mf. NO allibabba is better. gulls r for newbies. put 2 ists in it. u have like 150 mf.
pk sorc. easy. frozen orb max and ts max rest in masteries preferably lightning mastery. ammys +2 to sorc skills. occulas. Skin of vipermage. shako. lidless wall. magefist. and string of ears. boots ur choice.sojs well thats
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heres the deal with sorcs easy to make. For pk sorcs: frozen orb max, thunderstorm max, lightning mastery 10-20, cold mastery 1-20 , 1 to prequesites. Items: weapon: occulas, why? Gives u 3 2 skills and fast cast. Armor: skin of vipermage, why? Fast cast rate and skill. Rings: soj, why? Skills and mana. Ammy: +2 to skills amy, Why? Skills. Magefist, why?fast cast rate and 1 to fire don't need fire but you get one extra warmth . Boots: your choice, why? Theres not any good boots for sorcs. Faster run is useless because pk sorcs teleport till ts hits. Belt: demonstring, why? Don't know i just use it lol good defence though. Helm: shako, why? Skills plus other stuff. Sheild: lidless wall, why? Skills and faster cast rate.
Jorcy lvl 88 sorc us east |
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just one thing you all have fine strategies but arent very open minded about different sorc types i have a charged boltress shoots 32or33 bolts 100 dmg each kill anything fast havent put one point to energy never runs out of mana and never dies kills shit fast point is any subclass will work i also have a nova sorc and inferno sorc all levels over 90 all mf sorcs kill really fast never die find so much shit so try any strat u want hate people that say "YOU HAVE TO GET THIS!!!" just get whatever and your character will be fine if u build it well just build wutever suits the subclass |
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Lemme' Put it this way. DO NOT PUT ALL YOUR PTS INTO ONE ELEMENT! I have seen SO many sorcs get absolutely killed in hell dif because they only had one type of attack. So my advice is to specialize in one area, but have considerable strength in a second element to back it up. I personally use fire as my main skills and ice as my backup. Feel free to use any of the elements though. Fire does a LOT of damage, but can be tough to use. I prefer to use firewall. Even though you really have to lure the monsters into it, their Ai is borderline mindless so they just follow you right through the flames to their own death (heh heh heh).
Heres how I do things: 1. get someone to rush you through to hell cows (a friend). Save up any skill points, 2. Leech xp in cows till you can do ancients in each dif lvl, 3. do the ancients! quick lvls, 4. Spend skill points like so: 20 into your main attack, 20 into associated mastery, 10 or so into warmth, 20 into your secondary attack (different element), 10 into mastery of secondary attack, 1-5 Teleport (only add more than one if you are concerned about mana), 3-5 static field (25% health reduction? What can i say but, Baal ur so screwed!"), 5. Do mephy runs to find good stuff
the greatest thing about a sorc is that she is not as dependant on her equipment as the other characters. When a barb dies he is relegated to using his fists, but a sorc still has her deadliest attacks because they are all in her head, see? The great thing about this is that you can kill off anyone who guards ur body after you die in a duel and then guard their body to teach them a lesson (not that i would do such a thing, BWAH HA HA!) |
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Ok.. i read at least 30 of the stratagies. I found that these people suck at making a sorce.. if you are going to make 1 right, i will tell u now. FIRST THE SKILLS DO THESE IN ORDER; warmth=16, Telekinesis=1, teleport=3, ice bolt=1, ice blast=1, frost nova=1, Glacial spike=1, blizard=1, frozen orb=20, cold mastery=5, charged bolt=1, lightning=1, chain lightning=1, energy shield=3, static feild=3, nova=20, thunder mastery=5, thunder storm=20, frozen armor=1, shiver armor=3, put the res of the skill points you get in to either thunder mastery or cold mastery depending on witch u use most.
Next u want to get a 35reist skin of the viper magi(put a um rune in it if u get 1), use a Wizard spike(put a um rune in it if u get 1), Use a shako(put a um rune in it if u get 1), Use a liddlest wall(put a um rune or a perfect dimond in it if u get 1), Glooms trap, frost burn, silk weeve, use 2 soj, and a mars ammy. |
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I have a lvl. 99 sorceress in single player. I put 15 pts. into warmth and you should probably do that too. it inceases your mana recovery rate so you won't be guzzling potions all of the time. Next, I would suggest putting 5 or 6 into lightning. This is a great spell through the first two acts. Once you get to the higher lvls. You can do just about anything you want. I decided to specialize my sorceress. She is adept at Lightning. Put 60% of your pts into Energy and the rest divided between Strength and Vitality. |
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if u wanna be a pk sorceress rise to the max thunderstorm along with light mastery, to be a questing sorc raise nova (the best crowd controller) and frozen orb to that light innmune beasts, and firewall really sing with fire mastery (around 7 k maxed). dont listen to people and their stuff, the sorceress is a master of MF (magic find) search and find the best gear. good luck.
Xaxius the barbarian lvl 51, dodoss the necro lvl 73, Athulua the sorceress lvl 77 (all in hell) |
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I have a level 61 Sorceress and have learnt a lot from the other posts here from the other sorceress wannabe's postings. Anyway, I felt I should perhaps add some of my own. I am now into Act 3 in Hell Stage, and sailing fairly smoothly on. I first started using Fire until I found that it was simply not good enough to deal with some of the tougher monsters. I then decided to proceed along the Ice path as Cold not only slows down the enemies, but in many cases reduce them to ice-cubes. This is especially important when monsters, like zombies and skeletons have a knack of re-generating themselves. I have placed the most points (20 + 2 from equipment) into Frozen Orb. It serves not only as an excellent bowling ball to clear waves of numerous enemies traveling in a wolfpack, but can be cast from a distance. The main problem I faced in Hell was the many monsters were also immune to Cold, in particular Duriel, in Act 2. The main thing is to also have a backup. Hence, later in the game I started to develop the Fire Path, putting large number of points into Hydra and Fire Mastery. The Hydra is an excellent sentry. It allows you to cast an advance warning, line-of-sight, even if you are in another room. This allow a whole brood of hydras to take out those fire sensitive enemies without you even getting close to suffer a direct hit. Both ice and fire together makes for an excellent combination which would take care of most monsters and bosses.
The other tough guy I faced in Nightmare Stage was Nithaluk, the necormancer who was also immune to Cold in Act 5. Geez, I must have died a few zillion times, before I finally killed him using a combination of Blaze and Firewall, both at very primitive levels. Now with my Hydra, I am looking forward to taking good care of him in a few days time.
Ok, just a word of equipment. To be honest , I have completed Diablo 2 twice before using the Amazon and the Druid, so there isnt anything that really surprises me about the plot anymore. Frankly, I am in it for the magic stuff, in particular, the green set items and the golden unique items. I currently using a unique Heavenly Ghost Armor which is quite light and gives me additional skill points and almost 300 defence. In additional I have added a socket filled with a perfect Amethyst to give me an additional 24% of finding magic items. While staffs are good if you want to physically attack the enemy, but most of the time, the sorceress is good only for casting spells from a distance. Something like artillery support. So using a Staff actually wastes vital 'hand-space' which can be better utilised carrying a shield, like a 3 socketed Kite or Dragon Shield with the 3 runes inserted, RalOrtTal. This would give the sorceress additional protection and also increased resistances, which are vital to staying alive in later stages. I generally use a wand and shield as primary equipment, and a staff which gives me additonal skills, like +3 chilling armor, all in the name of additional protection. A prismatic amulet, made from 6 perfect gems and a amulet, is absolutely essential. Every item I carry, if possible is tailored towards finding magic items!
A good comapanion is also very important for a spellcasting sorceress. He not only takes the heat away from you, but also helps protect your butt, when you are busy casting spells but failed to notice something clawing away at your 6. I have been using the same guy from Act 2 in normal. Having equipped with some great stuff I founf along the way including a golden unique halberd which does 200 damage a poke. Treat them well, even though they die every now and then, and cost 50k a pop to resurrect them, they are worth it, cos you might never know when they will return the favour to you, esp in the Hell Stage.
I am gone to the Special Cow level twice, but never really found anything spectacular. Am I missing something there? Must we do anything special there except kill cows and eat beef?
Adrian, Level 61 Cold/Fire sorceress |
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hi! i have some useful tips for beginner sorcs out there.. first of all dont put a stat point on dex. next, max warmth so u will not depend on mana potions. you must not focus on one skill(ex. cold) u'll be helpless against immunities. so you must have all the skill types to survive. i suggest you max out firewall, frozen orb and thunderstorm. and dont forget fire and lightning masteries for increased damage. for help use chilling armor and teleport. that is all you need to become a matriarch. |
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Although u may think that there is one perfect fit for a sorceress, there is none. They are separated into: Lightning/Fire, Lightning /Cold, Fire/Cold, All rounder
Basic Attributes for a sorceress are: 100 strength (For good armours that has high def), No Dex Added (does not relate to chance of spell hitting a person, they normal hit them all the time), 150 vit (A sorc must have high health to withstand a few hits from monsters), Rest Energy (Add the others first then add the rest to energy)
For Lightning/Fire its best to add: Warmth- 10-20 (regenerate faster), Firewall- Max, Fire Mastery- about 5-10, Hydra- 1-10, Static- Ur opinon but i think 5 is enough, Nova- Max, Thunderstorm- Max, Lightning Mastery-5-10, Mana Shield- 1-5
For Lightning/Cold its best to add: Frozen Orb- Max, Coldmastery- Max, Thunderstorm- Max, Lightning Mastery- 10-15, Warmth-10-20, Mana Shield- 5-10
For Cold/Fire Its best to add: Firewall- 15, Fire Mastery- Max, Warmth- Max, Frozen Orb- Max, Cold Mastery- 1-10, Manashield- 1-5, Hydra- 1-10
For All-rounder its best to add: Firewall- Max, Fire Mastery- 5-10, Warmth- 10-20, Frozen Orb- Max, Cold Mastery- 5-10, Static- 5-10, Mana Shield- 5-10, Thunderstorm/Nova- 10-20, Lightning Mastery-5-10, Hydra - 1-5 |
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here is wat u need. max- frozen orb. max- t-storm, 15+ to masteries( cold and lightning), 1- teleport., not much strenth, no dex, lots of vitality and mana., 4 soc armor with ith runes, shako, 2 sojs, occy, liddless, 2 skil amy, silkweaves, majefist or frostburns ,,and glooms trap |
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i have made many sorces in my day and heres wat u do. max out frozen orb and t-storm. max l-matsrery at 10 into cold mastery. put the rest into warmt. thats all u gotta do for skillz. instead of wasting point into energy shied get 4 soc armor and put ith runes into it and it wil be equal to lvl 18 energy shield. |
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First things first. For some reason, nobody likes fire. All the strategies posted here say either lightning or cold. One thing that they forgot: EVERYONE THINKS THIS WAY TOO, AND HAS MAXED OUT THEIR RESISTANCE TO THEM! What you need is some fire skills. For a staff, find a good staff that adds to a particular fire skill that you like ,and has two sockets in it. then put a tir rune in, and then a ral rune. this gives you "Leaf", which gives 3 to all fire skill, 3 to warmth, 3 to firebolt and 3 to inferno, as well as 33% cold resist, and 5-30 fire damage. for armor, in the beginning, try to get a good 2 socketed ancient armor. make this into "stealth". get a good to skills ammy, and a good to skills helm. another rune word you can use for that is lore (ORTSOL) which gives you 1 to all skills. from this you already have an extra 7 to warmth. this practically ensures you always have mana available. for skills, get about 8 in warmth, good amount of fireball (10-12), MAX fire wall, MAX fire mastery (really helps that fireball), and get about 10 meteor. mix it up a bit by putting one in icebolt, ice blast, glacial spike, and frost nova and blizzard, then put what is left into the orb and cold mastery. also, try to get at least 5 into static field. This sets you up for an easy path through the game, as well as an exceptional PKer. i once defeated 5 people (2 zons, a barb and an assassin) at the same time, because no one thinks that you are going to use fire on them. Try it, it works!
MantisAlien lvl 77 sorceress UsWest |
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Ok,all of u want a sorc right? u want one that kick ass right?Well listen to me not those newbs .first of all MAX out frozen orb,thunderstorm,lightningmastery,blizzard,and nova. put 1 in teleport(for mfing and duels) 5-10 on warmth 1-5 static field (for boss) 5-10 to cold masterie .and maybe 1 in all the rest EXEPT FUCKIN HYDRAS !!!!!!!!!!!!. . ok for stats put around 85 in str.(for using good items) dun touch dex(unless u need items) rest put on vit and energy! ok items u need shako,skullder,occy.lidless,slikweaves,magefist,gloom trap.2 soj.and a +3 lightinig ammy FOR strategie in cows=cast a blizzard near u and cast some nova like that when cows come they get frozen near u and nova kill em FOR strategie in duels=just tele near him and let ts do the job UNLESS its a barb cuz he might have enought hp so cast few ice orb and hes done. OK BUDDY now u have alllllllllllllllllllll u need to go out and kick some ass 80 sorc 82 zon 79 barb 72 necro 66 pally(that sux im not good with pally im lost with all the aura lol ) 52 druid 46 asn cya if u need my help a bit more il be happy to help u im xiaan or kooolpuppy or darkage69 |
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Do you want an awsome sorc whell ill tell u and ill make it short instead of having to read those 8 paragragh long ones.First skill u wana to put in 15 to chill armore 15 into energy shield for ur defensivs stratagies.for offense max frozen orb and cold mast and put points into hydra and fire mastery and ull be good to go.For stats put alot into vitality and energy u should have over 1000 mana for a god sorc strenth nly as much as u need dex noooo.For items get the whole tals set or an occy is u can find one use 2 sojs for rings and with the tals helm u should have life and mana steal gl and dont do drugs.
Mystical_Toad12 lvl79 sorc |
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alrite, strat is to get blizzard, fire wall, and ts. thats like it.
dex sucks. no points. get sojs and some other + skill armor ..bout it. short but works. o yeah u need warmth, teleport and static
field. blaze is fun too.do a sorc rite because it soooooooooo f***ing boring being back atrouge e. and lut g.
all legit. lvl 55 sorc |
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sorceress are excellent for pking. max out frozen orb and thunder storm or nova (your choice) i recommend u use nova cuz it attacks tons of ppl at once. also put about 15-17 into cold mastery and max out lightning mastery. you dont need to have any warmth if u have the right u have the right stuff: Just get mana leech and it saves u some skill points. if u do this and u have skill pts left over put them in to fire wall + mastery. |
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Lots of people have different versions of their own sorcs, but before you start you have to plan what type of sorc you're going to be. Fire, cold, lightning, combo, mf/pk/m-k/pro-rusher etc I myself have 3 sorcs, , one pk/mk with maxxed ts and nova, a rushing/mf sorc with firewall and nova. The other one is my bait sorc, use it to attract challengers for my pk char, lol, and doubles as a mule too.
For mf-ing, firewall is a must, your firewall should be at least 6k dmg + to scratch hell meph/baal, I do 10k and it's still pretty slow. Nova is excellent crowd control, frozen orb and ts are freaking good pk spells. Throw in the masteries, warmth and prerequistes and you won't have enough skill points to attempt being tri-element. Its best specialising in one, maybe two trees. Some lamers will argue about hell monsters being immune, but let me ask you, what can a tri-sorc do when up against a magic resist/stone skin/extra strong/lightning enchanted immune to cold immune to lightning immune to physical oblivion knight, which already has basic resists in the first place? Its obvious right? You get peeps to rush you, they do the killing, its impossible for a sorc to finish everything herself with ease. If spending an soj gives me more time to do 300 mf runs, I would gladly pay. It is probably more than that, completing hell yourself means you have to level up the conventional way, no waypoints , and that is seriously, not only 300 mf runs. If I take 15 hours playing to finish normal to hell by myself, compared to the 40 min rush and 15 h 20 min cowing, I would probably be lv 80, and have time to do several dozen mf runs, and probably earn back the soj. |
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i have looked at many of the strategies listed on this page and i just have to laugh. I play on closed battle net and i have a lvl 88 mf sorc. first of all you need to tag along in games and get your character into hell mode.from there leech in hell cows and just grow lvls (dont forget to party up). while in cows pick up what you can to wear and help you stay alive. only cow like this until you have reached about lvl 75 then you should probably be ready to get some mf gear.
when working on stat points if you want to be a good mf sorc you will definitely need at least 100-105 strength to wear some of the armor out there you will need for mfing. in dex all i have is 25 since you are a sorceress and dont beat people with your weapon. vitality is a MUST. i have 250+ vitality and i stay alive constantly.i rarely die because i have plenty of life and i carry a few super healing pots.in energy just put in it what is left after you get some life. i have about 200 and i never use mana potions ever.that will work best for a magic find sorceress.
as for skills dont put any points into the fire skill tree except for 4-5 points into warmth. you definitely dont need to max it. in the cold tree max out frozen orb and get cold mastery near maxed but at 18 or 19 stop (not a big enough increase in -monster cold resist). 1 into each of the armors in the cold tree and use which ever one suits the situation you are in.in the lightning tree add about 15 to static field so you can take down monsters health (especially mephisto's) from a distance.this is a very helpful skill when you are mfing or cowing. you most definitely need teleport to get around areas without walking around. i didn't put any points into energy shield but if you think it is a total must add 1 to it and see if you like people hitting you and stealing your mana.next add some points into thunderstorm and lightning mastery (divide these up equally with the rest of your skill points).that is all you will need to make a good mf sorc. with any other skill points that you have left add to thunderstorm and lightning mast.
now you are ready to mf right?? wrong. you need some equipment. once again go cowing and find some 4 socketed armor wit about 450 def or more that you can wear. same with a 3 socketed helm with over 100 def that you can wear. put Perfect topazes in both of these. next find a 2 socketed shield preferably a grim shield and put the runes in it to make a rhyme (sheal and eth but not sure if that is the correct order).then you will need to get some boots that have any mf on them that you can get. same with rings and ammulets. to find these you just have to go cowing, once again and pick up rings and ammys that drop. try to get some rings with 23 or 24 mf and a ammy with 25-35 on it. for a weapon try to get a gull dagger or a skull collector staff how ever you can. try to get some chance guard gloves - a low percent, someone is likely to give you some. if you can get mf charms- they help alot if your items that you wear dont have much mf.
now for starting out in the magic find world just go and kill nightmare mephisto alot. this will give you some experience in what meph does to you when you just stand there or when you lag. eventually you will move on to hell runs. i suggest being lvl 84 for these runs just because you will get hurt much more than in nightmare. start getting items and trading the things you find and attempt to buy these items. a shako(put a perfect topaz in this) a skullders ire (perfect topaz) lidless wall (perfect sapphire or diamond for the resist-meph has a mean cold attack)oculus (use with lidless and bring mephs health down then switch to gull/rhyme and get the mf bonus) war travelers(nice boots with a lot of mf)perfect chance guards(40% mf) 2 perfect nagelrings(30%mf each) a ammulet with 40+mf and any other mod you can get, lots more mf charms and that is a great mf sorc. also hell pindle runs are great if you want to do masses of them. killing the cow king in hell is also good for drops. i have every one of these items and they work great.
i have spent many a day mfing and have found stormshield,shako,vampire gaze, skullders ire, natalyas claw, 2 sojs,war travelers,eaglehorn,shaftstop,2 oculuses,3 gulls and many many many more items that i dont feel like listing.have fun mfing!!
mf_biatchCold (88) sorceress |
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this is the strategie to beat baal. The thing about baal is he is deadly at close range and long range so you might want to max out frozen orb and have atleast 10 to static field. Next you want to stay a fair distince from baal close enough to see him. next use frozen orb on him until he is frozen therun up to him and use static field and just keep repeating this process. But dont stay to long or he will multiply him self. if he does just go for the real baal and the clone should die too. |
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For A great sorc u should have plenty of life and mana. no dexterity and just enugh strenth that u need.for ur first 8-10 levels get up warmth.then max out nova and l mastery then get ice mast to lvl 3 and
get frozen orb and tstorm up allot. |
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If you wish to create a sorceress you must ask other people to help you to cowlv and you leech there.This is the item I am going to ask you to use for a pk sorceress .use:SOJ,Vipermagic Armour or Shaftop ,Lidless Wall,Oculus and ammy that can +2 to sorceress skill .When you go to cowlv you do not fight the cows for the first time because I have 100% guarantee you will be dead.I my self don't have a mf sorceress so I don't know what to give but 1 day I will go and create a mf character . Then I will be invincible.Do you want to pk with me I am only a lv 70+ sorceress .My account name is chew313.
Chew313(Chew_physical) |
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Its not hard to make a good mf guy if u wanna to mephisto. Just max warmth, firewall, and fire mastery and make sure u put 1 point into teleport and then and ONLY then start maxing out orb
For a meph run all u need to do is teleport until you find lvl 3, send a tp right before the entrance then go down the stairs. At lvl 3 find the first council members with bremm sparkfist among them and lure them around the wallat the start and teleport to the other side so they are next to the stair ands u are on the other side. The members will not come after u as long as u stick close to the middle. Send a tp at the 2nd or 3rd torch thing, whichever is just barely able to c the stairs things by the red portal. When that tp is set, teleport across so that ur on mephistos side and go find him, and lure him to the stairs by the red portal and teleport back across to your tp. When ur just barely able to c him start casting off firewalls, if u can hear him getting hurt, continue until hes dead. Then teleport over to his dead body and pick anything up. EASY! Remember you only have 2 chances at this because if the council members on the side come out then u have to teleport over to the other side and send a tp as long as that other council member doesn't come out. If he does, then u either have to duke it out with meph head-to-head or u can leave and try again in a new game.
Heres a quick skill layout that allows u to do meph runs before lvl 60! (remember for energy shield and chilling armor u could just have a staff set as secondary weapon that does + 1 to those 2 skills)
From level 1 to level 18 put points into warmth.
Put 1 point into teleport right around here.
From level 19 up until u max out firewall do firewall.
From the lvl that u maxed out fire wall (probably around 38) max out fire mastery
1-4 into static field here
1 to chilling armor here (depending on secondary weapon)
1 to energy shield here.(depending on secondary weapon)
Max out orb here.
1-5 into cold mastery here
Any other points that u get can go anywhere else.
100+ to strength
0 to dexterity
150+ to vitality
230+ to energy
Any other points that u get can go anywhere else.
Deathisnow |
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I disagree with a lot of pvp strats. In my dueling sorcs, which are above level 80 have the following skills: Frozen Orb Max, Thunder Storm Max, Cold and Lightning Masteries max, and warmth at 20. Put one or two points in shiver armor (it has more defense then chilling armor), in teleport, and in energy shield. I mostly duel zons and other charcs instead of sorcs, so using nova wont do anything, they would kill u before u can kill them. Items u should use: Shako, plus 2 skills ammy, vipermagi, 2 sojs, any type of boots, lidless wall, occy, wizardspike, or suicidal branch. Find the most faster % cast rate u can and just orb everywhere while running from arrows and such.
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Well im a sorc and ive read about half the sorcs guide. Well u all know those items r very rare like occulus,sojs,ect. First of all u dont HAVE to get those types of items its just a game have fun. I think lightning is the way to go Nova Maxed TS lvl 15 (Without Items) good ammy that does 3 to all lightning/all skills and armor with a good amount of defense and resistsance bounus now for the staff first of all when ure starting staff 0f lazarus pretty good nce mana regineration and +1 to all sorc skills. Now once u have your nova and ts lvl15 start cold well i forgot bout warmth max it u will need if your a lightning sorc cause i like to be fast and tele just lvl 1 and lightning mastery max it (It Kicks Butt!). The reason i dont do fire is what monster is ganna be dumb enough to just stand there in the middle of a firewall and fireball omg it dmg sux! Now for cold lvl 10 chilling armor without items frozen orb and glacial spike because frozen orb can do some dmg but cant freeze solid like glacial spike max frozen orb and lvl 15 glacial spike. Now for attributes: Strength:130, Dexterity:140, Vitality:210, Energy:250-300(depending on lvl of warmth)
Thanks for all the info and hope this is useful to u!,
Jordan |
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Ok check it out. I've read almost that entire Sorc strategy post and really I'm very disappointed. I can only identify with 2 types of Sorceress, the MF Sorc and the PK Sorc, both builds are very specific.
First the MF Sorc: Equip: Oculus w/ Ist or Mf jewel, Lidless wall w/ Um rune or P Diamond or Mf shield, Skulders Ire w/ P topaz or Tal Rasha's armor w/ P topaz, Harlequin Crest Shako w/ P topaz, Rings, 15%mf Tal Rasha's Belt, Amulet depends on armor, skulders go w/ a +2 skills mf amulet, Tal rasha's armor = use Tal Rasha's amulet (3 set items gives 65% mf as partial set bonus( armor, belt, amulet)), 40% chance gaurds or Frostburns if u need the +40% to max mana, 40%+ War travelers. Use at least 10 7%mfsc and all resist sc.
Stats: 95 or 93 Str, ( war travelers requires 95, shako gives +2 to all stats but i hate uneven stats) Base dex, dont add anything its a complete waste, your not supposed to be hit remember so whats the point of blocking.
Vit 200+ as well as Energy 200+ i usually keep them at the same lv, 5 into vit this one, next lv 5 into energy, the key goal is over 800 life and 1000 mana charms can help this too if u dont want to add that much to one or the other.
And finally the most important, SKills: I suggest this build for a MF sorc, 20 frozen orb, 1 cold mastery, 1 in shiver armor, (dont get chilling waste of a skill point and utterly useless, shiver helps you get out of sticky melee situations) 1 in all the cold prerequistes for orb. in Lightning 1 static field, 1 in energy shield and 1 in all the prerequisets, teleport is an important one but its alrdy included in getting energy shield. do not get thunder storm or nova, waste of skills, their only good w/ mastery and DO NOT put 1 point into mastery, its useless for this build. Finally you're killing weapon, Fire - 20 fire wall or hydra your preferrence, 20 fire mastery, 10 or 15 warmth 1 in each prereq.
I perfer Fire wall, maxed out w/ mastery and the +9 skills u get if u use skulders and lidless rather than tals armor and mf shield which is only +7 or tals armor and lidless for +8, you can get upwards of 7000 to 8000 fire damage per second, hydra can get about 1500 each shot i believe, im not sure, never used hydra. totaling in (28 in cold)(7 in lightning)(57 in fire) stats in each tree.
useing the firewall path this consitutes a total of 92 skill points which u can reach by lv 80, (you get +12 from your quests) after lv 80 u can put the points where you want, max warmth or put a few towards getting thunderstorm if u like the way it looks, since it wont do hardly any damage. That is my Sorc mf build, using Tals armor and Amulet. +8 all skills
Ok moving on to Pk Sorc, Now most PK sorc are going to be the lightning thunderstorm killers. I suggest this build, Equip: Que Hegans Wisdom, +1 skills, fast cast, fast hit recovery decent defense w/ um rune or good 15% all resist jewel, Lidless for +1 skills w/ UM rune, Harlequin Crest Shako w/ Um rune, Oculus w/ good 15% all resist jewel, (um runes dont give resist in weapons) , 2 Soj's of course, Tals amulet (life mana resist and +2 skills) or a good +2 skills and fast cast rate w/ resist if you can find or buy it, Tals belt, gives u mana and 37% damage taken goes to mana, w/ energy shield you can get about 90% damage taken to mana. or use glooms trap for the +% increase to mana .Frostburns gloves, Silkweaves for boots, both for increase to mana. This is a pretty good Equip set up, if u dont like Que Hegans Use a 35% all resist Vipermagi w/ Um or your chioce jewel to socket. Useing quests and all the Um' runes for resist with the Que Hegans resist should be a base of 27 to all in hell, plus the 33% lightning resist on tals amulet useful for those other pk sorc,
Use as many lightning skills grand charms you can get your hands on, I recommond over 5, use 5% all resist small charms and +20 to life small charms, (getting them on the same charm would be rare indeed, to buy each one would cost about 20 soj) so use all resist sc and +20 life sc and +1 lightning skills gc. if you choose to use vipermagi over que hegans you can get +62 too all resist in hell, just 3 5% all resist sc and you've got maxed resist in hell, it takes 10 5% all resist sc to max the que hegans useing sorc resist in hell. so actually if you used Que Hegans with 10 lighting skills gc, and 10 all resist sc, you would have +10 lighting skills and +50 too all resist in your inventory, and absolutley no space, i recommend 5-7 lightning gc, maxing your resist and filling the rest of the space w/ +20 to life small charms, so 7 lightning gc, 10 5% all resist sc and 9 +20 to life sc, no space left.
Stats: 65 str, its all u need to use Silkweaves which are your highest str requirement. Dex, base unless u want to pump hella and use a stormshield whihc means you pump your str up to 156 you would both for good blocking, to me it isnt worth all the stat points which could be better used in vit and energy, try to get over 1000 life, use +20 to life vita charms and pump Vit to 200-250, Energy to the same, 200-250, mana should run over 1600 with all your +% to mana items, (frostburns, silkweaves and glooms if u choose to use it)
Skills, - Fire put 15 to warmth nothing else into the fire tree (15 points to skill tree), Cold- Use Shiver armor and orb, 1 into shiver and the prerequisite, 10 to orb for now and 1 to mastery 1 to all prerequistes (18 to skill tree) and lightning now - 20 to mastery of course, 20 to thunderstorm, 20 to nova, 1 in energy shield, 1 static, 1 in prerequistes, all sorc should have teleport, it's wut makes them fast (67 skills to tree) totalling 100 skills, attainable by lv 88 which shouldnt be too hard for a lightning sorc. Lightning is your main weapon, the cold is for slowing down enemies and those you come across that are lightning immune.
Thx for anyone who decided to read my post. It's rather long but hopefully equally informative, my opinions, but seems to be rather powerful for both builds.
MF Sorc -- Wannaget-High lv 80 PK Sorc -- Raging-Tempest lv 21 (lv 88 soon, give me a couple weeks |
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First of all I've seen some sorceress battles and it was said that Immunes are some big problems for the sorceress if they concentrate there attacks on one spell only like Frozen Orb. To me there not big problems, I see a sorceress defeat Duriel(in Nigthmare,Immune to Cold) with the attack of Frozen Orb. So I make a sorceress concentrated on Frozen Orb.To beat immunes with FO is to put more skill points in Cold Mastery.I have killed more than 1 immune to my cold attack.
If you are using cold attacks then maxs Cold Mastery it very effeective. I've killed bosses that are Immune to cold attacks, more than one, and I've seen Duriel in Nigthmare Immue to cold beaten by by cold attack.so max out Frozen Orb and Cold Mastery.
Michael Kris-Ballade sorceress level 45 |
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yo! this is how to make a sorc in my opinion. first, get rushed to hell to cows. it sucks playin through with a sorc. i am a cow mf and duel sorc. alright for skills MAX frozen orb, thunderstorm, and lightning mastery. put 3 in cold mastery 10 in warmth and 1-watever depending on how much u use static field. get the iron jang bong. or gull. if u can u must get oculus. armor get spirit shroud. helm get peasent crown. boots get wartravelers or sanders. belt get glooms trap. or snowclash. for gloves get frostburn. amulet get maras or highlords. ring 2 sojs , or 2 perfect nagels. now for stats.
strength --- get as much as u need to use ur stuff, dex --- same thing as strength, vitality --- 200 to 240, energy --- 240 to 300
this character has only 2 character problems when dueling!!!!! the zon and the sorc. |
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Best Strategy for a Sorceress to Defeat Mephisto in Nightmare/Hell
Spells You will need: -Chilling Armor etc..., -Static Field, -Energy Shield, -Thunder Storm, -Firewall, - Nova , -Town Portal (Optional), -Teleport (Optional)
Directions: Your firewall should at least have 1k dmg. and so does your nova and thunder storm. If you plan to use Town Portal you should have at least 10 if you die a lot!!! First, find the Durance of Hate level 3 and teleport to Mephisto so those annoying Councilors won't follow you. Next... cast your Thunder storm, Energy Shield, and your ice-shields if you haven't done so. Go straight up to Mephisto so there is no space between you and Mephisto. You know why you should do this? Here is the answer: if you are at range then Meph. would shoot one of those ice balls at you and it's usually 100% kill. But, if you are right in front of him then he won't do that. Here is the next step, you do your static field until his life is reduced to the least then you start your Nova if you run out if mana use fire wall until he is killed!!! |
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Ok for a sorceress all you have to do is Max Frozen Orb, Max Thunderstorm, Max Lightning Mastery, put 10 pts. into Warmth. Put 1 pt. into everything in the lightning skill tree and put 1 pt. into frozen armor, 1 pt. into shiver armor, and 1 pt. into Cold Mastery. After you have all of this done simply Max out Nova (lightning). You can have a good sorceress at about level 75 which is a really low level. The items you need for MFing are a Harlequin Quest Shako (with a P. Topaz), Skullder's Ire Russet armor (with a P. Topaz), an Oculus Swirling Crystal (with an Ist rune or a MF jewel), Chance Guards with 35+MF, a Goldwrap belt, a MF amulet 40+ MF, 2 MF rings with 30+ MF, and a pair of War Travelers 40+ MF. This will give your over 500 MF... get a bunch of 7% MF charms and you will be finding a whole bunch of good items. You need about 120 strength, 50 dexterity with the rest evenly distributed between Vitality and Energy. |
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ok here is my strategy it is that i think most sorc are gonna be right that use firewall/frozen orb/nova/hydra combine any 2 of those specially hydra and fo and it will be pretty good plus u want energy shield and thunderstorm and at least lvl 10 warmth.i myself has decided after making prolly 5 sorc that are all about lvl 70+ that by the time u finsh sorc that type will be outta style unless u do the hell cow lvls at level 1 until u are lvl 70 and up, thats really just my thoughts cuz all 5 of my sorc have been out dated after i made them it took my prolly 2 months to make each one.i know its not much a strat just a little bit of one.if u wanna say sometin to me good or bad (preferalby good)email me veederhoffman@hotmail.com |
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Although normally i only teach clan members i see that most people here don't know what they are talking about. My clan, the MÅGES, are specialized in sorc and necro. what i first tell the new ppl that come in to our clan is that every build is specific for only one purpose. i see all of these people showing their "perfect build" when its really a weak build. ask you self what kind of chr you are making: cow/rush/pk/mf every one of those types of builds is different. mostly you will have to know all that you will wear before hand so you will not waste pts into useless things. look for good low req items that have good qualities that you are looking for. sorc we can take for example...
cow~ with cow sorcs you want light and cold resis to be above +50 b/c of king and nova specialty cows. you will use alot of mana for tele and orbing (static uses lil mana). use lvl restric once you get to lvls 75ish so you can lvl faster. with "leechers" as you put it, the bring down the exp. find exp shrines as fast as you can and wait for people so say "up" the tp to town after gettin the shrine.
1. skills are mostly in static/orb/warmth/mana shield/cold armor
2. vit/str/dex all have a max while energy you will never have one vit 100 pts, str (depending on armor) 25-80 dex 51
3. armor will vary on how much str you place in it. i personally for cow sorcs go for money find so i can gamble in high lvls (86-99) for godly ammies and sojs. in that case goldskin, chancies, 3pskull death mask, eye of wall (or sigon for the +1) shield, money find rings, ammy, boots, and shard.
5. qualities are: high mana regen, mf/money find/fast caste rate, resis to cold/light, high mana, low requirments
rush~ this is for rushing friends through all three difficulty lvls do go straight to hell cows, best way to lvl quickly. you will use tele alot, main diff will b in hell, a2 mostly b/c of so many Qs you have to finish plus cold imuen durial. although a4's magis can be a real pain.
1. skills: ts/orb/metoer or hydra/warmth/mana shield
2. pts: dex (depending on weapon) none-51, str (depending on armor) 25-100, energy (150-infinity) vit (100-300)
3. 3pruby (or str gems) crown/mask, mage plate/high resis, 3pdimon (also i norm have an xtra one of rubies for a4) shield (tower for high block ratio), shard/calwen point/gull, treads, +1 or +2 ammy, frosties, goldwrap, soj or resis rings
4. qualitites: +skill pts, resis, mf, fcr, high defense
pk~ in the pk world it is vital to not waste pts into things you don't need to. your build must be directly for a type of chr you want to fight, this works for most chrs no matter what kind of chr you make. your adv to having a sorc is hydras (which can't be killed), tele, orb (wide spread), mana shield (basicly a second life), masteries
1. fire- mana shield/hydra/mastery/warmth/cold shield
cold- mana shield/orb/mastery/warmth/cold shield
2. (two kinds of sorcs for pts... vit or mana. i choice mana) str 25ish, as small as you can have it the better, dex none, vit 100ish maybe 150, mana as much as you can.
3. maelstrom wand (low req and decent fcr/ligth resis), hawkmail, 3pdimond/ruby/saphire/topez (depending what type of sorc you face), 3pskull crown/mask, treads, nightsmoke belt, either frosties or good high resis gloves or mage-fist, treads/high resis boots, sojs/mandals (for 20 mana regen plus +20 mana)/high resis, high resis/+1 or +2 good resis ammy
4. look for fcr, mana, mana regen, hit recovery, low requirments, resistence
mf~ probably the most easiest one to build. mostly i combine this one and y rusher one. mephi/arcan/wrong tombs chest (a2)/di/travensal (or however you spell it, wp above hate durence lvl 2/norm cows king (gull)/nm cows or hell chests/andy/smith/chaos make sure most of those runs go in hell diff lvl. remeber gambling only goes by the lvl ur at and not mf so don't waste you money =). also the more people and the higher the lvl the more chance of getting good items... might want to try a cow game in a tradeing game if you can handle it. in a full room with the cow portal behind gheeds place, few ppl ever learn of it and i normally find good stuff.
I apoligies for the length of this stratagey but you can't make just one sorc for everything or for that matter any type of chr. always remember that there is going to be some one else better then you out there and never asume anything. a lvl 20 chr guy just might have 4 chrs above lvl 90 that could kick ur ass. key pts is plan out what type of chr your making, what you will be wearing and the requirments to wear those items. Also create many friends that can rush you through norm-hell lvl so you can leech in hell cows, i kno it defeats the purpose of the game but after a time it gets annoying doing all three over and over just b/c u messed up on a chr. i have disarmed 9 characters alrdy and have learned alot from my mistakes, resis counts for alot of things and skills only count when your trying to lvl. good luck and always pay respect to the MÅGES.
~ÞoÞhet -- Elder of clan MÅGE, Wing Leader of Blood Wing and teacher of prophecy |
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If u think putting all ur skill points into one element of magic, UR SOO WRONG! I ve been told that concentrating all ur points are the best way, but Wat if u come across a immunity monster?? go melee with it? I think the best idea is to spread out the points.I think maxing out firewall,Nova(I personally favoured it)frozen orb and thunderstorm is the bomb to blood bath.
Items: I am personally using a orculus and a 4 socketed lidness eye with perfect diamonds. I also am using a shako with 2 p topazes to boost up my mf. waterwalk is the key to sorc boots and magefist is the best gloves a sorc can find.
I am using a tal rasha ammy with 1 raven frost and a soj. a unique sharkskin belt is the bomb because whoever hits u will get a auto bouncebak damage. my alternate weapon is a memory staff which has fast cast and all the other great stats.
Stats:I have about 142 in my strength and 133 dex. I have about 851 life so the rest of the stat points I poured it in mana. I currently have 988 mana.
The most important key for a sorc if ur an expert is to keep great distance away from the enemy and attack them with ice damage so it slows down the opponent. they use firewall to kill or knockdown massive damage from them.
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max out hydra max out warmth max out all novas
max out lightning storm that is all you need |
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I've seen alot of PK sorces out there, and they are pretty good, but i dont
think its as good as mine.
Fire Branch: Your gonna want warmth around 13 or something, its fine from there.fire wall at bout 15 and fire mastery at 15, ur gonna know y soon.
Ice Branch: That one cold armor (4got what its called) 1 pt. Blizzard: 10 pts and bout 10pts to ice mastery
Lightning branch: max out thunder storm and as much as points you can into thunder storm, 9 pts into thunder masta, pt to the one that takes alot of hp (4got name) and one into teleport.
Ok heres the stratagy. Cast thunderstorm. have fire wall and blizzard on seperate clicks. When groups of enemies come, blizzard'm. This freezes'm. Than you cast the fire wall on them. The blizzard really works with this cuz the blizzard slows'm down in the fire wall for max damage and ur thunderstorm will be hitting ppl. This when your in hell though, ur gonna do alot of mixing cuz of everyones resistances. Just always have the thunderstorm on and either use blizzard or firewall, it works. In dueling, use the same stratagy (u might be screwed if they have an item that can't let'm be frozen) but keep on firing away with ur blizzard and fire wall. Make sure on ur weapon switch (w) u have a bow, teleport, and maybe static field on u. Static field helps ALOT.
Merc. Act 2 merc, BUT DONT HIRE HIM UNTIL NIGHTMARE. In nightmare, get a defence one cuz he got holy freeze insted of defiance (and holy freeze can freeze ppl even with there cant be frozen shit) if u have this merc, u can concentrate a lil less on blizzard and on something else (preferably chain lightning). Give'm a 6 socketed weapon and fill it with 4 p emeralds and 2 p skullz. have socketed armor and socketed helm and put p skullz in'm so he can live ( saves u cash).
I'd suggest that u have another character for mf cuz your sorc needs good armor.
Stats, 125 str, 60 dex, 100 vitality, 200 energy, this is fine.
Equipment if u want to beef up fire wall, i suggest salamanders staff, cuz it gives big plus's to fire. If u dont wanna beef fire wall, than find something that'll beef ne thing else with, but theres a lil trick with the salamander. It gives u meteor bonus (try to beef up this skill just a teency bit if u got act 2 merc) aim the meteor when their frozen and get even more burning damage. Get 2 SOJ's (+1 skillz, lit resist, %25 more mana)sander boots (if u want, max out blaze, its really fun since u go faster) for ammy, i suggest u go hunt down a unique Mahim Oak Currio Amulet. This gives +10 to the following: Str, dex, energy, vit, and resistinces. Find ne good gloves u can, i use a cleglaw pincer, its really good. ( What you do is use a bow and shoot'm down, use blizzard, and fire wall'm. Cleglaw glove slows'm down even more, inflicing alot more damage!) find ne good charms and ur all set!
Killing bosses I only got one stratagy, and thats the smith (act 1 guy guarding malus) All u need is blaze. Cast blaze, run around the thing thats holding the malus. He'll be right on ur tail, getting burned alot. Just keep on doing this and hes gone.
Dueling LIke i sed, TS, Blizzard, and FW. First shoot'm with a arrow to slow'm down with the cleglaw than unload all ur magic. I nvr lost a duel when i got to lvl 90. when i was 74, all i did was duel and i took down lvl 90 and up zons like they were bacon. I remmeber only losing once cuz of lag. NUTIN CAN BEAT THIS STRATAGY IN DUELING, THEY WILL ALL FRY!!!!! MAKE THEM FEEL YOUR WRATH!
ne way have fun.
Matriarch dualforce lvl 97 (asn), matriarch 1kvolt lvl 96 (sorc), matriarch burning_toe lvl 80 (sorc), matriarch arrow-sniper lvl 85 (Zon), patriarch berserked-drunk lvl 84 (barb), patriarch undeadhulK lvl 70 (nec), patriarch Spider_Hulk Lvl 91 (pally), matriarch jabbing_XzOn lvl 87 (zon) |
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I have been playing for a few months on Battle.net and I must say the easiest to make and easiest to level character is the Lightning Skill Sorceress. I'll make this short but very valuable so read carefully.
For Battle.net Lightning Sorceress get the following equipment: Oculus (Unique Orb), Lidless Wall (Unique Shield), Skin of Vipermagi (Unique Armor), Gloom's Trap (Unique Belt), Two Stone of Jordan Rings, Silkweave (Unique Boots), Amulet that gives 3+ to Lightning Skills or 2+ to all skills, Tarnhelm (Unique Helm) or a Circlet/Coronet/Tiara/Diadem with 2+ Sorceress skill-levels or 3+ Lightning skills, and Frostburn (Unique Gauntlets) or Magefist (Unique Light Gauntlets).
This equipment is very easy to find or trade for. Oculus is the hardest one to get so collect items that you can trade for it in case you don't find it yourself. Once you got Oculus you will enjoy 10+ skill points to your lightning skills from items, which is incredibly useful. In addition to that you will have to invest wisely into Lightning skills.
Since you are on Battle.net you will have the opportunity to get to Hell Mode easily by asking your friends to help you, paying someone to rush you, or even "leeching" on other players which is not so nice. Well once you are in Hell Cows you will have to leech since you will be a low level sorceress.
That does not mean that you cannot be nice. Make your own Cow Game Room and make the portal to the Cow Level on your own. Other players will be glad to come and let you "leech" on them since you made the portal.
Leveling will be fast in Cow Level but you might want to do the Ancients Quest to get easy levels. Note that you have to be level 20+ to do Ancient Quest in Normal Mode, level 40+ to do it in Nightmare Mode and level 60+ to do it in Hell Mode. After all being said you will be level 63 in no time and by then you will be strong enough to duel any character and kill as many cows as you want, no matter how strong they are.
The following should be your level distribution: Warmth (20), Nova (20), Thunderstorm (20), Lightning Mastery (20), Mana Shield (20), and the rest in prerequisites. Max out Nova and Lightning Mastery first, then Thunderstorm and Warmth, and Mana Shield last. All five spells that you concentrate on will be level 30 thanks you your items and their strenght will show on Hell Cows and other Players and will amaze you.
This is pretty much all you need for one of the best and easiest made characters in Diablo LoD. Later in game when you can easily do "Magic-Find runs" or "Cow-runs" you will come along very valuable items that will even more enhance your Lightning Sorceress. Some of those items are Harlequin Crest (Unique Helm also known as Shako), Mara's Kaleidoscope (Unique Amulet), Skulder's Ire (Unique Armor), War Travelers (Unique Boots), and Grand Charms that give 1+ to Lightning Skills. Upgrading your "Momma" ( that is how I like to cal her) with these will generate the strongest character in game for killing cows or dueling or killing the Prime Evils (Mephisto, Diablo, or Baal).
"coachazer" or "tik-tak" |
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i was looking at some of these strategies and i noticed that people said that blaze sucks and they are way wrong!!! blaze is the best! think about how many monsters follow u around when you run away! lvl 10 blaze does without mastery around 150 damage per second! and if your firing frozen orbs too, u can kill booses in 10 seconds! point 3 or 4 points into fire wall for Duriel, so you can burn him at first and then blaze him too! use lightning too for points point mainly into vitality and energy, then strength. Actually if you have level 6 warmth before blaze wears out your mana will be fully recovered. that is if you dont use any other skills. So use blaze and fire mastery and do around 400 damage to following enemies! this is also a great strategy for PvP
melee fighters will have to follow u when you run away so kill their merc if its act 1 or 3 and minions with chin lightning so you hit them too then frozen orb and blaze the melee guy!
make sure u have a stanima potion or 2 and youll kick their butt!
mordor_witch lvl 84 |
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Id just like to say everyone that says not to max out warmth they are right. i just restarted my socr that was lvl 87, i put to many oints into it. now my lvl 30 socr(BlackSocr). and forzen orb its not all its cut out to be, blizzard is the best cold attack, altgough it takes some bit of mana it still does more damage, almost double the amount!!!!! with + to skills stuff you should have enough points into everything you need. when people say that the lidless wall sheild is the best they are right. and for back up skills becouse cold doesnt always get through places(act 1 hell) put skill into static thing (damn i cant remember the name!!!!) that takes the lfe of the enemy 25%, fire wall, blaze, and blizard and some othert stuff that you see fit. just dont out more than one point into static feild(the one that shoots little lightening bolts), and put some into chain lightning and lightning mastery.
Danny -- BlackSocr im on battle net so feel free to help me /w mini_me000
im just about to facer baal in normal. |
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-dont raise any fire spells except for warmth
-max out frozen orb
-max out thunder storm
-max out lightning mastery
-max out nova
-3 to cold mastery
that's about the main thing you need |
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Cheezah's MF-Light Nova Sorc (B.Net version)
Hello! I would like to share my strat for a MFNova sorc.
What you need to do is first of all to choose the sorceress class on Battle Net. Then you need to start your leveling. Recomended is of course to ask a few experienced players to help you get to Hell cow level asap, 1-2 hours max. Then just join a cow game and leech =). This is not liked by many players but once you have been in 5-10 games your level should be enough to make them hold their mouth.
Ah well...over to the character points you get each level. I've distributed my points as follows: Strength 30%, Dex: 15%, Vita: 25%, Energy: 30%
Untill you reach level 30 put the points like this each level. 1 str 1 vita 3 energy. Your energy is important in ealry game and is recomended to get up to a desired level kinda fast. Most people say that this point distrubution is kinda wakko. But since you will put around 10 points into warmth there will be no problems.
The skill tree then, where to put my level points ? Static field -- Maxed out, Nova -- Maxed out, Thunder Storm -- Maxed out, Warmth - 10 points, This means 90 skill points go here already. The rest is used for pre reqs and to get Frozen armor and energy shield.
Look for this equipment: Skullders Ire, Oculus, War travelers, Harlequin Crest, Stormshield, Chance Guards, Goldwrap, 2 Nagelrings or MF rings around 30% mf or more, 1 Amulet with MF, lots of 7% mf small charms. There are other good stuff you can use as well. Ex, Instead of Oculus you can go for Gull dagger, Stormshield can be changed to so many shields ex lidless wall.
Anyway, good luck ! (this is by far the best nova sorc out there) |
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I have a 38 lvl sorc and I think sorc is the easiest craracter to play on d2 because of its long range advantage... Whatever I recommend you use your skill pts to fire and ice because lightning has a wide change of damage like 1-100 etc...The first point is to slow your enemies use ice blast and its relatives then to fry your enemies use your fire skills like the fireball or inferno... Dont use your skill points on lower level skills like inferno because it will be useless in the future... On lower levels try to get items that increases the chance to find magical items that way you can find useful stuff that will boost you. Warmth is your best friend cause your primary need is mana not health. Use skulls on socketed items to boost your regeneration of mana and for the stats I recommend to pump mana and strength because str means high armor and high armor rating and mana is your life... Gambe circlets to find useful sorc items...
Macbeth the sorc |
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First off you when starting a sorc you should choose 2 elements. Like ice and lighting. For a sorc its all about +ing skills with items. Here are some the perfect sorc itemz: weapon: oculus + 3 skill, sheild: grim sheild + 1, helm: shako +2, gloves: frostburn of magefist, boots: anything with 30 or 40% faster run., ammy: try getting + 3 lighting ammy, rings: 2 SOJ's or nagal 4 mf ing, armor: serpent skin +1, belt: tal rasha belt is OK but i recommend snow clash. Altogether this does about +11 to all skills and if you put 1 into each skill and element you even it out and have a great all around sorc. : ) and with the remaining skill points put it into like t storm and f/ orb
-lv. 97 sorc.- |
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Well for my first point i'd like to say i saw allot of ppl baggin fire wall (fw) but have u ever used it with a good set of items and fire mastery and fw maxed?!?!?!?. Well i have and i'd just like to say if they can stay in it for 1 sec (merc, other fighter, obstacle, You) well then they take 5000 dmg and that seems to kill allot of things, plus that cannot take out fire immunes so max out frozen orn 5-10 into cold master 10 in warmth (that worked fine 4 me) 20 fw 20 fire msateryand then into ts and lighting mastery plus a good set of +skill items, ( Lore is a must 4 newbs (rune word look it up) i have +7 i think and u have a damn good sorc who can whip thru bloodruns and even cows if they stay still (or not). Don't worry that much about stat points no more than 100 in strength there r other plus skill armors, only in dex if u want 2 carry sumin special :)...why do u need it? 100-200 in energy wateva u like, and the rest in vitality.... i can continuoulsy firewall or frozen orb and i have yet 2 run out of mana. There ar many other altenatives i am just suggesting this one it wokred 4 me :)
Mf-sorc, now with an mf sorc u will mostly b takin out meph unless theres sum1 better???? i reckomend orb maxed with ice mastery high and static good enuf to take the screen if not longer! and ts that's all folks.
Ice_blink, ice_gunz.v |
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lvl 52 sorc: ok, i can kill ball nightmare no problem, well i could but i got hacked.:( anyway put only one skill into all skill until you get to lvl 20, only put them into the ones u are absolutely gonna use. then when ur lvl 30 out points into fronzen orb and clod mastery(Only 5-8 in mastery), fire wall and fire mastery, put some into thunderstorm and 2 innto lightning mastery. put a few into chilling armour aswell. |
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I am only a lvl 37 sorceress and have killed many lvl 60-80 characters with my stratagy. First of all do not, I repeat do not get anything under fire except wrath because in nightmare and hell a lot of characters are imune to fire. Second is to specialize in ice but only +1 to each skill. Also upgrade lightning a little but concentrate on wrath for regeneration. By the time u are lvl 30 keep upgrading the last ice skills and the last lightning skill as well as thunder strike. after a while of upgrading those then upgrade the type of chill armor you use and mana shield. P.S. Try to get as many +1 (or higher) items as u can. And to be a powerful sorceress you MUST be wearing 2 sojs.
Isander |
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I have read the strategies posted here, and having made so many sorcs I thought i would share my opinion, all the sorcs i have made are High Life, High Resistance, huge dmg sorcs. I stick to all one element (Lightning) and tear everyone/thing apart in PK and Cow Killing. I have a lvl 91 sorceress that i am planning on taking to 99, she wears the following: +3 lightning skills circlet, +3 lightning skills amulet, Wizardspike, Viscerataunt (with UM rune), magefist gauntlets, 2 sojs, Vipermagi and Silkweaves. Those are fairly easily aquired and adds a total of 10 + skills. Simply max nova, ts and warmth and trust me nothing can stand in your way, static field any cows that attack you and nova the heck out of them, while ts is attacking random cows.
Stats are the following: Str: 65, (nothing requires more than that, if it does don't use it), Dex 75 ( must have for a wizardspike), Vit: 270 ( this gives you a base life of 950 without items), Energy: 180 ( +mana items, warmth,and the sojs will keep you're mana in great shape)
*P)20phecy. (the o is a zero and there is a period at the end.) |
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Guys Guys If you really want a good sorc then listen to me not those other newbies...First off stats..NO dex what so ever..Get enough strength for your weapon and armor stuff..then put most of your points into Energy just a little in Vit. After a while after you have like 200 to 250 stats in Energy put the rest in Vit and if you don't have enough Strength put some in it too. Now the serious part i am sending this is because all the other info is all ******** for NEwbs.Start out putting ur skill in warmth.Till you have a good amount of it about 8[Get SoJ and other stuff to get it highter]In the beginning try to survive a little and ask for help don't be fighting andy in act one alone unless you are in the 20s. Save up your skill levels and when your lvl 30 start spending them in THUNDER STORM, FROZEN ORB, LIGHTING MASTERY, COLD MASTERY, you need Teleport, nova, and other too but those are the most important stuff.......now stuff for you sorc...get Oculas, Soj, A GOOD AMMY, Lidless, Shako, GOOD GLOVES AND BOOTS.
Lvl 85 Sorc XioNyczaznoix |
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First thing is don't listen to anyone who says bowasorces suck, not only rule in cow, but alsow against bosses and RULE duels. I currently have a Goldstrike arch gothic bow "nef"- considerate dmg knockback fist of heavans what more do u want? I have a 620 skullers nice mf defence and 1 to all skills. Tals ammy- nice 2 sorce skills. 2 sojs- traded a jah rune for 7 and they work for me. frostburns- not best defence but 40% more mana. Waterwalks- 20%run walk and slow stamina, i cant get a sorce to keep her stamina so i like these boot alot. noseferatus coil- i need some life leach and slow and 2 to mana after each kill, works for me. Traded 3 sojs for my helm, yes the vampire gaze- asome helm and its perfect defence and leaches magic reduce 20% but the dmg itself is just 12.
I dont think i messed up. i maxed warmth, ts, orb, fire wall and 3 into all masteries. I have little energy sheid, and chilling armor. My sorce is lvl 93, she kills 99's teaming up. Hell cows are nothing up to me. Diablo is a little trouble, but fire wall and orb kill him fast also i have ts hitting him from up to and the goldstrike knocking him back. I summon fire walls behind him and freeze him he gets knocked into it. I teleport good and most of his lightning inferno touches me and i have like 13 10% resist all small charms.
My sorces power is scary, so dont mess with bowasorces
tri-bowest lvl 93 sorce. |
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i have 3 +90 lvls sorc...i'd tried out almost all the skills of a sorc. The best skills i found to kill monsters is ice orb and the best skill to duel is to use ice orb and thunderstorm!
In order to survive in hell, you'll need skills from at least 2 different skill tress. My recommendation will be ice and lightning. For ice skills: Max ice orb, add abt 10-15 skill points to cold mastery(u can max it if u want) and add 1 point to shiva/chilling armor. For Lightning skills: Max nova, thunderstorm and lightning mastery. 1 point to static and teleport and a abt 3-5 to mana shield. All the skill levels recommended are not inclusive of the additional skill points u get from gear. This strategy can be extrememly useful if u intend to train your sorc to at least lvl 85. If not, dun max your skills and add a few to each skill.
Stats: Dun pump more than 80 to strength...just enough to wear resonably good armor. Dun forget...we sorcs seldom get hit. Dun touch dex!!!! Pump the rest to vit and energy!
Equipment: Armour: Spirit shroud, skin of viper magi is great becoz of the +1 to skills. If u want a higher defense armor, u should go for Que-Hegan's Wisdom mage plate. The +1 to skills, damage reduced and faster cast rate is great!
Helm: Shako if u can find, if not any helms that gives a +2 to sorc's skills. If u really cannot find, then a Peasant Crown will be great. Boots: Any faster run/walk boots will be good enough but i use waterwalk becoz of the defense against missiles.
Gloves: Frostburns! The increase max mana 40% is great! Belt: Gloom's trap! Almost all properties of this belt about increasing mana....I know some people recommend snowclash becoz of the additional skills but i do not like it becoz it requires too much strength. Ammy: Any +1 or 2 sorc skills ammy. Rings: SOJs! if not faster cast rate rings will do.
If u realised that almost eveything i wear add additional points to skills...this is extremely important for a sorc.
For example, i have a sorc that has lvl 32 thuderstorm and i use her to duel. 1 zap is all it takes....the max dmg done is about 2000!
That's all! Enjoy playing your sorc! |
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i have a lvl 50 sorc but i own ;P i assign hot keys to teleport and meteor (should be next to eachother) and thunder storm and hydra and ice orb and the rest just make up to your preferences (i use static, blizzard, and nova). now when u start a duel get chilly armor up and ts, then let them 'take the floor' (go first) then when you run out teleport to behind them then hotkey to meteor and drop a meteor, then tele away and do the same, then if they still alive keep teleporting around and orbing, the main thing here is to KEEP MOVEING! because barbs and pallys and necros and to an extent other sorcs are completly helpless because they cant close the gap... its cheap but it works
my skills are about 8-12 each cept warmth which is 15 and my stats are str 90 for armor 40 dex 110 vit and 150 eng
this work well against big d and the other bosses too cuz they wont kno what to do.... give em hell hope it helps |
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I have heard alot of crap about sorcs bout as i have beat the game on hell single playe lvl 47 i have a few tips that you might(just might) benifit from. Start off putting points into ice blast. lvl 2 ice blast and then 2 points into frozen armor then put the rest into warmth until lvl 18 and thern get fire wall to a decent lvl like 5 then get glacial to 5 and tp to 5. get max thndr strm and |
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i want to give some advice on using the sorceress, first off i think the sorceress is the coolest character sense you can pelt the enemy from far away, and not even gain a scratch, well almost. Also i would like to offer some advice on skills, and elements. Alot of people stick to just one element which can be a very bad thing in the long run. I found out the hard way, cause i created a fire sorceress, putting most points in firewall and hydra, and right now my firewall does 416damage per second, which knocks out almost everything very fast. even in nightmare im burning with it, but then i ran across a creature who was imune to fire which left me wondering how and the hell was i gonna kill the damn thing, so i ended up pelting him for 20minutes with the lowest cold spells ever. basically it is good to have a main element you focus on, but it is needed to have some points in cold or lightning aswell. currently i have learned from my screw up and now my sorc has a powerful firewall, other nice fire spells, and my newest favorite, is frozen orb, which i have been upgrading now. it has helped to utilize the other spells aswell instead of focusing on one element only. that way you dont end up facing a creature who is imune to the majority of what you can cast.
Dame Gudmonstottir (lvl35 sorceress) |
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Magick sorc: i've put pts on str, vit and eng dex is useless cuz my hireling figth meele for me skills> glacial spike (quick hit spell!), frozen orb (isn't is the must?), chilling armor (cuz i'm don't go on direct combat, it hits ranged attackers!), warmth (mana recharge), firewall (fire and massive dmg!), hydra (to use w/ orb and firewall), teleport (for moving instantly), stactic (great but i'm just put 1 pt on it...), also the 2 masteries. This sorc is at lvl 56, i'm planning build thunderstorm for lit dmg. The best hireling for this sorc is a lut gholein guard w/ defiance (i've equipped him w/ great weapon and armor, he is the meele attacker )
Combat sorc: (you may think i'm insane, but its cool!) i've put pts on str, dex and vit not even one on energy! skills> enchant (my main spell!), shiver armor (extra protection), teleport (quick reach the enemy) stactic (sometimes helps). I'm go w/ sword and shield, and for sec weapon i have a bow. The best hireling for this sorc is the 1st act rogue (ranged attack) or lut gholein guard w/ blessed aim or migth. |
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the best sorc straregy:
wear-chaos armor imbued, The scwer of Krinitz, Demonhide belt rare is possible, Frostburns if possible, Treads make you go fast, Lizard rings and ammys, Mana helm
Skills:Enchant 15, Fireball max nice fire damage , satic 20 to reduce everyones hp
Use a bow for secondary weapon in case you run out of mana and of course for the fire immunes use shiver armor maxed just stand in one place and let them hit you and they will get cold damage to them(make sure you have ALOT of potions)you will need and for the fire and ice immunes use a nova which will blast them to smitherines and dont for get to hire a iron wolf which will help you
This strategy is so good in hell cows I kill a hell novine in 2 minutes each at level 66 I usually level up once every 12 hours of gameplay which is very godd IF maybe there is another strategy better than this e-mail me and tell me mine is not the best |
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For diablo 2 a lot of people say not to speard you skills when ur a sorc,but i say WRONG.when you get into nightmare and hell difficulty you will be switching skills a lot. i have to switch between frozon orb and fire wall alot.if you out just into frozon orb how will u kill cold immune enemies? |
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Well, if you get this far down the list of all these "My Sorc's the Best!" tips - your a better man(or woman) than me. Still, I couldn't help throwing my two cents in. First off, as stated in some of the above tips, just have fun -- there is a gazillion ways to set up a powerful sorc -- do what works best for you and your style of play. That said, let me tell you what I found effective for me and my style with my level 80 Matriarch Lightening Sorc. Two things real quick before I get into my stats which are highly effective for my style of play.
1) -- only invest 1 point into EVERYTHING initially (with a couple of exceptions - explained farther on). -- save your points for the one main spell in each tree, which are usually the level 30 spells. This INCLUDES WARMTH as I explain farther down. By Hell, you'll need to have a hot spell in each tree because everyone is resistant to something and you'll find yourself having to switch between spells depending on the monster. Heck, wait until you get a group of monsters with mixed resistances -- you'll have fun jumping between spells. Decide which spells will be your main ones and save your points till then. If you put more than one point into a spell that, farther on, you never use again it's a wasted point, right?? At first things might be a tad hard but as you get items to augment your skills, that 1 point will become 7, 8 or more.
2) -- you don't need all those impossible to find Unique and Set items mentioned in many of the above tips (that so many people hack in and think they "built" a good character!) to create a hot Sorc. Granted, they'll be great items to have if/when you find them or trade for them. You will find lots of rare and easier to find unique items that add to your skills and stats, so play the game for real and don't be tempted to hack it. A good chunk of fun is FINDING an excellent item or dickering a cool trade. That all said -- I built my sorc to specialize in lightening. Why? It can do the most damage (though it can also do the least).
However, by the time I got into nightmare I had to begin to specialize in another tree - I chose fire. There's just something about casting Blaze and non-chalantly strolling away, checking out the scenery as the monsters obediently follow behind - burnin up in the trail of fire - that I kind of like. By the time I finished Nightmare I had also begun the cold tree, in order to have something in all three trees to be able to select any spell needed -- because everyone in hell is resistant to something and I wanted to have a tough spell for any occasion. On to the stats: In cold tree (which I started last): I put 1 point into Frozen Armor - this is augmented up to 7 by my items. I put one into everything else needed to get to the Frozen Orb which is currently at 10auged, and Cold Mastery which
is 8auged. That's it. The Frozen Orb is invaluable actually and arguably one of the best sorc spells, but I was building a Lightening Sorc. Still, this is my "Hot" cold tree spell. My suggestion is to not waste your points in Blizzard or Glacial Spike - save your points for Frozen Orb in this tree. In Electric (my chosen specialty): Static Field is the only "early" spell in this tree that I put more than one point into. It looks like alot of people were suggesting Charged Bolt as being good in Hell -- not by what I can see in my build. It just doesn't do the damage needed (mine's at 10auged and I tested it) and it's uncontrollable. I only put the one point in there needed to get the higher spells. The Static Field I set high for some good reasons -- Not only does it reduce the hitpoints of monsters 25% but it does so EACH TIME you hit it. Zap a monster 5 or six time successively and watch their life quickly drain away then switch to your "specialty" spell of choice for the killing blow. Putting more points into it means I can zap pretty much the WHOLE screen of monsters - or I can stand waaayyy back from the big bosses and drain their life while my merc is drawing their fire. Other people suggest Nova as well. My first Sorc I put alot of points into Nova (15) -- by the time I got to Hell she just wasn't taking out the monsters any more and they would quickly surround me in a baaaddd way. You can go this route - it still does damage -- but I gave up on it in favor of Chain Lighting for my Specialty. My Lightning Mastery is at 29auged and my Chain Lightning is at 20auged, doing 4-1365 points of damage. It's aimable, arcs between monsters, so it's great for groups (that are busy surrounding my merc) and it takes them out much quicker than Charged Bolt ever will. In addition, I've got my Thunder storm at 20auged and boys(or girls), it does 947-1428 damage a hit and lasts quite awhile. Many a monster falls with one zap and it works great in duels as well. It's a nice thing to have turned on while I'm busy zapping with my chain lighting. As for the energy shield, yeah, I wasted 2 points there - and I mean WASTED them. I don't use it anymore. First off - most times (all times) you want to stay away from the monsters, so technically you should'nt be taking hits if moving around, right? If you DO take a hit, what good does it do to have your precious manna dissapear?? Get your life and defense up so if you do take a hit it's survivable, run away (or teleport) -- turn and KILL the friggers with your spells. I had too many times where my manna was drained and I had nothing left to fight with. I NEVER use it any more so the 2 points I put into it were wasted. Teleport is invaluable so put 1 point into it but don't get to rely on it too much. It's notoriously fickle in the heat of battle and you just may find it not working right when you need it most. I use it mostly to get my merc right next to me - they tend to fall behind or get caught around corners. Teleporting brings them with you and they end up right next to you --where you need them. Also, I use it to quickly teleport across gaps or between rooms instead of walking the long way around.
My Fire tree: I only put 4 points into warmth though it's at 10augmented with items. I know, I know, almost everybody says "Max it out" but hey, I rarely run out of manna and I have very few manna recharge items. And believe it or not, my energy is the skill I have put the LEAST amount of points into for my stats. Granted, had I had a higher recharge on the warmth then maybe I could use the manna shield more -- It just never seemed to be that big a deal and in my book, too much in warmth is a waste. Pskulls in armor or helms and other good "finds" will recharge you quite adequately so use your precious points in your spells. I put a couple points into Blaze because, as stated earlier, it's handy for walking away from monsters and dealing them damage in the process -- it's GREAT for Duriel - just keep running around and he follows behind burning up -- (while Thunder Storm is zapping him). My Fire Wall is my "hot" fire skill but it's only at 12 auged and I have my masteries at 9auged. The hydra looks cool but I don't use it. I can see the advantages and have seen some sorcs use them quite effectively -- I just haven't had the spare points to invest -- and you DO need to get it high in order for it to be most effective.
So, in short -- hardly anything in warmth and a decent number of points in Static Field for "low" level spells. Then as much as possible into Frozen Orb (Cold); ChainLightening/Thunder Storm (Lightening) and Fire Wall (Fire). Max out your mastery in the tree your choosing as your specialty and throw as many as possible into the masteries of the other two trees. By the time you get to Hell you will be ready for anything. By-the-by, about the only "must have" item I have for this sorc is the "Lidless Wall Grim Shield". I've also found and am using the Peasant Crown cap and Bul-Katho's wedding band ring among others. My orb is a rare that gives +2 to skills AND +2 to lightening masteries so I lucked out there.
When it comes to resistances (Oh so important!) make your self some Smoke armor (NefLum) which ups your resistance. Also, I tend to do something it seems most people don't do -- I equip the #2 weapon selection. My #2 weapon is the unique Hexfire Shamshir which gives +3 to fire skills and ignore's targets defense and ups my fire res 25% (among others) and my shield is a
grim shield runed to the tried and true "Ancient's Pledge" (RalOrtTal). My resistances in hell are in the teens, though poison is at 57. When I run across an electric or aura enchanted boss, I hit the "W" on my keyboard, switching to the weapon config#2 which immediately ups my resistances to 60+ for fire and 30's for cold and electric, though my poison drops to 50. I can still fight quite well with all my spells. Why more people don't swap weapon conifgs, I'll never know. I guess they're just too lazy to hit the "W" key. lol
Stats: Strength is at 152 -- for armor though I regret this much -- should have put it into life, oh well -- next sorc. :), Dexterity is at 127 -- I melee on occasion and wiffing sucks...., Vitality is at 192 -- you can NEVER have too much life,, Energy is at 107 -- I hardly ever run out and it recharges adequately.
-- I come from the "old school" where defense actually meant something and I wanted the highest possible armor, hence the points in strength -- still, I definately put too much there. The suggestion of 100-110 that a number of guys suggested is adequate -- though I like about 125 - 135.
Lastly - the all important MERCENARY!!! Seems alot of people suggest the Barbarian as the best to go with the Sorc. Well, once again, I beg to differ. Initially I was using a Barb with HOT armor and the unique Cloudstrike sword. He was leveled right there even with me. He was fine enough when I was soloing but in groups he just seemed to die waayy too quickly.
Here's my suggestion for the best possible merc to go with your sorc. It's the Act2 defense Merc in NIGHTMARE (NOT normal). The defense merc in Act2 nightmare has the Pally Freeze aura! and as he levels it expands to cover alot of ground. Slowing the monsters down goes along way in helping you to survive -- that's why alot of you choose the Cold Sorc's, right? Further,
with hot armor and a great polearm the guy is like a Timex! -- takes a licking and keeps on ticking! -- (oh boy, that shows my age there... lol) Since you'll probably be leveled beyond him by the time you can buy him the best thing to do right after buying him is to join (or create) a NORMAL game and do "bloodruns" - -he'll level quickly-- like we all do in bloodruns -- and once he catches closer to your level you'll see how tough the little bugger can be. Then continue on and take him with you through the rest of your playing.
That's about it. Take what you want from this. Build your own sorc to your own tastes. I guarantee you're going to remake her a bunch of times as you try different configurations. The Sorc is my favorite character as she's the most fun. Later, and remember -- have fun! -- It's just a friggin game!! |
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u guys don't know what ur talking about............ WARMTH is a MUST. i saw messages that told readers to put ONE in warmth. MAX it. Another point, CHARGED BOLT is a LVL one skill. there are reasons why its a LVL one skill. DON"T MAX it. FROZEN ORB is a lvl 30 skill. MAX IT. max all the masteries cept' for cold. one to three points in it. divide ur stat points into strengh and energy. put stats in strenght until it reaches 100. That should give u enough strenght to wear some armor. the rest should go in energy.... put some into vitality occasionally. |
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Ok, for a Sorc, but a lot of points into frozen orb, cold mastery, thunderstorm, lightning mastery, a few points into teleport and warmth. Everything else is history. use frozen orb when things are coming at you (like barbs and pallys and druids), and from a distance, teleport and let ts do the work (for amazons, necros and other sorc's) |
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ICE/LIGHTNING SORC! Lets face it, when it comes down to it, questing gets very boring, so you have basically two choices, a DUELING/PK, or a MFING SORC! If you plan to make a MF Sorc, then you should probally follow my guide lines!
Only, and ONLY add no more then 5 to Warmth! A Good Sorc will have the equitmeant to add about +8-11, and that is well enough for Warmth. Then add only ONE to Shiver armor,Energy Shield, and Teleport! Like I said, a good Sorc will have the equimeant to make the skills very good! Only add one to everything that you MUST have to use the following skills: Orb, which you should definitly max out, Thunder Storm, which needs to be around 10-15, Nova, lvl 10-15, which is a good alternate attack for immunities! Masteries, gotta have em, Lightning should be your alternate attack, so you should only add 10-15 to the mastery, MAX OUT COLD MASTERY! I have heard alot about Static Field, but, doesn't seem to be very good to me, but you can add a few to it if you must. Fire skills, the only fire skill you need is Warmth, I have experimented with Fire, which doese INCREDIBLE damage, but damn, the dumbest monster is not going tos tand there and allow a Fire Wall to wear down their life.
-~ LvL 92 PK Sorc, lvl 97 MF sorc ~- |
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I've tested this one on other characters, and it's a sure fire.
you pump your warmth until other skills become available in lightening and cold. When one of those new skills becomes available, you drop ONE point into it. You continue with this until you hit level thirty. At which point, you have about level 15 warmth and all the prerequisits in ice and lightening. Don't bother with fire. It's not really worth the time and effort. After level thirty, alternate between frozen orb, cold mastery, energy shield, thunder storm and lightening mastery with yer skill points.
As far as stat points, my method sounds insane, but it helps later on. every level, 4 points to strength, one to dex. Do this until strength is 100. Then do 3 to energy and 2 to vitality until energy is 150 or 200, depending on your preference. As a sidebar to this, save ALL youtr chipped gems, rings and amulets. Once you have your cube, just keeping transmuting until you get something worth while. It's also a good idea to pump your magic find %. Skills kick, but it's the armor that'll keep you alive and casting. |
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Hey I have beat the game with all Char. And i think that all the people that said things about the Sorceress does not no much. I am not saying all but almost all.
Here is what i think you should do to make a good Sorceress is you should get about 14 on warmth. That is enough to get you going good. You should also have ammy, rings, shield and helm that gives +1 or more to your skills. This will help alot. I think that ice is not the best way to go. Because it does not do enough damage. You should put most of your skills to fire and lighting. You should max out nova and lighting mastery. This will do maassive dam. and you can cast it really fast. Also you should max out fire wall and fire mastery. With these 2 things you should have no prob. But in hell all those guys ammun. to magic you should run around with a druid or barb. Those guys will help you alot. And you can help them alot.If you do this you will have a great Sorceress.
92 Sorceress |
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Ok, I was really tired of these low lvl rookie sorcs trying to show people how to plat a badass sorc, so I decided to make a GOOD strategy. Ok, i have a lvl 97 sorc, and I wiil tel you that the skills u need to max ar Firewall, Fire Mastery, ThunderStorm, and Lightning Mastery. With just thse skills alone you will own everything. Now, you'll also need to put some points into Energy sheild and Shiver Armor, just so that you defense is boosted some. Another skill you'll need is of course Warmth. Put Warmth up to about lvl 9 or 10, and you'll be good. Items are another thing that need to be good. Now if you want a sorc that will rule ass, here are the items that u need.
Armor: Mavina's Armor, Helm: LORE helm (Rune combo item), Weapon: Oculus, or MEMORY STAFF (rune item), Boots: War Travlers, Gloves: Frost burn, Ammy: Tal Rasha's, Rings: SOJ ( of course! ), Charms: MF small charms and + to sorc skills charms
I f you just follow the things that I told you and try to get the items, you wil own any other Sorceress
CJM-Sorc LVL 97 |
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My sorceress is pretty much like all the others. I maxed out my warmth first, any other skill i just put one point into. then i prefer the ice skills myself so i maxed out frozen orb and got a few lvls in cold mastery...... but i think that should be maxed too. I also put some skills into static field, thunderstorm and lightning mastery. those help for cold immune enemies. static field helps kill bosses wonderfully. i dont care for fire skills but im going to get fireball and fire mastery up some because of enemies immunities. Unfortunately you have to spread yourself out with a sorceress, thats why it is one of the hardest characters to play. Now stats are very hard to figure out a good combo with.... mine stat strategy isnt great but it works. I put alot into energy and strength.
Defense helps out alot. you dont really need dexterity with a sorceress so i didn't put many points into that. vitality is useful but i didnt get it till later on.... lvl 35 or so. this worked out though because a sorceress is not combat oriented so you can live with out alot of vitality in the beginning. later on things dont die as easily as they once did so life now plays a part. My sorceress has died twice..... from dueling. This strategy has worked for me and i hope it can work for you. my sorceress is lvl 46 and still going good.
Pellendria |
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WHY IS NO ONE USING FIREBALL? fireball works great with firewall because it keeps enemies in place so they cant run out of the firewall, it can do lots of damage fast because it is such a fast spell to use. I have a level 30 fireball with my items, and a level 29 fireball, with 14 to fire mastery... if they aren't immune to fire they are NOTHING! tens of thousands of damage in seconds! And your probably thinking... what if they are immune? Level 27 Ice Orb! Level 8 Cold Mastery!!! plus, because of my items, i have a level 8 teleport and level 8 Energy Shield, and I didn't add a SINGLE point into either of those! So i have three maxed out spells, several decent spells, and I am going to start working on meteor (I havent put a single point into it, but when I do it will start out at 8 because of my items, and also the fire mastery will DOUBLE its damage and then some!) because it is useful to have a spell enemies can run into. Any regrets? Yeah... I have no points into thunderstorm, and it feels like it is too late in the game to start adding to it, plus I'd have to put points into prerequisites, and I just dont' have any spare points. GOOD LUCK!
Trina, lvl 76 |
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Ok sorces are one of the best chars. They are the best magic finders in the game. And a very good dueler. You should use the Oculus(duh) until higher lvl's, then the blade of alibaba is a great choice since your mf will be higher than the Oculus. If you wish to duel switch back to the oculus cause its +3 to your skills. You should put mf runes into the blade of alibaba since it will have ALOT of mf. YOU HAVE TO BE MORE THAN ONE ELEMENT)unless you dont want to play in hell) IF you use one element you will suck in hell........Your better choices are ice and lightning. Your skills should be FROZEN ORB, THUNDER STORM, NOVA, AND WARMTH and everything else you need to get those. For dueling ........dueling zon's is usually hard since there the best char, you should use ts and teliport when they use guided arrow. Sorces are a even match at dueling. Necros....use frozen ord it will kill him and his army. Pally's BE CAREFULL AGAINST THEM since they can use the resistence arua. Barabs ARE A LITTLE HARD cuase their natrual resistince. Druids will die quicklly like necro's with frozen ord. assy's are a good fight. NOW GO OUT THERE AND BE THE BEST SORCE YOU CAN BE
Meru_slambert lvl 50 |
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The sorceress is a great character with three skill tree's fire ice lightning. There are many great combos to be revealed about them some with one element others with to and yes even 3. Here are some great tips with all: Ice in my opinion is the best, it slows your enemies down. There are some must max skills like frozen orb and ice mastery. Also in a party and even single at a high mana cost GET FROST NOVA. People say it sucks no it doesn't it is a high mana cost but you have 300 plus mana. also glacial spike is critical, blizzard great yes but i suggest you don't max it out. Also chilling armor is great if you want a good sorceress. A good fire sorceress should at lest have some points towards inferno, it helps with the big bosses. You must max out fire wall hydra and at least ten points into fire mastery, at level ten it will double your fire attacks. You must put at least 15 points to warmth because with out mana what will your sorceress do? Yes i know metor is tempting to put your points into but please don't if you want to explore put one but i mean one save your points don't waste them on metor, in fact since you should have at least 7 points in enchant for the tough parts of the game for leechers. We get to lightning this is a great element for offence and defense. Max out lightning mastery chain lightning thunderstorm and 7 in the rest. With the left over points put into energy sheild DO NOT PUT INTO TELEPORT MORE THAN ONE that is the exeption just put one if the mana doesn't go down enough for you with the lightning mastery then put three or four points no more. Then put into energy sheild beleive me it is great.
The combos are ussually used with 2 or more elements for instance if you choose ice and fire some good combos are frost nova then burn them with inferno. If you are in a room with a lot of enemies use a chain lightnig then use a blaze it will take out lots of enemies quick with ease. Ice and lightning there are two great combos one is a low level using one ice bolt or blast and go crazy with the charged bolts until you run out of mana, the other one is similar it is with frost nova and nova.
I know one killer move with all three elements it involes three skills from the sky, metor thunderstorm and blizzard. This is really good in a multiplayer situation one sorceress of each element. (Note: max out warmth for a ice or fire sorceress lightning mastery reduces the cost for lightning moves so you don't really need it) |
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I read the advice on how to build a dueling sorc. I have a lvl 96 sorc and a lvl 99 Zon. The Zon was on the ladder pre-expansion. As for a dueling sorc, the best way is a one trick pony. Max lightning and Thunderstorm, max life and get the items and charms to give you at least a lvl 31 thunderstorm. It gets an instant hit when you teleport next to someone, and with lots of life you can take a hit or two. My Zon can take almost any barb/necro/asn/dru, but never a lightning sorc. 3000 lightning damage and that first hit pretty much conquers all. Not much fun to play in regular games, but as I said this is a one trick pony for those that want to duel. |
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I and my friends have experimented with the sorceress for a long time and here is the strongest combo we belive you can get in the game: Max warmth (duh), Frozen orb (the power and sheer freezing ability of this spell makes it invaluable),Lightning storm (for those enemies resistant to cold,plus it does a woping amount of damage,fire wall(u need a fire spell to balance ur character out) and shiver armour (a sorc needs the defence bonus). As for the rest of ur points (111 in the course of an entire game) divide them up between the masteries and as prequesits.Then u will be unstopable.good luck
Orb stone and Garhargerfocker,lv 57 and 79 sorceresses |
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well to use a sorce you need warmth early on, then put your points into charged bolt, this will make hell easier. Max out the bolt but not the warmth instead put point into ts, and orb and youll be fine, even though fire does more damage, its harder to hit people witht than cold or light. when you ready put you point into masteries. try to get a lidlees wall stones and an oculus along with an ammy that does two to skills try to use shake, or peasants crown and put p skull into those for the mana regen, then get a spirit shroud or skin of the viper magi socket those with p skulls and you be fine. |
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I haven't seen a single Strategy about MF SORC!!! HOW that can be.... well it's easy.
20 lvl charged bolt - 10 lvl Static - 20 lvl lightmastery
10 lvl Hydra - 10 lvl Fire mastery
20 lvl Frozen Orb.
Got it? It's damn easy with that you can use lots of MF on your equip cuz you dont need extra skill points.
But don't try to duel with those stats. =)
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I'm a very critical perfectionist, i restarted a lvl34 sorc once because she had 1 skill point wasted , i take pride as perfecting my character. Heres the advice i have to offer, just remember, this is just some advice for newbs, although you may want to chose our own path of skills.
As you start out it very tempting and ez to take 2-3 skills of almost anything you see, i reccommend you avoid doing this. I have a lvl 61 fire/lit/ice sorc and i only took what i believed that i would need. Skills like firewall are really great for damage, but lets face it, how many times have monsters stood still for that to even work. I can esily say the same for meteor, i thought it would be the greatest skill but twhen i got it on my fire sorc i could never hit anything, and when i did hit stuff the damage still wasnt that great. I recommend getting 7-12 points in hydra and 5-6 in fire mastery that should give you an alternate element against those toughies that have ice and lit immunities later in hell. And most important, be sure to get warmth lvl 15-20 sometime before lvl 60.
For lit spells, energy shield and teleport are a must in the long run. I must say that energy shield can be very annoying sometimes though, on multiple occasions my mana ran out from getting hit and i wsant able to teleport away or cast a spell to kill the enemies around me, so just be careful to keep a distance from mobs of enemies when you use it. I got 1 for every lit spell except lit mastery and ts, ive heard about charged bolt and nova being good at high lvls but i think they are only good at high lvls otherwise they arent worth the effort, i may be wrong though. Anyway, just be sire to get thunderstorm and lit mastery to at least lvl 6 each by lvl 60, does about 300-500 at that pont. I only like this for ice immunes and dueling, otherwise i really wouldnt consider it that great.
Then theres the ice spells, i read some pretty rediculous things on this pahge about ice spells, and im here to correct any misconceptions. Ice is overall the best for daage, questing , and mass killing. But, once you in hell i wouldnt rely on it too much. Get lvl 1 shiver armor at the start and dont get any of the other ones, they are a complete waste. Then only put 1 point into everything you need to get frozen orb. I know its tempting to take and extra point in spike, or blizzard but trust me, if you wait youll be much better off. I say someone say that the y took high lvl on ivce blst instead of glaciel because glaciel did less damage or sometihng, wtf was that all about, glaciel does more damage and hits more enemies. Another problem is ppl thinking that taking cold mastery is a waste. This opion is really just a stupid ignorant view. Cold mastery says it pierces resistances and some ppl think that all it does is pierce until the enemy has 0% resist...WRONG!!. basically that cold resist should be saying that it increases cold damage by __%.
And finally the The most important skill in my opinio, is frozen orb, i would like someone who has vl 20 in all the best skills to honestly say that orb isnt the best overall spell for the sorc throughout the latter game. Heh, almost forgot the most important anti boss skill, get static lvl1-5 i didnt care for the extra range but you might want to if your a newer player. Hope this advice helps some confused ppl out there
Demisa- lvl61 sorc |
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My strategy which has been working for a while when killing bosses is static feild and frozen orb. Many people underestimate static feild...it takes away 25% of the enemies health if it is in range. I just have 1 skill point on it and it works great. The strategy is freeze the enemy, run close and use static feild until they begin to damage you greatly, run away and repeat. I used this strategy to kill Mephisto and Diablo and i never died once against them. |
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First thing you need to do with the Sorc. is Have fun...after that its all up to you. I dont need people telling me what skills to use. JUST HAVE FUN PLAYING! My sorc (lvl 70) does really well using a combination of glaciel spike and meteor. Just use the meteor to stop anything...then wail on them using meteor and since there is a recharge on meteor now it works great to use glaciel spike to keep anything (mostly cows for me) stoped. I have never read that meteor is a good skill to use by anything here (unless i missed it) but like I said...just have fun playing. Meteor is one of the best looking spells and with it maxed and fire mas. maxed it kills everything fast too. So please....design your sorc. to how you like it. About the only thing you NEED is to get your resistances up high. After that...everything is cake.
SpazFallinDeath@USWest |
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-welcome to the master gide to high lev sorcs go up max on static mana shield lightning storm ice orb hidra and then go up on the masterys when in battle use mana shield and lightning storm swich to hidra cast then cast orb and your punny enermys will die hahahaha if your against a boss cast good old static then finnish it with hidra and orb er lol the master forgot some thing you can go up on telleport but not too much lev 1 will do if you go up more on it it will just make the mana use of it go down (not very good)
hazard |
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I have the best sorceress combo ever. Now, I research into my characters before I choose them..so I know what's good and what's not. First, you want to have str. at least over 100 so that you can wear the armor for hell and so on..Second, have enough stats into vit. and ene. Maybe 1 every 3 lvls into dex. since dex is NOT required for wearing armor, and MAGIC ATTACKS NEVER MISS. Now..for the stat points: you want to max out FROZEN ORB. Have at least 5 into frozen armor or shiver armor. Have at least 1 into COLD MASTERY so monsters with immunites won't be immune anymore. Get FIREWALL at least to 15 with FIRE MASTERY at least up to 5. That'll boost up the dmg for FIREWALL. Have at least 1 into STATIC FIELD, since it brings monster's health down by 25%!!!!That's a lot! Then 1 into both TELEKENISIS AND TELEPORT. Man..you gotta have TELEPORT so you can skip locations filled with monsters. Now...you need about maybe 1-10 into energy field..(sorceress have LOW health) and as many as you want into THUNDERSTORM. Have at least 1-5 into LIGHTNING MASTERY also. That brings up the dmg of whatever lightning attack you have. With extra stat points...add them into WHATEVER YOU LIKE, but mostly prefered into the skills with only about 1-10 stat points into them. You dont' want to know my lvl because you probably think I dont' know anything since I'm not "OVER 60". Best way to go..in my opinion.
IceSpawner( meaning mostly using ice attacks) lvl ¿¿?? |
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I have an Orb / Thunder Storm Sorc that is realy great.
The key to make an powerfull sorc is: Don't spend more then 1 skill lvl in any skill except for Frozen Orb, Thunder Strom, Warnth and eventually Chiling Armor and/or Energy Shield. Warnth is realy good, MAXIMIZE it. Make the same to orb, an lvl 10 Thunder Storm with lvl 5 Lightining Mastery is good. Use an +2 to sorc skills weap, +1 helm (with energy bonus), +1/+2 amulet. Then spending only 1 skill lvl will give tou a level 5/6 skill. Now, the atributes: Strengh 50-60 is needed for good armors, Vitality 100-120, much life aways is good. All the other points in ENERGY, making a really inifinity mana.
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I had to laugh at some of the tips that were being offered. Guys not
everyone starts out with a lvl 70 odd sorceress. Give new players some guidance at the lower levels please. I'd recommend at least going the Bi-spell sorc strategy (fire/cold), but tri-spell is becoming more and more important i think now, especially under the new 1.09 patches for LOD and hell diff. My character isn't perfect, but she doesn't really have any problems doing hell diff. Spells to strongly consider (and I expect others to disagree here) are: blizzard, frozen orb, shiver armour, cold mastery, teleport, static field, thunderstorm, lightning mastery, warmth, firewall, fireball, meteor, fire mastery.
As to levels...what goes where...that's up to you as an individual. Myself, i've originally majored in blizzard/cold mastery and ice blast. After the introduction of LOD i got around to finally pulling the finger out and finishing off hell diff. That's when i moved a lot of my skill points into fire sphere. Lately i've been upping lightning spells for those monsters that are immune to both fire and cold. I'm still weakish on lightning, but getting stronger each level. I don't like coming across fanatic champion lightning enchanged boss monsters that can teleport and are immune to cold/fire and physical damage. God they are bitches!!! To give you some idea of my current skill levels - Magicka, level 78 matriarch sorceress. She is open class (non realms) and is NOT hacked. I do use a trainer to export items that i found and i back these up onto cd. So if anyone considers that cheating so be it.
Skills are as follows. Cold Tree: Ice bolt : 9, Frozen armour : 9, Frost Nova : 10, Ice Blast : 15, Shiver Armour : 9, Glacial Spike : 9, Blizzard : 19, Chilling Armour : 9, Frozen Orb : 9, Cold Mastery : 26
Fire Tree: Firebolt : 8, Warmth : 13, Inferno : 10, Blaze : 8, Fireball : 9, Firewall : 22, Enchant : 8, Meteor : 8, Fire Mastery : 8, Hydra : 8
Lightning Tree: Charged Bolt : 8, Static Field : 8, Telekenisis : 8, Nova : 8, Lightning : 8, Chain Lightning : 8, Teleport : 8, Thunderstorm : 12, Energy Shield : Nil, Lightning Mastery : 8
Now i'm certain the smart ones around you are going to add the skill points up and go "that's impossible with a lvl 78 character". Not if you have good items. I've used MF items before, spent a lot of time in Hell diff of late and been given a few items by friends. I've had a lot of luck finding items, more than I think odds wise I really should have. I guess this makes up for my original paladin character that found jack shit in terms of items. I don't really believe I could get a better character/item set than what I have. Items used are: The oculus (+3 to sorceress skills), Que-Hegans mage plate (+1 to all skills), Veil of Steel, Stone of Jordan (+1 to skills), Maras kaleidoscope (+2 to all skills), Mosers blessed shield (with 2 perfect diamonds in it for resistances), 2nd ring is "skull hold ring" (steals mana, + to attack rating, dex and stamina and also 29% cold res). Warboots are "Stormtread war boots" with pluses to cold and lightning resistances, mf finding and life. Gauntlets are "Corpse Grasp War Gauntlets" with bonuses to strength, dex, life, mana and 35% cold res), Belt is "cruel cord plated belt" pluses to strength, life, res to cold, lightning and fire.
Stats are as follows : str : 215, Dex : 83, Vit : 160, Energy : 175, Mana : 654, Health : 879, All resistances max in hell diff, Def (with Shiver Armour) : 3442
I pushed strength so high as I was looking at getting some really good ornate armour (hey i'm from the old school that high defense rating means you don't get hit as often). I know this is not the case in diablo 2 as it was in the original diablo. In the end I lucked out and found Arkaines Valour (+2 to all sorc skills variant), but I cannot wear that till I reach lvl 85. When I do don it i'll suffer on resistances (poison will drop) but I have a small charm with +8% to all resistances which will make it better. I have a tonne of health charms, which is why my life is so high. Some of the charms have resistances as well.
Regrets? Yes. Too many points in blizzard, cold mastery and ice blast (legacy of a cold based sorceress). Not enough skill points in thunderstorm and charged bolt and hydra. The downside is that she makes a good pvp character, with such a massive cold mastery. Also, for those interested, I only carry 4 mana potions on my belt, and I very rarely use them. My mana regen rate is quick enough (and spell choice) to mean by the time i cast a spell, wait for the next time I can cast it again, the mana has fully regenerated. Spells like thunderstorm and charged bolt without any spell casting delay do chew mana. Take this into account when you look at these types of spells.
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Don't ever listen to people that have very little experience of sorc, or this game. Listen to people in high levels. They have way better experience than those newly players. I have a lv 89 sorc, in USeast battle.net. These are my advice to become a sorc mistress:
Fire Sorc:
Firewall MAX, Warmth 15-MAX, Static:10, Energy Shield:5, Fire Mastery: MAX
Ice/Lightning Sorc
Frozen Orb MAX, Cold Mastery: 1, Thunderstorm MAX, Energy shield 5, Static: 12-15, Lightning mastery MAX |
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first, the golden rule, u can only have TWO spells mastered, choose any 2 of the fire, lightening or cold spells.
good spells are: firewall (the fastest spel to kill super/unique monsters and boss, highest dmg u can get in any spell, not great for cows, or a lot of enemy who dont line up and wait to be burnt), hydra(the auto seeking feature is nice, but its dmg is not all that great) frozen orb(very versatile, and yet visual stunning) glacier spike(no casting delays and only good spell can hurt and FREEZE enemies), charge bolt (although looks weak, but actually powerful cuz its casting speed and amount of bolts! kick ass in hell bloody(if u r like my friend, who cleans up hell bloody by himself in a 8 players game...) but not in cow...), nova(fastest way to kill cows, but requires a lot of mana and fast regeneration, also u get a tendency to get hit a lot, wil be very effective using nova wid teleport and static field), thunderstorm(for pk) and put 1 points to energy field, static and teleport. Max the masteries of the spells u want to focus on if u c! an. For warmth, add points if u feel mana dont regenerate fast enough..and for spels with casting delays, u dont really need too manypoints on warmth.
Second, for stats, no pts to dex what so ever unless u want to be a mf sorc(talk about this later), enough strength to wear the equipments u want to wear, if u are a nova sorc or often run out of mana, add lots pts to mana, normally should be a 2 - 3 ratio for vitality and energy.
Third, it is very important. Determine which kind of sorc u want to be! do u want to be a mf sorc, a pk sorc, a helper sorc/or trying it out sorc, or just a kick ass sorc?
for a pk sorc, max thunderstorm and use frozen orb(cuz ts can not really be ur main spell for killing monsters and the most versatile spell is orb which can compensate the not-so-usefull ts) as secondary spell. u may have a hard time to complete the quests and lvl up(still...orb wil slow enemies down and ts wil finish them off one at a time, my friend did this in hell cow level). but ts sorc is the best pk character u can have! (with the right skills(ur mouse/keyboard skill), right equipments, no one can stand in her way, no one)
for a mf sorc, look for spells has high dmg and can kill boss fast (my 85 sorc kills hell mephs in 30 sec with fw, my friends sorc kill him in 1 min wid hydra). Also, dex is important for a mf sorc! another golden rule is, the higher the mf percentage u have, the weaker u are! and practical mf equipments are (i dont want to include stuff wid ist runes, too rare) one hand wid alibaba or dull dagger, one hand wid a rune shield, skulders ire armor, tarncap or shako, war traveler boot(pricy as the skulders ire, some sojs), gold wrap belt, and chance gloves, well, these items make u weak(no resistance, for the worst part). So u better use the secodary weapon well, hold wizard spike and a unique round shiled socketed wid 2 perfect diamond (by only these 2, u wil max ur resistance in hell) when u killing the boss, and when u just about to make the killing blow, switch to alibaba/dull and the mf shield...but wizard spike requires 75&nbs! p;dex..so u need pts into dex.
for a helper/trying it out sorc, well, choose the spells u like most then. for a kick ass sorc, find one spell be powerful, one be rangeful and versatile, and learn how to switch them quickly!
the type or ur sorc is very important, so decide before u want to train a new sorc
i am currently have a 85 sorc who double majors in firewall and nova, firewall kills boss in less than 1-2 mins, nova kill cows in about the same time 2. But lack of resitance make my sorc extremely vulenrable. i need um runes, a lot of um runes... |
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i think the bets way to go for sorc is tri-elemental.u hear all the other sorceress telling u to go fire-ice ice-lightning etc..now those kind r good but u have to think ahead.in hell mode all monsters have some kind of restist.so its best to have a good spell for all elements.for ice max orb and 10 to cold masterie.for fire fire wall max 10 to masterie.for lightning 15 to ts 10 nova 10 masterie.now i know this will take about the whole game but with the right items it wont.oh yes and warmth should be the 1st thing u put any real points into(atleast 12).for good stats go heavey on str. till about 110(i know i know its a lot)50-70 vit,50-70 dex,and the rest into energy.this is a basic guide without a lot of detail so it will be pretty easy.this metode is for pvp and just playing.thx
icydeatha lvl 70 sorc |
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OK, First off i'd like to say that this is mainly for LOD and if you don't have it you'll probably be confused.... anyway, my first tip is to get a damn good mercenary (hint: Barbarian) and give him/her really good items. Second, if you are a fire sorc, GET A LEAF STAFF!
Here is a look at my leaf staff (To get leaf staff place the Tir and Ral runes AKA TirRal into a staff), which was pretty good before I turned it into Leaf. +3 Fire Skills, 5-30 Fire Dam, Cold Res 33%, +2 Mana per Kill, 150% Dam to Undead, +3 Warmth, +3 Firebolt, +3 Inferno, and with my staff before it was Leaf, I also get +2 Fire Mastery, +3 Fireball, +2 Blizzard! And With an Eye of Etlich amulet (+1 to all skills) and an Angel's Circlet (+1 To all skills), I have pretty high skills. My Fireball, at lvl 19 w/ my staff (and Fire Mastery) does 426-444 Damage, my Firewall, at lvl 11 w/ my staff & Fire Mast does 1242-1292 Dam, my Fire Mastery is at lvl 14 and adds 121% Damage to fire skills, and my warmth at lvl 14 w/ 186% faster regeneration!!! AND I AM ONLY AT LVL 38! I'm practically a new Sorc! So I am going to breeze through Nightmare, and i will be able to add to Frozen Orb in order to beat those damn Fire Immunes. Well, happy hunting!
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Ive read a lot of strategies on sorcs on this
page...and as far as i know, or cna tell, about 1/2 are very good strategies. That is, by far, the best thing about the sorc...she can be kickass in about a million different ways. Skillswize, i have only one thing to say...you only need 1 warmth!!! its true, i swear, with the right equipment, the sorc gets about +10 to skills anyway, so, at later lvls, 11 warmth works wonders. I am currently a lvl 54 nova/firewall sorc. I'm working toward 20 nova, 20 lightning mastery, 20 fire wall, 20 fire mastery, with extra points available for prerequisites...and that makes, what, 80 something points? of course. Im not dictating exactly what you will be once you hit 99 (its doubtful that even 5% of the people who read this will even get past 70). Instead, i give you a basic outline. Want more warmth? there's extra skill points available for that. Want teleport, energy shield, or one of the cold armors? plenty of skill points to go around. Well, thats about it...except that if you plan on using a staff, find a good, 4 socketted staff, two fi you're a fire sorc, and use the rune words on this site, specifically MEMORY and LEAF. They are, in a work, awesome. thats about it.
lvl 54 zzzzzzzzap |
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1- First of all Skill point's: DON't WASTE THEM!! I have heard about people saying don't put more the 3, 4 in ..... WRONG!!! 1 if you need a skill beneath it or else NONE!! Sure it will be a littlle bit more and harder work in the beginning!! But later you will thank me! Choose your main offence (with cold only orb) What about the levels before 30 ?
- Buy/find a +2/3 glacial spike staff (til lvl xx till you can have blizard) not put more skill points in it.
- Buy/find a +2/3 blizzard staff (put not more then 1 point in it!)
There are some skills every sorceress need no mather what they are (fire, cold, lightning, mix) They are:
- Warmth (A MUST HAVE at least 15 points in it (i have max)!!!) why: Every sorcs needs mana this helps a lot!!
- Teleport! (no more then one point) why: Very handy for if you are trapped, if you need to be somewhere fast, if you need to be at places you normaly can't walk
- Static (2 or 3 points the rest of your equipment) why: This is the most powerfull skill there is!! it will lower your enemy's defence bij 1/3!!!! Great for every boss if you put in 2/3 points and you have good equipment then you should have level 8 which will be enough to hit the hole screen!
Ice mastery! - don't put to much points in it if you need your skill point hard around 50% is more then enough
and i find energy shield a must but people don't alwase agree to me on that one :)
2- Where must i put my points in ? MANA!!! and strength make strenght 80 (for goldskin) dev and life NONE!!!! (you'll get 3 times +20 life in act 3 and with a good mana shield you don't need more) so make strenght 80 and put the rest in mana
3- Equipment
Armor: Goldskin (+30 resistance to all) or heavenly garb
Shield: 3 socket towershield (3 perfect diamonds = 57 resistance to all!!!) or a +1 to all skills shield
Helm: Tarn helm (+1 and some nice other stuff)
Amulet: +19 resistance all (6 perfect gems + normal amu in cube) or +2 sorc skills
rings 2 sojs (probely they'll be very hard to find just take 2 good resistance rings then or magic find)
Boots: just some boot with fastest run every thing more is great
Weapon: wand with fastest cast rate and resistance (very handy for orb)
belt nightmare is nice (+10 resistance to all + 50% damage goes to mana)
Gloves This depends on what you have for the rest i alway's look at what i am missing and try to fit my gloves to that
3- How to find them? well first of all keep al the really good stuff!! so you can trade it. i have some low chars wich i gave my good stuff so that i don't have any problems with the storage. (give it to somebody you trust then come back with your other char and get it back) so that was trade now i make in the beginning a lot of bosses runs when you have al the wp's just beat andariel/duriel/mephisto/diablo for the good stuff the more people there are in a game (party) the better.
Justin Time (jtime) lvl 72 sorc |
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Hey all, i've been reading advices and all of them are
good. except for the skill Charged Bolt. Now i know people would gladly disagree with me, but CHARGED BOLT IS AWESOME!!!! I use this along with Frozen Orb in ACT4 HELL DIFFICULTY!!!! and it works. All monsters would fall when u use this skill 3-4 times at their direction. Just avoid the immune to lightning monsters with frozen orb. Now to get this lvl of charged bolt u need 40 skill pts. 20 to lightn. mastery and 20 to charged bolt. This method has been tried and true, so use it!!!!! |
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I have a fair strategy for sorceress. SUPPRESSIVE FIRE. Get fireball skill to about 8-10 and mass mana. Then get a hireling that specializes in c.q.b. and just sit back away from the hot zone and lob fireballs all day long. Also works for clearing hallways before walking down them.
BansheeRazer 26 level Sorc..... |
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I have been reading alot of strategy guides on how to develope a sorceress. Some suggestions are excellent and others are not. I have a lvl 75 sorceress and she is bad! I have started another sorc recently and i am going to create her a little different than the other one. I will not try and tell you that a certain combination of spells are the best or atleast better than any other combination; nor am i going to tell you where to put your skill points for maximum effciency. Well thats not true; because its absolutely necessary that you max warmth or atleast put 15 points into it. And the sooner the better. Its my opinion that there are only two types of strategies that are imperative in the developement of any character that you choose to play; but especially so with the sorceress. First, have loads of fun playing the game, creating and experimenting with your sorceress. Try every combination of skills that comes to mind and all of the tactics you can conceive, read about or are advised to do. If you are not having fun playing a sorc or the game then it doesn't matter what you do it wont be good.
The second bit of wisdom I'm going to pass on to you is as important as the previous bit of strategy. Maybe more so? How ever you develope your sorceress she MUST BE VERSATILE!!! I honestly believe that Hell level is when you begin to really play the sorceress. In normal as well as nightmare almost all or any elemental will kill just about any of the bad guys. Not so in Hell. Cold spells that you have been using with great sucess against certain critters may not do you any good in hell. It may be necessary to use lightning or fire. You will have to determine which works and what doesn't. You will also have to be able to switch with a quickness. If you are not versatile and have put all your skill points into one type of elemental then you are doomed! Don't bother going to Hell( heh heh).
Oops, sorry but ther is one more bit of wisdom necessary for you to digest. Even if you are the most versatile sorceress in the realm, it will be necessary to develope all of your immunities as much as possible. If not, you will be doomed again and wont have much fun. Dont go to Hell(heh heh heh).
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I have read pretty much everything on sorceresses. Everythin I read seems to be wrong. I have made quite a few sorcs and I believe I have found the best strategie. It goes as folows.My best sorc was lvl 99.
Stats: str = 110 (Yes, I know, it's alot), dex = 50, vit = 50, ene = all the rest. It is good to get you're strength up fast because you will need it for a good armor before you can really rely on your skills.
Skills: warmth lvl 20, firewall lvl 20, fire mastery lvl 5, meteor lvl 0!, enchant lvl 0!, hydra lvl 0!
frozen armor lvl 1 (only armor, others at 0!), frosen orbs lvl 20, ice masterie lvl 0!
mana shield lvl 9, thunderstorm lvl 20, ligth masterie lvl 5
All other skills should be set at 1, only to get all the required skills. these stats are base stats and will go alot higher with equipement. (I have a lvl 27 firewall and warmth....). You need to be lvl 99 and have completed all the quests to get these skills. I say you should get firewall or orbs up first, It will help alot in normal or nigthmare. I only use magic find equipement, I am at 450%.Do not rely on equipement to make you stronger, rely on you're skills only when you reach lvl 30.
I beat hell when I was lvl 45 or so, rather easily too.
mastering in only one element will mean you're doom in hell. I say that ice and fire are the best but static, teleport, mana shield are essential. Thunderstorm will help alot because you only have to cast it once and then it keeps on hitting. You are able to do multiple attacks like that.
Matriarch Rei_Freeze (I started out as an Ice sorc. ^.~) |
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Ok I have played with a sorceress for quite some time now and i have to say some off the strats above are really clever but some off them are shit. I mean I wont take advice from sombody who only has a lvl 60 or below sorceress. Now if you want my advice on creatin a damn good sorc then you need to: Learn 5 important skills you need fire wall (might suck to control but some badass damge), frozen orb (best skill for sorc dueling and any imune to fire monsters), warmth (of coures all sorc need this skill no matter what), enegy shield (becuase you need help when it comes to defense), and thunder storm (always good skill for duelin etc.). Now You also need to put about 10 in all Masterys to give each some extra damage (with + skills if wanted). Then if you think your skills are tuned just right get some bad ass equipment. Like myself i use some ornate plate armor, magefist gloves +1 to fire skills, nice extra walk/run boots, stone rings of jordan or some +to resists or mann rings, a tarnhelm or any other +1 to skills helm, sigon shield or better, good orb +2 to skills,and a nice ammy preferbaly + to skills. Now you might night find them right away so if you want them either trade over b.net or get some good magic find stuff. Then you'll have one badass sorceress like me.
Matriach Ravensorceress, lvl 75 |
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I was reading this and I thought a few words of wisdom would help. The Fire Wall is the way to go. At a skill level of just 10 it does over 800 damage, which makes it easy as pie to kill Diablo in under a minute (I timed myself!). A couple spare points into Frost Nova and a Cold-casting hireling from Act 3 are good to take on basic fire-immunies. I have no idea how I'm gonna deal with the Grand Vizier of Chaos in Nightmare, but give me time and a nice staff and he'll be taking a dirt nap very soon. As for when I'm roaming around smiting the normal baddies, I love to use my socketed staff (two sockets) that adds 3 to Blaze and Fire Wall, but it gets better. I filled the sockets with the Tir and Ral runes, making the Leaf staff, a must-have for any self-respecting Fire Sorc. +3 to all Fire Skills, and an extra +3 to Inferno, Warmth, and Firebolt. Factor that in with the staffs original stats and you've got a weapon that'll make the Minions of Destruction wet themselves. |
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TO BECOME A PERFECT SORC ,in d2exp version 1.09, there are many immunities even the normal creatures in hell. in the past the well-known cold-sorc would be the unbeatable or maybe the barbs ... but now with the immunities, a cold-sorc would not even survive in hell diff...
coz many creatures would not be affected by frozen orbs or blizzards ( blizzard sucks men... with the duration reduced from 20+ to 4 secs p.s not the company Blizzard) So what a so called perfect sorc to be would be a fire/ice sorc ... with skills maxed in warmth(maybe 14 would be suff), frozen orbs, fire wall, fire mastery it would give you a very perfect sorc with some points to teleport and energy shield as it is a must for ALL PERFECT SORC to have energy shield... For the char points i would advise you to add @ the beginning alot to energy coz in the later parts of the game when you are at lvl 50+ one energy point would give you i think abt 3 to 4 mana... definitely more worth it then dex and vita ...
Let me introduce my Sorc lvl 74 currently( in the process of increasing its lvl...) She has 20 points to frozen orb, fire wall, 15 points to warmth, 12 points to fire mas , 3 points to cold mas, 1 to tele, 4 energy shield, and 1 to other req skills like blizzard and telekenisis. she is currently adding skill points to fire mas to max it... she has curently 163 str coz she is using a quartuplet socketed monarch (elite kite shield) so need 156 str. str is the second attribute that i would add other from energy when mana don't seem to be a problem when your warmth is near max so str enables me to wear "good" stuff that increase my skills and resistance... this sorc is so called "perfect" becoz it can kill any creature easily in hell diff . eg. my sorc can kill any creature with frozen orb quickly mass killing ... if they are immune to cold like the enslaves then use fire walls they are crazy , 7000 damage every second ... frying them instantly ... with energy shield, nightsmoke (unique belt) , some other magical items , my sorc only take 30% of the actually damage coz the others goes to mana... giving my much advantage... with teleport , creatures could not even reach you so easily , by just shooting orbs at a range they would be killed quite quiclkly, even not they are tremendously slowed down and you can take your time to kill them... items ? what should i use ... i would advise you to use a shield the adds resistance, manymany, liek the rune word ancient pledge, or a triple or quart socketed perfect diamondsto max your resistance in hell to once again lower your damage dealt to you... helm i am using a tarnhelm ( unique helm ) or a resistant cap like the unique sallet, its rather good as it gives a good amount of resistance to all except poison... Sojs or stone of jordons is a must for sorc as it adds skills to all and increased the max mana... bye 25% which is alot... for sorc esp... if you still need more mana, frostburns would be a ideal choice or other unique stuff, boots should be tearhunch or something with faster or fastest run/walk. sorc should use a one-handed orb and adding 2 to sorc skills (archangel orbs ), armor i recommend Goldskin ( unique full plate mail ), nightsmoke is also a must for sorc then lastly with a good amulet of +2 to sorc skills and some other stuff... in the end should get +6 to all sorc skills coz 2 from Sojs 2 from amulet ( which can be transmuted by putting one rare item to be improved in this case a rare amulet , a perfect skull, a Soj. it gives rather good stuff adding skills lvls to chars.. ) and 2 from orbs if you are good enough +8 to all would not be diff with tarnhelm and silks of the victor. all this skills help to increase many low lvl skills like warmth and energy shield that you would not want to max but needed to put at least 3 to 5 points...
this will make life easy and fun although in 8 player games in hell diff with many cool skills like teleport and frozen orb
lvl 74 sorc "telemaniac_gal" |
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pvp sorc
ok u max orb max cold mastery get armth up high enough so u won't run out of mana doesn't mean maxing always. get your ts high along with light mastery.
get your mana to like 600 u don't need anymore with sojs and frosts thats easy.
life high as possible.
for dex and str u should get items that add to resist and dex or str.don't waste your points in str by putting 100 points in it to get to use silks. dex is needed only for using culwins or shard.
use a 3 diamond shield.
boots need to add to resist, mana, str, dex or resist u don't NEED fast run walk with a sorc u have teleport but running fast is useful. |
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Here is a bit of advice for newbies. I just red that many peoples were thinking that the best sorceress is the one using only fire spells. I think that in fact the ice-lightning sorceress is better. During first levels you just put everything in warmth, and then all you have to do is to put max points in frozen orb, ice blast, and some points in static field, and in teleport, two stats wich can be very usefull. Its easier to defeat Duriel by using the field, then teleporting on the other side of Tal Rasha's chamber, then using the field again... and finish him with the orb or the ice blast. A good sorceress needs to have lot of mana, but stength mustn't be neglected, so just make something like 2str, 1vit, 2ener. Later, when your strenght will be hight enougth you can make it 3ener, and 2vit.
Sorceress lvl 73 |
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First, I'd like to tell everyone something that they must remember... DONT LISTEN TO ALL THE INFO ON THIS PAGE!! I'm telling you, if you do, you'll drive yourself insane before Diablo can say his usual threat. Half of the people on this page (no offense of course) are trying to manipulate YOUR character! Don't let it happen! Sorceresses are awesome characters, mostly because there's so much stuff to try out and so much fun to have!! =) Fire, Ice, Lightning... their all good! Give them all a shot! You form your Sorceress as your personality is... how you feel about the game! The Sorc is such a good character that it can win in most instances =) So for your sake, and probably my own too, I'm going to TRY my best to be un restricting of your character.
I'd like to say that when you start out, it is best to have a main attack. You don't HAVE to. That's just my opinion. Again, I want to stress for you to take time to explore and find your OWN best quality. I myself used Charged Bolt, simply because it killed a lot of people at a time, especially when I was mobbed by monsters (not a good idea, but hard to avoid anyway). Plus, I was jumpy when I started out so if I started firing towards anything there was SOMETHING usually hit. CB helped me in the Arcane Sanctuary because by the time I got to the Summoner, he was almost dead. He was kinda... er... killed by stray lightning ~_^ hehe. However, some people like Fire Bolt better. I remember that attack from Diablo 1... I didn't like it much, too limited in attack. But I suppose it would be good for a beginner. And for Ice, most people use Ice Bolt Same as FB i think, only cold and it makes enemies slow down. Again, it depends on your view.
Now it's time I have to emphasize something really hard... and as much as I hate doing this, I know I have to... because its just such an important tip: WARMTH!! This is the only part i'm going to manipulate ur view if it is different... WARMTH is sOoOo important it's not even funny. Now think logically for a second. You maxed out on your favorite powerful attack, and used all ur skill points for that instead of warmth. You cast it once. Your mana dies. Now what do you do?!?! PLEASE PLEASE for Diablo's sake of fighting a worthy adversary, USE YOUR WARMTH!!! You are a SORCERESS! You can't do anything without fast acting mana!!!
Now that that's finished, I'll move onto a couple more tips. When you get to higher levels, you may ditch your first main attack. I didn't, because Charged bolt was still so helpful in the middle of many minions, and not only that but it was really powerful already. If I were you, I would not put so many in ur first main attack if it were not Charged bolt... Only one or two so you can start building to a better skill. But I'm not you. It's just some advice =) Some good spells to use are the Chilling/Shiver Armor... always cast one before you enter a fighting area, that's my attitude... It works very well. Also, cast all of your area spells when you go fighting~ such as Thunderstorm, Blizzard, Static Field, etc etc. People say some of these dont work well... I personally think they do. By the time you reach the higher levels... well you will have developed your own thinking =) By then, you should just follow ur instincts! And have fun! Heh. Oh yeah. One more tip. Ice arrow is awesome for hired recruits... it slows down ppl trying to attack you. My recruit was so good by the time I reached Mephisto, he kept the monster still while I took him out quick. IN fact, he was the one that dealt the death blow... heh cuz I was catching my breath and mana and he just kinda kept shooting that arrow =) kinda burst when i wasnt looking... oh well... i beat him after that many more times anyway =) Okay taht's the end to this one then... just remember, DONT BE MANIPULATED!! It's your character. You ahve the most say in it =)
Misti |
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i have a lvl60 and rising fire sorceress on v 1.07 expansion...due to the patch, some skills are more valueable than others... for one, i have found that hydra is VERY useful. MAX IT OUT ALONG WITH FIRE MASTERY! You can cast it round corners where the enemy cant see you...and the bolts, each one will be doing im guessing round 500 dmg...each. thatz not bad for the range and versitility they have. they've saved my @$$ on countless occasions. in regard to other skills, i have found firewall virtually worthless. i have found few enemies that are stupid enough to stand in that one place long enough for it to do damage. also for those dang fire immunes, get a good level frozen orb and at least a few on cold mastery.get teleport. it is a necessity.(you can pop over a wall drop a hydra and run back to safety) get a high level warmth. as for stats, keep strength and energy at about the same lvl till both are 100, then concentrate on getting your vit and energy up, energy being the bigger priority.(under ideal circumstances a good sor. should be able to keep her distance from melee attacker using teleport and deal a lot of damage from a distance...)there it is... it worked for me
DarkMageOfFire-lvl60 fire sor. |
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This is for you LOD players, the strategys above are all very LONG and all say either use fire or cold, this is bs. You don't have to make a fire or cold sorc.
If you want to make a light sorc (like me) the best thing is nova, i know that at first chain lightning or thunder storm sounds better at first but they are 1-100 and never become more then 3 min dmg, this is very unrelyable. With 20 nova and 20 light mastery (light mastery increases dmg in LOD, not reduces cost) u can do about 600 dmg with each nova, this doesnt sound much but heres the thing....it has no casting delay, and it damages EVERYTHING around you. So with
enough mana and fast cast rate items u can cast nova after nova after nova.At lvl 20 nova costs 34 mana. This is means 600,600,600,600,600 dmg, i cancast ALOT of these, more than ten. 6000 dmg all around you in 5 secs. Howabout that?
PrOn_Chauntea lvl 54 lightning sorceress |
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Attention!!!! I will tell you the recipe for making a perfect fire sorc.
For your stats: 2 st, 0 dx, 1 vit, 2 energy....... keep on doing that until your strenght gets to 75 (for sigons shield), which is around lvl 28. Then carry on by adding 2 vit, 3 energy. By doing this my sorc had 75 strengh, 25 dex, 900 life, and 2000 mana.(i'm telling you 2000 mana is already enough with the cast delay)
For your items: i suggest: 3 to fire sorc cornet, 2 to sorc ammy, 2-3 sorc skills orb or staff (or leaf staff, 3 to fire skills, but two handed), skin of the vipermagi, sigons shield, frostburn, anyking of belt (nightsmoke) and boots with faster run walks (terehunch or sanders), two soj.
For your skills: 1 on warmth, 1 on inferno, 1 on blaze, 20 on fire wall,20 on fire mastery, 1 on charge bolt, 1 on lighting, 1 on chain of lightning, 1 on telelkinesis, 1 on teleport, 1 on energy shield, 10 on static, 1 on nova, no more than 10 on both thunder storm and lightning mastery, 1 on frozen armor, 1 on ice bolt, 1 on ice blast, 1 on frozen armor (nnnnoooooo chilling armor!!). DO NOT EVEN BOTHER TO PUT POINTS IN THE ONES THAT I DIDN'T MENTION, CAUSE IT IS A WASTE! YOU ONLY NEED THESE SKILLS: firewall, fire mastery, teleport, energy shield, static, frozen armor. THE REST IS JUST TO GET THESE IMPORTANT SKILLS.
lvl 94 fire sorc zodian-w |
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Firstly, if you decide to concentrate on cold spells, don't put too many skills on Ice Bolt. I put 5 or 6 hard earned skill points into it, and then i realised there was no point. Ice Blast is far better, and you only have to be Level 6 to get it. So rather than wasting points on Bolt, put 1 or 2 there, and wait till you get the better version. In the meantime, you're free to develop Warmth (sorceresses need Mana), Static Field (limited range but good damage), and perhaps an armour of some sort.
I also found with the Smith, that although he has a lot of health, patience will allow you to overcome him. With a few healing potions, a decent weapon, and ice blast, you can slow him down, race in for a few quick hits, use a potion, and race back out again. It doesn't take too long.
Finally, the countess is really easy, and for limited effort, you can become a great deal richer.
Ryan (level 12 sorceress) |
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A great strategy for the sorceress is the Hydra Sorc. While the hydras dont do as much damage as alot of the other soceress skills, they shoot ALOT really quickly and they aim themselves (so you can run around, grab items, heal, or use another attack while your hydra buddies are kickin ass). You gotta be a pretty high level to get the hydra sorc to her full potential though. Start out like any sorc; you'll want a dozen give or take points into warmth, a few in static (for bosses) teleport, frozen armor (optional but i like it) energy shield (optional but i recomend) thunderstorm (also optional). Once you have got all these skills covered, conserve any remaining points until you reach level 30. Now put one point into fire mastery and dump the rest in hydra each level you gain. Rember to try to max the hydras before fire mastery. If you advance far enough you may want to branch off to a different skill tree for a secondary attack (for those pesky fire immunes). Frozen Orb is a safe bet but using the combonation of glacial spike, static field, and a good rouge or barbarian hireling to finish them. Blizzard is also fun as a secondary attack though you'll most likely be busy pouring the points in hydra and f mastery. All in all, the hydra strategy is one of the most entertaining strategys in the game and is also very eeffective in both duels and versus the monsters (even in nightmare and hell modes). Enjoy!
*Seanchadith |
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OK people most of you have probably screwed your sorceresses up, so im here to fixem. I curently have a level 63 COLD sorc on the US realm. COLD is the key, cold spells are the best even though fire does more damage. IF you have ever dueled with a fire sorc you get R-A-P-E-D. No matter how high you are. So def go cold. Max warmth or at least get 15 points. dont put more points into any cold spell except orb, mastery, and maybe glacier. Put 10 into static field and 1 into teleport and telekenieis. Equipment use tarn, rare +1 sorc ammy, specral shard, 3 p diamonds sheild, for armor you can use a lot of things... Heavenly Garb, or Goldskin but i just use a rare 418 ancient armor. tearhaunch, rare belt with fastest hit recovery, 2 rare rings that add to mana and resist, and frostburns. Some people say walless or sigons but that leaves your resists at -50 in hell which gets you killed real fast. SOJS are ok but again you are sacraficing resist which are really important for a good sorc. NOw for the stats put 100 strength to use a good rare ancient armor or goldskin. 51 dex for specral shard. At least 75 vitality. and The rest to energy. Ive got 175 points into energy plus shard adn frosties with that ive got over 700 mana recovery at 300 percent. You wont run out of mana. And finally we have covered stats skills and what to wear, now how kill those damn barbarians. ITs really easy actually. IF you run they follow... YOu orb them a few times there dead. JUSt dont get hit byt WHirwind other wise youll be dead before you hit the ground. thanx for listening to my stradegy
Baroness DafishofJazz lvl 63 cold sorc |
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There is an easy way to kill Andariel And Duriel With a sorceress. All you have to do is have blaze as one of your spells early on. when you approach and andariel cast blaze, she will come at you so run, she will get singed by blaze. if you lure her out into where you kill all of the little dark ones, just run around the pool of blood and dead bodies with blaze and andariel will chase and be burned. Same with Duriel, run around the outer edge of the area with blaze cast.
Axxe LvL 77 Sorc: (MageBabe) |
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Just an addition to all the tips... I started life as a Sorceress - had hacked the demo to death as a Barbarian - and of course just dived in with both feet; without reading all the (mostly) handy stratagems. Thus, I started Act III at a tender Lev 19... ~not~ something I would do again! I've found it best to revisit earlier areas at least once; the experience alone makes it worthwhile. I also learned the hard way not to waste my gemstones - my char specialises in a lot of magic item finding eq - and I blew about 6 or 7 gems before I found out you could transmute them with a Cube. The Arcane Sanctuary is a good place for re-stocking the gem supplies though... in one pass I took about 5 flawed gems of various flavours. The Summoner was no challenge at all - I just ran at him full pelt and melee'd seven shades of Shatner out of him... (isn't ~enchant~ fun!)
Duriel was/is by far the hardest challenge - some 8 or 9 deaths later - I just ran around in circles while throwing ~Nova~ around like mad - ~Shiver Armour~ helps here because it slows him down for those few vital seconds. Anything else I can think of? Um... keep a spare weapon, in your cube/backpack/stash - I also have spare boots/gloves that I use in place of my Fortuitious stuff when the going gets rough - and ~Nova~ or ~Frost Nova~ are brilliant for getting out of big groups of enemies! Oh, yea, I also use a melee weapon + a gemmed shield - keeps me alive a lot better than a staff does...
Erzappen, lev 21 Sorceress (aka Aethir) |
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This is only good untill the 1.09 patch comes out.
Put 20 points in Fire wall
Put 20 points in Fire Mastery
Add some + to skills items and you'll be doing 3000 to 7000 damage!!! thats 3k to 7 k!!
Put a few points in Cold spells for those nasty immunes as well.
You can go solo in 8 player Hell games over b.net with that little strategy.
Fire Wall will proabably get nerfed in the next patch :D
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Ok, first off, I have noticed that NOBODY gives any sorc strats here. All they say is get tarnhelm, 2 Soj, frostbruns, umes, etc etc. That is not very helpful, Im pretty sure every newbie knows about all the good equipment. What needs to be said here, is what stats and what skill to put your points into. I personally did a 2str, 0 dex, 1 vit, 2 eng. Thats what I did till like level 20, then I changed it to meet my equipment needs. With that str and vit, you should be pretty well off, for the most part. I also highly suggest being a fire bug. That is ONLY FIRE spells, that is, until you can get thunderstorm pretty high. I suggest, maxing warmth, maxing firewall, maxing fire mastery, and getting hydra kinda high. you will be doing like 10k damage with all that stuff. I know, I love it. People hate me online, but i dont really care. OH, static field, get to like lvl 10 (with or with out + skills) oyu need it, its a very powerful spell. I think thats all I m going to say for now, maybe some peeps will take after my example and post about strats instead of equipment....
Seana_Loreana lvl 82 Fire Sorc |
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Most of the strategies I've read have been heavily dependent upon rare, if not impossible to find items. This is not necessary. With just a little foresight and strategy, you can have an incredibly killer character who will *enjoy* having great items (because you will find them) but who will not be *dependent* upon these items.
The big thing to remember is that you're playing a sorceress. Wisely played, these characters are incredibly powerful. Badly played, you're convinced you have the biggest wimp going. The important thing is to keep the character out of hand-to-hand combat, keep resistances high (because if they get a good fry in, you're generally done for), be able to run fast (and/or slow your enemies down) and don't be a 'one-spell wonder' -- by all means, pick a specialty group, but have a spell in the other two spheres for backups, because you *will* run into baddies that will be resistant to your favorite spell.
Tips for equipment are as follows:
First, save those skulls. Skulls, in a helm, add to *both* mana and health regeneration. I started by just putting a couple of chipped ones into a sturdy skullcap, but I recommend saving up and making two perfect ones and finding a really good socketed item to put them in (or finding a really nice helm and having it socketed at the end of the expansion act.) For example, I'm now using the wraith crown visor I got socketed. The skull gives health regen and mana regen, and the item itself reduces poison length by 75%, gives 19% poison resistance, 32% lightning resistance, 21% fire resistance and +16 to life. With just *one* flawless skull, life regens at +4 and mana regens at 12%. This one item makes it very easy to add a ring, add an amulet, or gloves or what have you and come up with a nearly perfect resistance in almost anything. I happened to hang onto the wraith visor, but there have been several other really good helms that had this kind of variety.
But if you *don't* luck into something that good for a while, keep reading. If you do, what follows is icing on the cake. If you don't, don't sweat.
Keep an eye out for an Angel amulet. Right now, I'm using the Angel's Amulet of the Colossus, which not only gives a +1 to *all* skills, but also gives +56 to life. I don't recommend the angel staves -- there are too many other good ones out there that give you more.
Next, build ring and amulet 'sets' for different resistances. I keep them in inventory, and when I see some particular baddy is hurling something or the other, I'll beat a hasty retreat, change off my normal rings and amulet (which is the aforementioned angel amulet, the angelic halo ring and the doom turn ring) and charge on in fully resistant to whatever he's doing. At the present time, I have an amulet and two rings for fire, lightning and cold. I also made a scintillating amulet for backup, in case I run into a double-team spell strategy, and I have the Death Touch gloves, which aid tremendously with poison. (Basically, if she gets hit by poison, it just puffs around her and is gone instantly. Great for when Baal starts playing tricks on you, and you can laugh in Andariel's face.) That may sound like a lot of hardware to haul around, but you can stow it most of the time. The trick is to figure out fast what your enemies are throwing, beat a hasty retreat via portal, and swap your jewelry. Takes two seconds and you can handle whatever they throw at you -- *without* sweating it too badly if you get killed.
Also, hold onto those staves that give you both resistances and bonuses to certain spells. In the expansion, you can swap between weapons, and I swap between the Salamander and a plain old cobalt short staff (26% cold resistance, +3 glacial spike, +2 fireball, +1 blizzard) that I bought off one of the NPC's. The Salamander kicks up my fire resistance and if I start getting low on mana, I can retreat, hold onto it, and watch that +2 to fire skills kick up my warmth and mana regen. Very nice. I also have the amber battle staff of brilliance stuck back in my stash, with additional lightning resistance and bonuses to glacial spike, but I haven't had to use it in quite some time. Also, in the expansion, when you swap weapons, it will pull up the spell you were last casting with it. I keep the Salamander and the hydra spell linked, and the glacial spike spell and the cobalt staff linked. Does wonders.
As far as training goes, train in warmth early on, supplement with skull helms. I chose to train at least once in each skill, then focused on those skills which I found to be the most helpful. The area of effect spells (nova, frost nova) are incredibly helpful at low levels, because they hit a lot of critters at once for a reasonably low mana per critter cost. From levels 12 to about 20, I used a lot of lightning -- that is, lightning and chain lightning. I know a lot of people recommend charged bolt or static field, but the first isn't accurate enough for my taste and the second requires getting critters too close to my character for easy retreat -- I like to kill from a distance rather than melee range.
After about 20, glacial spike has been my very best friend -- not only does it do incredible amounts of damage and can hit multiple opponents if they're close together (which, if you're a wily sorceress who retreats and lets her enemies clump together, you can do easily), but it stops them dead in their tracks and slows even special fast guys down to manageable levels. I don't need to tell you the obvious benefits of having an enemy that's frozen in place-- not to mention six or seven at a time. Last but not least, glacial spike also has one very good thing about it when fighting those creatures that get raised -- a creature killed with spike MELTS, and can't be raised. ;)
For backup, I use blaze, very occasionally firewall or fireball and since about level 30, the hydra. The hydra is GREAT for creatures that use area of effect spells (i.e. Baal's draining waves) -- move out of range, drop several hydras between you and the baddy, and let them spit while you stay safe. It also works well for strongly anti-magic critters that kill you multiple times before you can kill them (i.e. Duriel at the end of act II). Drop a few hydras down and let them keep spitting while your corpse is rotting...eventually, you'll win out. The hydra also works really well if you know you've got close quarters beyond a door and can't get in without being swarmed. Stand outside with the door open, toss a few hydras in, keep them at the door to bottleneck it, and presto, dead critters. Also, if you're not sure if a place is infested, cast a hydra inside. If it starts spitting, you know you've got something and to be prepared.
Phoenix -- Level 68 Sorceress |
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I currently have lvl 51 sorc, lvl 42 barb and lvl 27 assassin. I just bought the expansion set and realized that things that were really good in Diablo II is not THAT important in the expansion pack. first, I have cold sorc. I have frozen orb at MAX (24) and 11 at cold mastery. I was using shard and some fastest cast rate rings and ammys till I bought the expansion. I bought expansion, I travelled in act5.... I got a +3 sorc skills orb.... the thing is that u dont really need shard, cause there's no point of getting fastest cast rate.. there's a cast delay on spells that sorcs use the most... (firewall : delay 4 secs...... frozen orb : delay 1 sec... blizzard : delay 4 sec....) unless u wanna use fireball or glacial.. u dont really need fastest cast rate cause u wont be able to cast them without hasitation.... moreover, if u have warmth at MAX like myself (skill lvl 24)....... your mana does not go down easily.. cause while u wait for the casting delay, your mana comes max again.. so I have about 600 mana, and after I get to near 1000, i'll put stat points into vital and some into strength.. I 'm using goldskin and tarnhelm..... if I dont need that much mana, I 'll be able to use the silks of the viktor. there's a good thing though.. because there's a casting delay for the frozen orb, its damage went up. my lvl 24 frozen orb's dmg is over 310 and if u max blizzard, u have over 500 dmg.... anyways, sorcs are still strong... just saying that my point is.. dont just look for things with fastest cast rate.. look for something with +??? to energy or +??? to all skills.... I play on UsWEST realm anyone wants to play with me, mail me at whosyerdaddy87@hotmail.com u gotta have expansion set..... I have tons of uniques for anybody....
account : *SoulOfThee characters : GlazingStaves lvl 51 sorc FallOnYourKnees lvl 42 barb JW_Conjurer lvl 16 druid HugeAssAssIn lvl 27 assassin whisper me on WEEKENDS.... anybody welcome who has expansion set... |
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i wouldn't listen to these people if you want your own sorc. i am starting a game over my lan internet connection with a mate, i am fire he is ice and we will work together everywhere. we both totally specialize in our fields apart from warmth. this may not be the best strategy but i don't care. i will force myself to live without static field and teleport and shiver armour, thats around 5 skill points i can use on something else. and so will my mate. we will be different and that we can exploit as we work as a pair no one will beat us because i think we all agree that ice and fire moves work very well. i can pound in the damage while they are frozen. that is my goal, simple as that and all you have to do is work towards your goal and your sorc will turn out great. i will say one thing about equipment, +skill point stuff works wonders as far as powering up your lesser skills before the big ones come along, so you can put those skill points on things you need later LIKE warmth.
Psycho_G |
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I don´t know if I have a good sorc or not but the fact is that I have a lvl 66 ice sorc. I think ice sorc is the best because only ice spells cuold freeze and slow enemies, howeever u cannot forget skills like warmth, teleport, telekinesis(very useful in multiplayer). Like other Diablo II characters your sorc must focus her skill points in some few abilities I think that you need to put to the maximin at least 2: frozen Orb and Warmth. You must also put points in static field ( I had a frined who has a sorc without this skill and he told me he couldn´t kill Duriel in normal difficulty) teleport, energy shield( not as good as the old mana shield but it can save you from loosing XP a lot of times) shiver armor (your armor will increase from 500 to 800 with only 4 points on this skill.) don´t spill your precious skill points in glacial armor its worse than shiver armor, ice mastery (until the ice piercing is 65), one point in lightning mastery is useful, I also think you can put some points in blizzard, but frozen orb is much better.
You also must remember that you are a sorceress, not a barbarian, you must walk toe to toe, and don´t worry if you have to run away or save and exit (believe me, being killed in hell difficulty means lost abut 1000000 of XP)
Respect the inventory i would have to have at least 1 soj or 1 archangels amulet. I think that Goldskin is the best armor (+30% to all resistances 232 defense) and for the gaunlets with no doubt frostburn(+40% to all MANA, means having 600 of mana instead of 400), i don´t know if wearing a shield is a good idea but if u think like me lok for an archangel´s staff (don´t worry about the ability bonuses).
Alex Baroness Tsaktar lvl 66 |
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1 - After grabbing a staff which put blizzard up 3 levels, and using blizzard, i have found that is isn't especially good, unless you are willing to put a lot of valuble skill points into it. Work with other cold spells. Ice blast is my personal favourite, which i have on level 13. I'd leave out Glacial spike which, like blizzard, needs quite a few skill points for it to be any good. Frozen Orb is a good attack though, especially useful in act 3 (Nightmare) with all those annoying flayers running around. Aim the main orb at their shaman, fire, and quickly change to a lower spell. This means that (hopefully) the shaman will shatter, while all the flayers are slowed, which means you can go in a whack them with your lower spell. i reccomend ice blast, lightning or fire ball, or some spell that you have at a decent level.
2- maxing out warmth and getting static field to a high level is a good plan. Maxing out warmth will just regenerate your mana so fast. And a mate of mine who maxed out static field killed diablo with it, and he couldn't even see diablo, he was off screen. That's the range it has. Static field is a must for killing any of the bosses, from Andariel to Baal. It cuts down their life so fast. What i do, is make sure all the minions are dead, and then distract the boss with a mercenary, while i zap em with static field. it works so well except on diablo, who kills the merc too quickly. a very good couple of spells there.
3- Investing in the cold armours isn't such a bad idea either. put one point into frozen armour, and then get shiver and chilling armours good. i reccomend level 5 for shiver armour, and level 3 for chilling, which should be good enough, unless you want to get them higher, by all means go for it.
4- Cold and Fire masteries are very useful, especially in Nightmare and Hell mode. Forget Lightning, as lightning is the worst tree i feel, and the only spells worth bothering with are static field, telekinesis and teleport. The masteries are very useful, cold will pierce ure enemys defence to cold, which can mean the difference between a kill and being killed. Fire will put the damage up on your spells, and if you take a spell like meteor, you can cause massive damge. Invest points in them.
5 - A pice of equipment that gives you fast cast rate or fastest cast rate is definetly needed, as past act 2 (normal) you are going to be relying a lot on spells, and if you can get them out quicker, then that will make your life easier.
Slayer Akila (41) Akira (12) |
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This will be a fire sorc and u will need a hell load of mana and maxed warmth I will use firewall as my main skill damage is the higest for any spell 20 + maxed fire mastery is 800 damage and I would ude hydra as my second skill even though alot of people say it sux it maxed out + fire mastery maxed is 100 damage per shot (for a lot of mana though)*ice_blink
John |
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THE best sorc you can get is the following: First, max out warmth, but while you're doing that, get all the prequisites for orb. ( ice bolt, ice blast, etc)
At about lvl 13-15 get static field (only one!), 'cause you need it for Andariel. (and all the other bosses)
You'll end up with everything done at lvl 25.
Keep all the skill points you get from there, until lvl 30, when you'll put 1 on orb and 1 on cold mastery.
Keep the skill points, don't use it! when you're lvl 31 put those 2 up again, and repeat this, until your skill points run out.
Then you'll only have the necessary skills, which are warmth, orb and cold mastery.
For Stats:
Strength: 70-80 (I recommend you put up to how much goldskin needs, I can't remember now, so please excuse me)
For Items:
Armor: Goldskin (because of 30 all resist)
Shield: Wall of the Eyeless
Boots: Something with fastest running (eg. Vidalock's ...)
Gloves: I recommend Frostburn, but you can choose
The rest: don't really care
You need: Fastest cast rate and hit recovery
Mana steal
1-3 + sorc skill lvls
James |
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Most notably every sorceress should have 1 to telekinesis, so that you can magically pickup items that are out of reach, which could be a golden ring that drops when your firewall kills a minion while a barb is up from bashing on it. It's yours as much as his. and with telekinesis you can as far back as you need and easily pick any item on the screen giving you a great advantage. Be careful to not abuse the ability or you will find yourself with a team full of people that hate you and will lead you into deadly situations hoping for your death. This hasn't happened to me, but I'm sure it's crossed the minds of many.
The second spell a every sorceress needs is teleport. This is very useful when you see an over whelming group of minions are coming at you. It also gives you the ability to flee an area when your stamina is down. Another side benefit is when your fighting in a group and the doorway becomes clogged, you can teleport right thru the door or wall straight into battle. Being an aggressive sorceress with 475 armor and 135 str, I'm a mix between sorceress and barb :). I'm used to hearing sorceress being very low on str and high on mana. This has not been a major issue with me. I can see advantages and disadvantages of both.
It's important to have 1 cold spell. At least 1 to the frozen armor spell, which raises your defense and helps when your surrounded by minions by freezing them, which gives you time to act. The shiver armor spell is a bit nicer but I think it's over all a waste of skills as it does very little damage. I've heard a lot about frozen orb and I'm sure it's a nice ability, but it a lot of prerequisites and I've not really needed it.
Although I have wasted a few spells on some fire skills, I've done a pretty good job. Fire blast?, Fire Ball are somewhat useful early on but are completely useless in nightmare and hell levels. I wouldn't waste more than 1 to easier of them. I consider them prerequisites. My main attack is firewall for maximum damage. Before the patch my 11 to firewall (+2 from staff) released around 400 damage per second, after the patch is does over 1100 per second. This is very powerful but has to be compensated by the new spell casting delays that the 1.08 patch adds. I've started replacing my boots and gloves & rings with fast cast rate and whenever possible fast hit recovery. The biggest different I've noticed between normal->nightmare->hell is the ability of the enemy to stun you so that you can't escape or cast spells against them. Those zombies that move so slow seem to be able to reach out more than their body length to grab and shock you. If you don't have fast hit recovery, your going no where and soon your dead.
The second most useless skill is blaze. I have 9 to blaze(+2 from staff) and it does pretty good damage. I believe it's around 200 per second, which is nice since you use it while retreating or in conjunction with firewall. It's important to go back and see what died in your blaze. I've seen other using blaze, and while minions are dieing in their wake, I'm seeing rings, magic armor, etc falling to the ground. This would be sad if a golden nagal ring fell to the ground, just to be pick up by someone else or lost when you exit the game.
I use to rely on inferno a lot, which works well in normal and nightmare, but I find that I don't like to be that close to the enemy in hell, so it rarely gets used and I now wish I didn't have it. Meteor is useful when you know there are minions on the otherside of a doorway. You can use it to bash them to death without every opening the door. Just aim the meteor at the door and it does damage to minions on both sides, which is very helpful when your in a tomb and 15 skeletons/corpses are on the otherside of the door. I'm cleared whole rooms this way.
A not so powerful but very useful skill is hydra, which I highly recommend, especially if your doing it alone. The hydra can be cast up a head, through a door, and is especially useful when you enter a room to find a lightning charged minion from hell. You can quickly cast a few hydras and jump back through the doorway. It might take a while, but dieing and loosing your experience is no fun and wastes a lot more time trying to recovery the lost experience. I also use hydra to see which direction the minions are. If I cast one in each direction, they will fire on the enemy giving me an idea of where they are. Becareful though, the minions don't waste time on the hydras, they come looking for you instead.
In closing, I want to mention that I have 20 to warmth, which makes the mana come back quickly, so I don't have to worry about having 400-600 to mana like I see others with. I have only 199 to mana, and I carry a several extra mana's with me. I rarely runout and it's simple enought to find more. I was currently putting all my new skills into fire mastery but I'm thinking that I need to develop lightning because of the new patch and the immune minions. I feel quite weak being a level 44 sorceress and getting slautered left and right because of immuned minions. Before the patch I, it would of only been a few more days of playing before I finished hell. I don't see me finishing hell anytime soon now, unless I ride on the backs of others. Good Luck
BreakerII Fire Sorceress, Level 44 |
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Equipment If you ask me. I say that the best equipment that a sorceress can have is a Tarnhelm it's because +1 to skills and magic find. +1 ammulet with fastest cast rate because you need the skill point and the best place for fastest castrate. Culwen's Point because it's the only weapon a sorceress can have that adds to skills and the faster blocking rate is quite handy. Sigon's shield because of the high blocking rate and + to skills. Now GoldSkins if you ask me is the best possible armor for a sorceress because of the 230 defense and +30% to resistances because a sorceress needs them resistances because they shouldn't take the melee attacks. Frostburns because it adds +40% to mana, some say that magefist is best because of +1 to fire skills and 25% to mana, but the fact is, that the more mana you have the faster it regenerates and a sorceress needs all the mana they can get, Tearhaunch boots because you need the resistances and faster run/walk. Nightsmoke because of the resistances and the 50% of damage goes to mana (incredibly useful). Now what I recommend for rings is nice rare resistance rings, some say that stones of Jordan are best because of the increased mana and + to skill point, now that's good too but leaves your resistances for nothing because with all the other equip. I mentioned your resistances will be 50% and in hell difficulty your resistances are minused by 50% so leaving nothing but your rings to fall back on.
Character Points
What I recommend with your character points is that get 80 str. in the beginning, no more because Goldskin s requires 80 str. 45 dex so you can use your Culwen's point. Now after you get your str. and dex. up to what they should be, just pump the rest of your character points into vitality and energy (a sorceress can ever have too much mana). It's that simple.
Skill Points
Now as for your skill points. I would say get your warmth up to the level 15 naturally AT LEAST! I say only level 15 at least because with all your equip that I recommended your skills will be increased by 4, so that's saying when you put the first level into any spell, it is already level 5, now imagine that. Get warmth up to level 15 or higher before you hit level 29! Because at level 29 you should save that skill point so when you hit level 30 you have 2, one goes to orb the other goes to cold mastery. Now you want a good level cold mastery because of the piercing, so if they have 20% cold resistance and you have 55% cold piercing, it's like they are getting hit with -35% cold resistance. Think about it. But as before you get that high, you need other spells, the first spell I would recommend is static because it is a great spell. Now I only put 1 skill on this one so making it level 5 with all my equip, now I learned that perhaps it would be much better to have that higher for obvious reasons. There are just 3 things in lightning that you would want. Teleport, thunderstorm, and mana shield. I say teleport because it will be your best friend when you find yourself somewhere when you prefer to be somewhere else. Thunderstorm because if your out of mana, out of potions, and previously casted it, it does some nice damage and can get you out some tight spots, but it is not all that great and if you don't want to spend all the points towards getting thunderstorm that's fine, put them towards warmth. And mana shield because when you take a hit, and you're in nightmare or hell, chances are your dead. But with mana shield it is like you have 500 hit points with 200 life and 300 mana. Get all the cold spells, all of them. Now don't put more than 1 skill into anything besides glacial ice, orb, and cold mastery, even though it may seem like a good idea at the time, it's not in the long run. Now as for fire skills, they can be handy but cold spells are just so much better than fire so why would you waste your skills in 5, so just get warmth, and only warmth. And of course, this is all just in my opinion, if you want to make your own adjustments to what your character is, that's fine, if you plan to learn by yourself, also fine it makes no real difference to me.
Zak. |
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I believe that the character sorceress is the most fun out of all of the chars to choose from. They aren't the greatest char to start with because they have a small margin of error before you can screw them up. I recommend you start a barb as your first char because they are a very forgiving char. Most of the time your first of a type of char will suck as my first sorc did. I spread the skills out way too much. my first advice is to first build a "starter" sorc to about lvl 25 or so. you get the basic feel and needs of the sorc by then and what you did wrong with it. But hopefully with this advice you wont need a starter sorc. First you have to decide what type of sorc you will be (fire, cold, lighting). I would recommend to start with a cold sorc. they are probably the most popular type out there and in my opinion the best. But you cant just have all cold spells you need the basics. Max warmth (lvl 20), at most and I repeat at most lvl 10 static field. At this lvl it reaches to the edge of the comp screen and if you get higher you cannot hurt monsters you cant see so its pointless beyond lvl 10. Static field you don't have to have but it helps against stone skins and such. Some sort of mana shield is good(energy shield is the best i think). Some skills you should only put 1 into. These are; Teleport(useful if you get stuck in a gang bang); Telekinesis(good only for multiplayer cuz you can grab items from a distance b4 others do); and basically any other skill that will not be a main skill. You should always pick 1 main attack and stick with it (thats key). I use glacial spike. i find that blizzard is not very effeitive and to much mana. I would get orb as your first lvl 30 skill. Although it costs a lot of mana by lvl 30 you should have the right items, which i will go over later, and enuf mana to use it orb. Now for the items. The items arent the main thing for a sorc so dont worry if you cant get these.
Gloves: Magefist or Frostburn
Boots: Fastest Run/Walk helps to have magic find
Cap: Tarnhelm (the highest mf you can get), howltusk, or Infernal Cranium.
Armor: Heavenly Garb
Rings: 2 soj
Ammy: +1-2 sorc skills primistic(all resistances(to make one with the cube add 1 perfect gem of each kind except skull and any amulet(this will not give you the 1-2 to sorc skills tho)))
Weapon: Jang Bong war staff or Spectral Shard
Shield: Wall of the eyeless
Belt: Deaths Gaurd sash(i gambled this today for 2300 gold with my lvl 7 zon =)) or goldwrap with the items listed above you shouldnt need to much in dex/str
Strength:Minium of 35 but i have 50
Dexterity:51 to be able to use spectral shard but min of 45
Vitality: 75 work your way up slowly (in nightmare and hell you will be thankfull you have the vit)
Mana: Absolute Minium of 100 but i think thats way too low (Im still working up to this but im lower lvl)
A few other strategies are.... Always use some sort of mana armor. Always have some rejuv or mana potions on you incase you run out. Magic Find is a good thing to have as you will be finding rares and sets all the time to sell trade or use. Use your presets (F1 F2 etc...) keep in handy a good secondary attack (static field). Some combos... Fire wall/blaze and gspike. gspike, static field static field static field static field, finish off with gspike. Freeze then metoer. A tip in fighting those dirty flying/whirlwinding bastard barbs, Try to be lvl 30 to have orb which works the best on them and if they come flyin at ya teleport out of the way then gspike there ass from the second they land stat field works well to considering that they cant run out of the way of it as long as they r in your screen. I prefer the stategy Teleport gspike/static field teleport gspike/static teleport gspike/static etc. etc.
any more questions my e-mail is flea034@hotmail.com and no im no trading my items.
Ice_Fenix |
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Starting off as a sorceress can be quite hard, Especially in Act 1 where you have to use weapons and hand to hand combat, as you dont have any decent spells, and as the sorceress is quite poor in these areas, it can be tough.
1: U need to choose spells wisely. Cold spells are most important i find, with a few exceptions. If you can freeze/slow down an enemy you have little chance against, then your job becomes easier. I recomend putting your first point into ice bolt, and working down the tree. although you will want to put at least 5 points into warmth and 1 into static field. warmth is a very definite must, it will do wonders for your mana recharge rate, and static field is the best weapon for taking down those bosses. i used it against diablo, very good. it takes a third off the enemy's life. Once you have 1 point in ice bolt, build up warmth until you are at level 6, then put one point into static field, and after that, work on your ice blast. this will make short work of enemy's through to act 3. i put mine to level 10. when you are in act 2, shiver armour is a good idea. dont bother with freezing armour, shiver is better. get it to about level 3 and it will prove very useful. then u can do wot u like. i found meteor very useful, and blizzard is good too. i havent really bothered with the lightning skills, except static field.
2: when imbuing, i reccomend a shield, armour or a helm. the sorcerress is going to rely on her spells consistently in later levels, and an imued weapon is not so useful with her strenght and dexterity. although while you are starting out, putting many of your skill points into strenth is a good plan. many of the decent shields, helm, and armour require strength levels of 60 or more, and while you have little or no spells, putting your mana up isnt really worth it. worry about that later. when you are in act 2, you shud start worrying about life and mana more.
3: hiring out mercs can be a lifesaver for the sorcerress. the rogues i find arent very good, but the mercs in act 2 and 3 are decent, and while they go up and fight the enemy hand to hand, you stand behind and unleash spells on them, thus avoiding hand to hand which is not the sorceress's strong point.
4: once you have a strenght that allows you to have decent armour and shields, put all points into your life and mana. my sorc has double the amount of points in mana than she has in dexterity, the reason being that because you use spells dexterity isnt that important, and having a high life and mana rating is so useful when you have spells like meteor which can drain mana fast.
5: dont be afraid to RUN AWAY. when there are too many enemys, run. leave a few ice blasts and leg it, this will slow the enemys down while you escape to a way point or town portal.
well i hope this strategy has helped all those sorcs out there.
Dame Akila (level 27) |
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the bestway for sor is to play as a fire or ice sor, as i find electric sor are hard to use even in the first act against blood Raven.A ice sor must hav to following at lvl 12: 1 icebolt,1 frozen armor,1 frost nova(to slow enemy),2 ice blast,1 shiver armor,7 to warmth(1 skil point from Akara when U complete the first quest)after you have all this, continue to add to warmth until lvl 18 when you get Glacial Spike(2 skill point on this) andadd more to warmth till you get lvl23,save it up for chilling armor and blizzard andgo for warmth till lvl 20warmth and you find no more "i need mana" coming out of your charactor.find a staff which have teleport and no monster can kill you |
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Ohh my God!!! Most of these Strategies are made by newbies! Let me tell you a reasonable sorce strategy. If your lucky enough to have these items: 2 soj, mage fist, treads of cthon, tarn or infernal cranium(20% Damage taken goes to Mana All Resistances 10%), nightsmoke, twitch (Increases chance of blocking, +15 to Defense, +10 to Dexterity,+10 to Strength,Slight attack rate increase), Shard, wall of eyeless and an amulet with at least 1-2 skill, fast cast and prismatic. For your stats: Strenght-35, Dexterety-45, Vitality-75(ppl say sorce don't need life but they do, they still die even with mana shield and night smoke and cranium or howltusk) best to have lots of life, Energy-150 min but i recommend to be more. With these right stats, you are sure to be able to use all the items listed above. Twitch specialty is that it blocks higher and that means in chaos sanctuary you can block those annoying multi colour flying shit thrown by oblivion knights. Also the 10 dex and 10 strenght is just to much. Make this type of sorce and you will see what I mean. If you think you have tons of mana like 1000 or more without soj, replace soj with fast cast rings with some mana and resist. The most godly and possible amulet for sorce is 2+ skill, 10% dmg goes to mana, 5 replenish life, prismatic, 30%+ magic find(sorce are the best magic finders, better than barbs with over 300% magic finds) and with 50 or more mana add or life. Just another thing, 10% dmg goes to mana means if you get hit by 100 dmg, 90 is reduce to your life and 10 is reduce to your mana. Just an explaination to the newbies who thinks you gain mana if you get hit. I don't care what skill you take but i recommend you max warmth. if you wanna use orb max it also ice mastery(it increases your dmg by lowering resistance) decide what spell that you would use for the rest of the game and you actually use a lot. Don't be taking all the spell for sorce, thats stupid and waste of skills. I my self have 3 sorceress, one ice(orb), one fire(meteor)(if you think ur and expert use try it), and one lightning(nova). This doesn't mean i took only one type of skills, i always take static and mana shield and warmth of course and lightning mastery to lower cost. Few use lightning sorce cuz they don't know what spell to use but i think nova is the best there is in lightning skill with static. With lightning sorce you have the options of maxing warmth, nova, static and mana shield. I think lightning is kinda easy compare to fire only using maxed metoer and with max fire mastery, don't take enchant and hydra! waste i say. Well i can't think anymore.So that is all. If i ahve time i would tell more detail about a successful sorce.
Fire Sorce - lvl 78 Ice Sorce - lvl 82 Lightning Sorce - lvl 67 |
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Master Blizzard(and or)Frozen Orb Ice masistery if posible.For begginers you should get about lvl6-7 Ice Blast(very useful from act1-2 normal.I know this isn't much but i can't think of anything else to type......I am am playing a new lvl16 sorc.(P.S. if you try to pk me i'l frigen get my lvl 98 sorc so watch who you pk)... |
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To all the Sorceress( Sor ) players who are having trouble beating Claw Viper Temple level 2 .Let's talk about Normal mode. Fire Sor/Ice Sor in Claw Viper Temple level 2. First of all, you need to level up your fire/ice Sor at level 18, and have teleport available. Please save your level 17 skill point. place it into Glacial Spike(ice sor) or Firewall( fire Sor) when you get up to level. For both ice/fire Sor, You need to buy a staff that contains +1-3 Glacial spike, then get ready to kick some sneaks... when you enter Claw Viper Temple level 2, get up 4-5 radius, as soon as see those Sneak Minions, Use ur Glacial Spike to freeze them and place some Firewalls, or just use Glacial Spike to finish the minions. If Frankskin( the boss) cause some lighting trouble for you, and stop your G/S or firewalls now, Use teleport and get to the Altar, which you can keep those minions below the Altar( Is that amazing? Only Sor can do this!!!), now you can place more fire walls and keep shoot out G/S. If the lighting bolts coming to u, teleport away. when the lighting bolts are disappear, go back to the Altar and do G/S or firewall again. In nightmare mode, ice Sor is even easier. Use Frozen orb to slow them down, get to your Altar Stage again, sing some frozen orbs to your sneak audiences. Fire Sor needs some well placed Firewalls before go up to Altar, and firewall again after she gets up to Atlar. |
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THIS IS THE ULTIMATE SORCERESS GUIDE.... ALL YOO NEED TO KNOW IS IN THE FOLLOWING... READ CAREFULLY, ITS LONG BUT STATES THE FACTS. i started my sorceress about a month ago and currently its at lvl40. She is COMPLETELY unstoppable. I use Ume's Lament for my wand ( made for a necro, but still does fastest cast and adds +40 to mana ), and I use a 47% tarn helm ( very rare ), heavenly garb for my armor, wall of the eyeless for my shield, +1sorc skills fast cast amulet or a prismatic Sorceress amulet, 2 soj's, magefist for my gloves, and nightsmoke for my belt, and threads of cthon for my boots. THIS is the ultimate sorceress. +4 all skills,+1 fire skills (warmth), +50% mana, +20 to all resist, 3 fastest cast and 1 fast cast, +55% regeneration mana ( not including warmth ), 50% damage taken goes to mana, +5 str, +5dex, +5 mana points after each kill. All this only requires a mere 45 strength. Some people might suggest frostburns but that
-*thenewguy69 xPaulceResSx - Lvl40 Cold/Lightning Tweaker Sorc. |
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If you ask me. I say that the best equipment that a sorceress can have is a Tarnhelm it's because +1 to skills and magic find. +1 ammulet with fastest cast rate because you need the skill point and the best place for fastest castrate. Culwen's Point because it's the only weapon a sorceress can have that adds to skills and the faster blocking rate is quite handy. Sigon's shield because of the high blocking rate and + to skills. Now GoldSkins if you ask me is the best possible armor for a sorceress because of the 230 defense and +30% to resistances because a sorceress needs them resistances because they shouldn't take the melee attacks. Frostburns because it adds +40% to mana, some say that magefist is best because of +1 to fire skills and 25% to mana, but the fact is, that the more mana you have the faster it regenerates and a sorceress needs all the mana they can get, Tearhaunch boots because you need the resistances and faster run/walk. Nightsmoke because of the resistances and the 50% of damage goes to mana (incredibly useful). Now what I recommend for rings is nice rare resistance rings, some say that stones of Jordan are best because of the increased mana and + to skill point, now that s good too but leaves your resistances for nothing because with all the other equip. I mentioned your resistances will be 50% and in hell difficulty your resistances are minused by 50% so leaving nothing but your rings to fall back on.
Character Points
What I recommend with your character points is that get 80 str. in the beginning, no more because Goldskins requires 80 str. 45 dex so you can use your Culwen s point. Now after you get your str. and dex. up to what they should be, just pump the rest of your character points into vitality and energy (a sorceress can ever have too much mana). It's that simple.
Skill Points
Now as for your skill points. I would say get your warmth up to the level 15 naturally AT LEAST! I say only level 15 at least because with all your equip that I recommended your skills will be increased by 4, so that's saying when you put the first level into any spell, it is already level 5, now imagine that. Get warmth up to level 15 or higher before you hit level 29! Because at level 29 you should save that skill point so when you hit level 30 you have 2, one goes to orb the other goes to cold mastery. Now you want a good level cold mastery because of the piercing, so if they have 20% cold resistance and you have 55% cold piercing, it's like they are getting hit with -35% cold resistance. Think about it. But as before you get that high, you need other spells, the first spell I would recommend is static because it is a great spell. Now I only put 1 skill on this one so making it level 5 with all my equip, now I learned that perhaps it would be much better to have that higher for obvious reasons. There are just 3 things in lightning that you would want. Teleport, thunderstorm, and mana shield. I say teleport because it will be your best friend when you find yourself somewhere when you prefer to be somewhere else. Thunderstorm because if your out of mana, out of potions, and previously casted it, it does some nice damage and can get you out some tight spots, but it is not all that great and if you don't want to spend all the points towards getting thunderstorm that s fine, put them towards warmth. And mana shield because when you take a hit, and you re in nightmare or hell, chances are your dead. But with mana shield it is like you have 500 hit points with 200 life and 300 mana. Get all the cold spells, all of them. Now don't put more than 1 skill into anything besides glacial ice, orb, and cold mastery, even though it may seem like a good idea at the time, it's not in the long run. Now as for fire skills, they can be handy but cold spells are just so much better than fire so why would you waste your skills in 5, so just get warmth, and only warmth. And of course, this is all just in my opinion, if you want to make your own adjustments to what your character is, that's fine, if you plan to learn by yourself, also fine it makes no real difference to me.
Dianna |
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I have a level 36 soreceress. So don't take me too seriously and only follow guides to egt an idea of what u should do. THere ae only 5 skills u need. Teleport, warmth, frozen orb, static field and shiver armor. It is true. Glaciel spike became useless. It freezes the monsters for too short. IN hell mode that is. about 3/4 of a second. Slowing them down is much more usefull. Because by that time u will have fastest run boots. All the spells the soreceress has won't be able to do enough damage in multiplayer to kill monsters. The only way to kill then is use static and than frozen orb.Beleive it or not frozen orb lvl6 does more damage to monsters than lvl12 glaciel. especially great. Not waisting you skills oints means u can have lvl lvl 9 static(don't need it higher) and lvl 15 warmth. I was also surprise when i was the one to kill the lighning enchanted boss for a barb who was higher level than me. Like 8 levles higher. I juts kept teleporting and doing static. Never lost one hp. than finished it off. Another thign i noticed is i keep swithching back and forth with my rings. I have to resistance rings and a soj. Sometimes the resistance is much more helpfull than soj. Can u beleive that? Well i should have never gotten soj. Instead get frostburns gloves. Or soemthing that i have: some resist and 34%magic find. I also stopped dying alot whnen i started to wear sigon's shield. Too bad i can't find a very good wand. The best i found so far is fastest cast rate.if u play single player than u wouls use a totally different strategie. Anyways there is no point in getting much higher damage by choosing fire mastery. All u will need is a way to slow down mosters, staic filed them, and finish them off with your main spell. By doing this u will discover that u don't need that much mana. and at about lvl 50 or so u wuill be able to raise strenght and vitality, maby dex too. Well that's my strategie. Happy killing diablo to all of u!
Mike |
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Sorceress- Most items that are good for her are uniques. Here's a recommended list:
1) Goldskin or Heavenly Garb- Goldskin is like the best sorc armor ever... basically cuz of the 30% resistance to all (resistance is VERY IMPORTANT for sorcs). Sorcs don't need a high 880 def. armor. First, it would waste stat points to wear them. Second, shiver armor (best magic armor for sorcs) increases def by so much anyways. Heavenly Garb is the second best. It provides 10% resist to all and 25% mana regeneration. Either of them is good. People just prefer goldskin more.
2) Frostburn or Magefist- for gloves, chose one of these. I don't really care what other people say but I recommend frostburn. It's weird, but although it does not say, wearing frostburn increases your mana AND regenerates mana faster than magefist for some apparent reason, even though magefist has both +1 to fire skills and 25% mana regeneration. But for the long run, both is
equally good.
3) Tarnhelm- Best for sorcs due to the +1 to all skills mod. Howltusk and Face of Horror works, but... tarn is better. Howltusk requires too much strength and Face of Horror does not have enough mods (but the 5% resistance to all is good).
4) Tearhaunch or Treads of Cthon- Fast running speed is essential for sorcs. Both boots are great, but I think Tearhaunch is better because of the resistances.
5) Staff or wand/shield or dagger/shield- If u go with staff, good luck. First, u need to find a good staff (+2 to sorc skills and fastest cast rate), which is HARD. The iron jang bong isn't that good. It'll work for beginning sorcs but sux in hell. wand/shield is best for some reasons. The shield provides block against attacks (but has to be a good shield). The wand provides fastest cast rate and mana additions. w/s is great for dueling, especially amazons. Shield selections are few. Only two shields work fantastic for sorcs: wall of eyeless, or sigons. Wand is umes lament. d/s sorcs are good, but the only dagger that's good is spectral shard, and that wastes dex points, although shard does have good resistance.
6) 2 sojs and 1 eye of etlich, or some rare ammy that + to sorc skills- for obviously reasons (if u don't know, cheack the mods on soj and eye).
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I created an ice sorceress on west, at about lvl 15 or so, i realized that i had made a mistake. The enemies were too strong for hand to hand combat and my mana regeneration was way too slow. I decided to try a different approach. After taking a look i realized that each skill tree had skills that are much more powerfull at the levels that you get them. For example, ice blast is good at lvl 6 but you have to wait a long time to get glacial spike, lvl 18. But once you hit level 12 you could get fireball or lightning, both of which are usefull, and lightning does massive damage when you get it. But I didn't have the skill points to throw into a bunch of skills, so I decided that i would pump up only warmth until i could cast as much as I want. I saved up every gold piece so when i reached a level i could buy a staff that added to lightning or whatever. This had 2 major benefits. 1) I had a lot of warmth and could cast more spells. 2) I didn't have to wait for long spans of time to get the next spell.
This tactic worked great, I had one point in static field, and used whatever spell my staff gave me to finish my enemies. Once I had maxed Warmth I put skill points into the prerequisites. Once I had my main spells i switched from the staves to shield and scepter with fast cast or something usefull. And don't ever let anybody tell you that you only need one point in static field, this is by FAR the most powerfull spell in the game, doing MASSIVE DAMAGE for very LOW MANA COST. I can cast static and hit Diablo off the screen, and he is dead in less than a minute when he gets hit with a Thunderstorm. I currently have a lvl 50 sorceress on west in Hell who is doing great with a level 10 static field.
Kiith_Talone |
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Well i finally decided to just started by Sorc bout a 2 weeks ago... and she is BADASS.... i have magefist gloves, tenymo sash for my belt, tearhaunch for boots, 2 fast cast rings dat add some other goodies such as resistance and str with mana, a prismatic sorc amulet, heavenly garb for my armor, a fastest cast wand ( Shard (a unique blade) is what im looking for ), wall of the eyeless as my shield, and a 47% magic find tarn helm.... this is the ULTIMATE sorceress right here. with all items i get 3 fastest cast with 2 fast cast, 25% to all resist, and MUCH much other resists, +2 skills, a good amount of defense, and 55% mana regenerations... ( and you also have warmth dat adds even more mana regeneration ), +5 str and +5 dex from boots and finally you get +5 mana after each kill. All this requires only 45 strength. SOME people might say you want to put on frostburn, but those gloves requires 60 str. |
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the best thing to do with a sorc is to get a lot of items that raise skill points then try to get fastest cast items such as an umes or an iron jang bong and also u should raise ur strength but only enough to use silks and goldskins around 100 strength is sufficient, also max out skills that r most importent to u frozen orb is strong as hell but it eats up ur mana at higher lvls so u should only put in at most 10-15 skill points ice glacier u should max out as same with ice mastery u can put points into fire skills and lighting skills i reccomend hydra and fire mastery also firewall lighting skills i would reccomend thunder shield and the bolt aura type thing lastly if u have plenty of money dont be afraid to gamble, since skull caps r cheap for gambling gamble several of em eventually ull prolly get tarnhelm. |
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ok most of the ppl are DUMB! if u want a perfect sorc read this! ok all u need is 45 str! wear tarn(+1 skills) heavenly garb (regenerate mana 25% 10% all resists) umes ( fastest cast +40 mana ) wall of the eyeless ( fastest cast +5 mana per kill ) magefists (fastest cast regen mana 25% +1 fire skills ) nightsmoke (+20 mana 50% dmg goes to mana and +10% resists ) treads or any other rare boots with fasest run walk and
other mods ... treads are easy to get . 2 sojs ( 1 soj does +1 skill lvls increas max mana 25% and +20 mana good ring!) and a rare +1 or +2 sorc amulet with +mana ) for skills get 1 ice bolt 1 frosts nova 1 ice blast 1 glacial spike 1 blizzard then get max frozen orb. for fire dont get ANY EXCEPT WARMTH at the start dont go strait for max warmth! u dont need it till lvl 30+ get it to like 15 and mage fists and garb regen ur mana! for lightning just get 1 in teleknisis 10 natural points into static cause its best sorc skill and 1 in teleport and the prerequisists for teleport . ALL U NEED IS 45 STR! NO DEX! 60 OR MORE VITALITY AND THEN GO ALL MANA |
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I dont know if anyone will like this strategy but it has worked for me. First off, I think the key to a good sorceress is good equipment...especially in the beginning. I started with 2 sojs, eye of etlich, iron jang, and treads. As you level, put skill points on warmth. You wont need to put attribute points on energy yet since ur sojs increased ur mana a lot. Put them on strength until u get to 71, then put on detex until u get to 45. Then you can put them on energy. Use hevanly, wall of eyeless, and culwins. If you want the fastes casting possible, focus on a wand with fastest cast, and use magefists. If you have all of the above, you get 5 extra skills, so if you put one on say...blizzard u get 6. This way, u wont waste skill points trying to get a spell up high enough to do damage. It isnt much, but it is a good start to a decent sorc. Enjoy |
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The sorceress is probably the best character in the game. Although she is somewhat lacking in hand to hand combat in comparison to the barabarian, her projectile and mass killing abilities make up for it. In the begining (levels 10-20) i spent a lot of my skills researching different techniques but concentrated on frost nova and inferno. Freeze'um then roast'um was my technique but now i found some new skills that are even better. Chain lightning is one of my favorite spells now because it RIPS through huge groups of guys even better than the novas. The glacier move is also good to upgrade because it completely freezes them to the point where they remain motionless. As i haven't done the moves like hydra, blizzard and tempest, i can't really coment on how good they are but i'm willing to bet that they kick ass. Good Hunting to the rest of you sorceresses or sorceri, whatever it is.
Ski6020 |
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To build a powerful sorceress for newbies and advance, you must first learn the fundamental fighting ability of the sorceress. When you acquire your very first skill point put it first on warmth, after that get the ice bolt. Put ice bolt on the left mouse button and fire bolt on right. Practicing and mastering the use of F keys to use different magics. Doing combo with the sorceress is fun.
When you improve throughout the game do combos, on non-moving enemies I usually do "Blizzard-Firewall-Meteor combo". On moving enemies I do "Blaze-Blizzard-Meteor combo", why? Because they are moving and sorceress usually run and keep the distance why not lure them to your very own path of death! See them walk in your path of fire while slow because of blizzard, showered with meteor. Though it needs space, and when I get in to this point I circle around if the room is thight.
If your are wandering in dungeons or walking around the plains cast any of the ice armors, combo it with thunder storm. Frozen armor is good for beginning sorceress, alternate shiver and chilling armor because they're very different. Shiver is for melee while chilling is for enemies that shoots , like archers. When you acquire teleport put it in F4, and customize your very own F key setup. I disagree on single element sorceress, prioritize cold, then fire then lightning. When I say prioritize, I mean the usage of the elements. The distribution of the skill points is all up to you, and I won't give my personal "distribution of skill pts." for instant powerful sorceress.
If you're fighting a boss don't be intimidated, you're a sorceress and show him who's boss. Do the combos and you'll slay them in no time! Like they said "Keep your friends and your enemies closer!" Know thy enemies.
E-mail me for questions, comments and suggestion but I won't reply non-sense. ivan@lookingforlove.ph
-=warlock=- |
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I know the best way to get the best sorceress: don't take the first one you create.Personaly I have 4 sorceress (not very high level but...) my best is only level 27 but I will teach you my trics.1) You have only 3 lightning spell to get:static field , teleport and telekinesis (to get teleport), all the others lightning spell suck , don't take them.2) Try to survive the longer as possible with low level spell to keep skills points for better spells at level 24 and 30, just take fireball, firewall and glacial spike with higher level.3) the Hydra is only useful on boss don't put a lots of skills point into that.4) Meteor is very pwerful in duel and boss I suggest you to put a lots skills point in that.5) Put a lot of skills points in the mastery when you are at level 30, it's very useful.6) Blizzard is the best way to kill a bunch of enemy at the same time, put the most oh the skills point in that it's the best spell.7) Ice orb is very pwerful put a lot of points in that but keep your blizzard at an higher level because ice orb is only useful when you are surrounded because it will kill only the first line of the bunch.8) Finaly, don't put a single stats points in dex the soceress don't need dex because with yhe ice armor you can get a good def , anyways the sorceress is rarely touch by enemy when you know how the use your spells correctly.
Magik-Valkyrie/sorceress/level 27/battle.net USEast |
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I WILL TELL YOU HOW TO BUILD THE PERFECT SORC. I have read the strats, and i would have to disagree with spreading your skills. Yes you will need skills from all three trees but only a few will be emphasized. For offense max out frozen orb and cold mastery. THIS is the way to go, forget hydras and meteor storm, because you cant really control your attack. Secondly, for bosses get static to around 10 for range. Put 1 into shivering armour and max out warmth. also start building on your mana shield once all the above are met.
Now let us move onto your stats.... 80 for strength to wear goldskin (best sorc armor for resist) none into dex, 50 into vitality, and the rest into mana. Items, use goldskin, frostburns (magefist for pk hehe) 2 soj, fastest run/fastest hit recovery boots, or treads of cython, also use plus 2 ammy when u reach a high enough level. Finally, staves are good but in the long run u want a fastest cast wand like maelstrom or even ume (spec shard is good too, but then u would have to waste some skills into dex when u can get the cast rate by wands) shield use wall of eyeless or sigon's for duels against amazon, well there u have it perfect sorc.
Geniuz88 |
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i have a some great tips for u guys.All u really need is some skills im talking about now.frozen orb is a must it kicks assssssss and teleport,static field,fire wall ,cold mastery,fire mastery and warmth is a must no matter what u do this skill is just a must.
Some tips for wearing is silk of victor,nightsmoke,spectral shard,tarnhelm,sigons shield.2 soj,1 good +2 skill amulets,frostburn.and any fastest run/walk boots
so good luck and get ready to kick asssssss!!!!
niker89 |
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I have been playing DII for awhile now and I have a high level necro. I was getting bored of him so I decided to create another character, a sorceress. I traded for several good items with my necromancer and transferred them to
my sorceress. After some trial and error I have found the perfect combination of items for nearly any sorceress. The are: Spectral Shard, Tarnhelm, Goldskin, Prismatic +1or+2 sorceress skills prismatic amulet, 3 perfect diamond tower shield, Nightsmoke, 2 SOJ's, Frostburns, and Treads of Cthon. This combination of items gives you +4 to 5 skills, Fastest cast rate, Fastest walk/run, 50%stamina drain, 50% damage taken goes to mana, Maximum Resistances ALL in HELL,+90% mana, and +50 mana. The Beauty of this combination is that most of the items are unique and they have no required
level, meaning you can equip them very early. Thanks for reading
Major_Doom |
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Killing the bosses (Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, and Diablo) is one of the easiest thing to do in Diablo II.
I have had 2 sorc. (I killed my fire sorc and play with Nasty-BiatchIII on USEast (Cold))
Fire sorc's may have really high damage, but they are too easy, and get rather boring after a while. Ice sorc's are good, usefull, and good...
Anywayz, back to the bosses Andariel ~*~*~*~ Blaze her, stop, shoot her with some sort of cold spell and start blazing again, keep on doing this and she WILL die. (kill her minions first)
Duriel ~*~*~ Duriel is (was?) hard with my fire sorc because he was just too fast. however, cold sorc's can kill him very easilly by blazing and using glaciel spike (use this as your main attack) or on nightmare and hell, use orb or blizz, they have higher damage. but make sure you keep on blazin'
Mephisto ~*~*~*~ it doesn't matter how you do it, but get mephisto in the other side of those river things (teleport?) and blast him with something. I found that metior (lvl2) was taking him down too slow to be worth it, so i took out my lvl1 blizz. and took him down REALLY FAST! all you have to do is dodge him attacks and blast him with high (lvl5?) blizz and you are sure to beat him. some people use fire wall, but i've never tested it, so maybe firewall AND blizz? that might work...
Diablo ~*~*~ I have only gotten to Diablo 1nce, with my fire sorc, & i have to say that max lightning resist is a MUST!!!! 25 fire resist is enough, but with max lightning, you can just stand there IN HISLIGHTNING!!!! :) i used blaze and metior, and it would have helped a lot if i had had some nice spells to cool him off with (so that he would have been in the metiors longer, and the blaze) then just run around in circles until he stops to shoot you, that's when you haev to use a potion, and blast him with some spells of your own.
I hope this guide has helped, and if it didn't, look at someone elses guide, because mine won't really help you... i'll try to post something here when i beat the game on hell, then i can give you advice that will really help. All i have to say about skill pts, don't waste them, and warmth is a must!!!!! (but never 4get the blaze (lvl 5 or 6) and don't waste time in single player unless you are expirementing with new skills/spells... :(
USEast Cold Sorc. Nasty-BiatchIII (current lvl 19) <-------needs sojs... Dame Lanfear (single player lvl 32) |
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I would like to add my 2 cents worth for your strategies page. Firstly, a little background on me. I play on USEast and only closed characters. I have not played any other character yet other than the sorceress. My sorceress is currently at level 70. I will not take items into too much consideration here as personal preferences vary but I will touch on certain characteristics as I progress.
When I first started my sorceress it was apparent right from the start that she is weak and vulnerable so the first priority is defense. Shiver armor is the sorceresses best defense and should be selected as soon as it becomes available.
The Sorceress is all about mana and without it she's helpless so i don't need to stress how important warmth is. This is one skill that the player should try to max out.
Know your enemy! All the monsters have their own unique fighting style and weaknesses. Being able to predict and anticipate their moves is a huge advantage. I have witnessed many sorceresses just running in then dying because they never anticipated the outcome. The monsters are dumb and are usually fairly easy to take out without taking a single hit.
I do not think a successful sorceress can concentrate on only one skill tree, not only is it difficult but it's just plain silly. If you have skills available then you should use them.
As you progress through the skill trees you will notice that you have to add a point into prerequisite skills to obtain the skill of choice. Do not forget about those skills as they DO come in handy at times thoughout the game. Lots of sorceresses rely only on the spells they assign to their function keys.
Cold v lightning v fire???Why not use them all? You think by spreading your skill points around will weaken the spells you want?? This is true if you rush in and try to kill everything in the first 5 seconds. It is also true if you put them in skills that do not need the boost AT THAT TIME. For example, if your warmth is at level 8 but you are not suffering from mana loss then do not put the next point into warmth... that will have absolutely no short term benefit to you but you could have put that point into static field which would have instantly reduced the lives of all monsters by 25%. So, distribute your points on the things you find are inadequate and life threatening. Unable to freeze 12 monsters at once with your glacial spike is not grounds to add the point into glacial spike.
Use your spells wisely and do not insist on playing them as others do. Experiment with them. Hold down your shift key when using glacial spike for instance. Not only will you stand and cast but you can direct the spike to hit walls and trees etc and it's splashing effect will reveal monsters you may not have known were there. Another good example is using firewall at your leisure. It is especially effective against such dumb monsters as skeleton archers, who will stand and wait around a corner for you. Lay down the wall, they won't move and you don't take a single hit! Too easy.
When you advance and you are able to add points into the masteries, I would reccommend doing so. Fire mastery is a huge boost to all your fire skills, all at the same time. The same goes for the cold pirecing effect against cold resistant critters. As far as lightning mastery is concerned, the only benefit it has is a reduced mana cost. I find this useless. By the time that mastery becomes available, you should have enough mana anyway and seriously, who would cast enough lightning spells to run out of mana anyway??? I would add that point into static field to increase it's radius. Speaking of static field, some people claim that maxing it out is a must. I disagree strongly with this. My reasons are these and correct me if I'm wrong... 1) I can't SF a monster if it isn't in my line of sight. 2) My level 7 SF reaches the edges of my screen so I see no point in taking it further.
Now for the other points...Put lots and lots into energy! The others are not so important but do not neglect any of them. At level 70, my sorceress has a mana orb of 850 or so. This is not very big for a sorceress of this level but with warmth maxed out I never run out. Therefore I am able to add points into life, strength and even dexterity without sacrificing mana. A good successful sorceress will need points in all. You cannot survive without any of them, including dex. A sorceress needs items and items have restrictions so add points only to meet the requirements to use the items and only if the item is obviously better than what you already have. Try not to rely on items to boost your attributes to meet the requirements of other items. Doing this will probably leave you dependant on that item and you will not be able to replace it without having to replace the boosted item. Makes sense?? Look at it this way... You found a kickass crown but you don't have the strength to wear it so you get a belt that adds strength. You now have the strength to wear the crown but you are stuck with that belt, even if you find a more suitable belt.... not good!
Items and how to use them best.
I think that resistance items are all you will need unless you intend to play against other people, then resistances are not so important, but thats another topic. If you can keep your resistances maxed out through the three difficulty levels then you will find that it will be easy. Any other added modifications are all bonuses. Do not use items with high defense just because they have high defense, this will slow you down as most high defense items are heavy. You will also need a minimum of one item that increases cast rate and +1 to skills items are always a bonus but don't sacrifice resistance for the +1.
Below is a list of my items which I am currently using for Hell difficulty:
Goldskin - 30% resistance to all is a must although it's heavier than I would like.
Tower Shield with 3 perfect diamonds - average of 50% resistance to all! Can't beat that!
Spectral Shard - fastest cast rate, 10% resistance to all and +50 to mana
Tarnhelm - +1 to skills, 43% magic find and 75% extra gold... This was my first unique item and without it I wouldn't have gotten my other stuff so easily!!
Magefist - +1 to fire skills (warmth), fastest cast rate (yes they do stack) and regenerate mana 25%
Belt - anything better than my previous belt!! I'm using a rare 5% life regen, fastest hit recovery with a few more minor mods.
Boots - Nothing special, uniques don't really cut it. My current rares have fastest run / walk, fastest hit recovery and minor mods.
Rings - Stone of Jordan, 2 of them - Each has +1 to skills, increase max mana 25% and +20 to mana
Amulet - Rare +2 skills, poison reduced by 75%, 12% fire resist, 49% poison resist and +12 to dex! (sorry, not for sale)
I have tried other combinations but find the above to be a perfect balance in Hell.
To finish off, keep in mind my following rules to success:
1. Dress for the occasion (Resistances!!).
2. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer (Know the monsters well).
3. Don't rush, take your time! D2 doesn't have a time limit. ( I used the sewers only in act 2 Hell to level up from 60 to 65).
4. Don't rely on items, they are bonuses to your already existing skills. (This is my attitude).
5. Have a great deal of FUN!!!!!
Thanks for allowing me to speak my mind. All of the above is based on one solitary character through experience and no outside influence was involved. I welcome any questions or comments but will not respond to criticism as this character is still going strong and will make level 99 without changing a thing!
-India |
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I found a lot of the advice given in the Diablo II book I bought, and also some advice given by characters like Cain, are not really helpful. Cain says use fire on Andariel, but your webpage gave me more useful information (that she has 50% resistance to fire AND cold), and I found (thanks to your info) that for the sorceress, cold worked a lot better on Andariel. It keeps her off long enough to do the job.
More tips for sorceress vs. Andariel: Don't go in the double doors, pick off the lessermonsters first, let her follow you into the room next to the stairs, so that you canescape up the stairs if things get desperate. You can even do a town portal (safer from upstairs) after she has taken 50% damage and come back to find her with about the same amount of life left. Press the "R" key before you start so you can run away with only the mouse (fingers free for potions). You are likely to need to recover from poison upstairs unless you have resistance.
ACT II, the Arcane Sanctuary, I am sorceress again: The book says the Summonermonster is tough, and to get cold resistance. Maybe they played only the betaversion. Because you will get roasted long, long before cold is a problem. It's all those guys around him with the fire attacks. After I maxed my fire resistance, the Summoner was easy and I killed him with cold blasts in about 5 seconds.
peebles |
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When I first started to play this game, I made many failing characters. After awhile, after reading guides and playing I figured out that the best character is sorceress. But there stood the question: what mastery should I choose? Well I thought about it and chose "ice mastery". It was the only one with defensive spells and it would slow down enemies, so you could kill them before they reach you. It was very easy for me to finish normal mode and I got to act 3 nightmare. That's when it happened! I was on battle net with my brand new lvl 4 sorceress which I was going to use for experimenting. I so this game called" I can hack you", so I decide to check if it was possible. Well to my amazement, they hacked me to lvl 50 with maximum skill lvls. So I went to single player to check it out. First I checked what damage the spells did. After looking is saw something that meant I wasted my time in playing with an ice sorceress. The spell "fireball" did 680 damage with lvl 20 fire mastery! You see, Fire mastery upgrades the damage your fire spells do. So the damages were humongous! I never even knew something that strong was possible in Diablo2!... So I to the blood moor to kill some monsters. But the second any of my spells hit the monster my whole computer froze. So I erased her.(this just proves you should never cheat, good thing it wasn't my main character) But now I knew all this time I wasted on a failure that would not be able to fight on nightmare! I didn't just make up this story it's true. If you don't believe me send an email to ilia_7@hotmail.com . So if you are thinking about making an ice sorceress, think again. Ice is only good in the beginning, but if you want to have the biggest damage in the world use fire! Right now I have lvl 10 fire sorceress, and its so boring to go trough everything again. And just to think about all that time I spent trading for jordan ring, and ammy+1 skills.
So get warmth fireball, static field, teleport, blaze, firewall, meteor, hydra, and fire mastery. That is all I have to say. THANK YA'LL FOR LISTENING. 8-) |
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I have had diabl 2 since last christmas and I am good at it. I suggest when you first start your sorceress to level up warmth and one other thing alternating. I have a lvl 25 sorceress and when I saw how long it took to regenerate my mana. I went for help. I looked on the skill tree and there was warmth, it regenerates mana faster. So I started a new Sorceress and I put things in to warmth my first 10 lvls. Also if you are a sorceress who is planning to wear heavy armor this is what I put my stats into.strength, strength, energy, strength, energy, energy, strength, strength, and the rest was alternating strength and energy and now my new lvl 20 sorceress is awesome. Also, if you are a newbie I suggest being an ice sorceress. And then when you get better you can go on to fire or lightning. I just got the game so I am a newbie to so I am an ice sorc but if you don't want to take my advice, well that, FINE!!! |
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Im currently playing at a fire and ice sorceress right now and i'm in nightmare level, so here's my strategy; for your stat points you get 5 points on each level up so put 2 in energy cuz you'll be needing lot of mana for your spells, 1 point for vitality and 2 points for strength since you will not be putting some points in your dex don't expect that yur defense will rise so you need to pump some points into strength to wear those hardcore armors.
i suggest u should get yurself a Heavenly Garb light plate because of it's high defense and regenerate 25% of yur mana (lucky for me diablo left me this armor when he died), and put some points into frozen armor at least as many as you can or until +50%, this will help out for your defense to go up a little, as for offense always chose fire skills like the fireball don't throw points into firebolt you'll be wasting points instead get yurself a staff that adds 2-3 to fire bolt then lose it when already learned fireball. Don't throw points into inferno and firewall, instead put your points into warmth,fireball,meteor and of course my favorite the BLAZE! have u ever heard about the hit and run tactics of a hand to hand combat character? well as for the sorceress there is the run and run tactics w/ the help of blaze skill it really worked on duriel even there's only a little space and it worked on andariel,hepasto,izual and in the cow level too! just do blaze, run, stop when they're far from you fireball them, and again, of course it did'nt work on mephisto and diablo but meteor sure will cuz they always stay on one place casting spells on you while you stall them and cast meteor on them again and again but don't put too many points on meteor just a few points cuz u will not always need them, instead max out fireball, its like a bazooka in the world of diablo II, then work on the run and run tactics with blaze al least ll 3-5 and get a boots that increase yur speed and adds to stamina. well I hope my strategy works on you but know this, you should come up with your own style, this site really helped me alot when I was a newbie
Dame Lisandra (Lvl 29 Fire and Ice Sorceress) |
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OK. Here what I got on a perfect sorceress.
Many people don't realize this and thinks this is a waist of points but for a sorceress, ENERGY (MANA) is the most important thing. Without mana a sorceress is useless! AND with lots of mana regeneration will be faster. So just put enough points in strength and dex so that the sorceress can use her armor, etc. The rest of the time just put points into ENERGY.
Another thing! I DO NOT recommend that a sorceress as ur first character. The sorceress is hard to raise and good items are the only way for a sorceress. Start with a barbarian cause a barbarian requires less items to be good. Use that Barbarian or any other character you want and find items that is useful to your sorceress.
I just got enough items to start my sorceress. She is level 28 right now with 455 mana. She is wearing a SOJ (stone of jordan), Frostburns, Tarnhelm, Shard, Goldskin, and a nice ring, shield, and boots with nice mods. Things like these really helps!
USEAST REALM's Wolf_87 |
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Im not the best but im pretty good. if u dont like to carry a dagger like spectral shards use like a unique item called magefist, its really useful. if u wanna use a +2 staff or use like culwens point with a sigon shield because magefist has fastest cast and +1 to fire skills and my favorite reason is 25 mana reg if u combine it with civerbs icon or arcannas sign then dump ur skill points into warmth ull be able to use those preciouse mana potions or rejuv potions when its really an emergency. my mana recharges fully i have a lvl 31 sorc with 277 mana it recharges really fast!! and as 4 armor try getting a heavenly garb do anything to get it and if u cant just wear like a full plate mail (u wont need that much def anytime soon!) but in nitemare or hell u should use goldskins (for the resist things) then if u decide to put points in strength look for a ornate plate (usually look for a ! 900 def one) as for jewlery use eye of etlich until u get civerbs or arcannas amulet as 4 rings u should definetly use stone of jordans lots of peo have doubles so it shouldnt take u long to get one and as for boots u should use sigons sabot and belts i dont really care about belts but look for a mana related thing. Ok last thing is where to put those pesky skill points? dump em into warmth very needed and i know its cheap but put points into frozen orb and hydra i personally dont use novas but if u like to use it put 5 points in frost nova (ur rings and weapons should raise the frost nova to 9 its weak but great for multiplayer put at least 9 in frozen orb to raise it to 13 u can kill most other players that are lvl 37-40 in 2-4 hits!! as long as u have high def or able to out run other people i cant run from barbs becaus of there run skills so i stand and just use frozen orb to kill them thats all the information u have for! u and i wish u good luck in diablo!!
SSMusashi6088 |
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When starting out as a sorceress I suggest putting a point to warmth every other level till its at lv 5 or 6. Then if you like to be in massive combat with lots of little guys, then I suggest working on the ice blast and when you get glacial spike don't bother putting a point to any of the other ice attacks that freeze. The glacial spike comes in handy when your trapped or surround by minions and the boss is behind or attacking you. It'll freeze multiple minions and multiple kills too, it may not freeze the boss but it slows him down enough for you to finish the other for a 1 on 1 with the boss hehe. That strategy worked great for me throughout the game except on diablo, mephisto and most of the big guys. A good strategy to do on guys that are all around invincible(resist everything,extra fast, extra strong types) just run around with fire behind you. Lead them into walking on it and they'll die slowly but eventually, plus you won't get hit that often or killed so fast but I advise the first thing you do is open a portal just in case you do and if you run out of stamina. =) Enjoy!
Ken |
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I'm known as CaoCheebai on the Asian Realm and i'm currenntly using a level 31 Soceress. Using a Soceress is not as difficult as it seems if you allocate the skill points correctly. For your stats points do not waste them also!
For a soceress, you only have to put your stats points into Strength, Vitality(don't put too many), Energy(alot!). I have 121 points in Strength(magic bonuses added) to carry heavy armour. I currently wear Goldskin Full Plate Mail, got it from trading. Do not put too many points into Strength if you do not intend to carry heavy armour. Some points into Vitality is a must so you won't suffer from a quick 4-5 hit death in Nightmare. But do not put too much points into Vitality as a Soceress has Energy Shield skill which helps to absorb damage. Most of your stats points should be into mana. Mana is like fuel for your Soceress to function...no mana...you're dead.
I'll talk about skill points now...the most crucial...where to allocate the skill points. NEVER PUT MORE THAN 1 POINT INTO A SKILL YOU WILL NOT USE IN FUTURE!!! This is the mistake of many people as they waste many points into low level; low damaging skills. Most people I've seen build up a Ice Soceress, concentrating on the Cold Skills. Put only 1 point into your cold skills except blizzard, glacial spike, frozen orb, cold mastery. These are wide area damaging skills. Do not put more than 2 points into blizzard and glacial spike!! Find staffs that adds +2 or +3 to blizzard or glacial spike...you do not really need these skills in high levels. Save the points for frozen orb and cold mastery when you reach lvl30. A high level frozen orb and a high level cold mastery is devestating!!! The other points put them into warmth, teleport and energy shield(optional), thunderstorm(optional). A Soceress needs warmth to regenerate mana quicky so I advice to put as many points into Warmth. Every point in warmth is worth it! A soceress needs to teleport esp if you get swarmed or in Player vs Player. Put 1 point into teleport. Static field is very important as it can reduce lives of many enemies. Pump 9-10 points into Static FIeld. Thunderstorm and energy shield are optional as these skills are not too bad but unless you have too much points left.
Now I'll cover items a Soceress should use. Try to get Heavenly Garb, Goldskin, Silks of the VIctor for armour. Get Tarnhelm Skull Cap(+1 skills), Frostburns Guantlets or Magefists.Get a +2 skills amulet if possible. Get 2 stones of Jordan if possible. For weapons there are many variations. It really depends on what kind of weapons you would want to use. For a soceress get Spectral Shard for the fastest cast rate or Culwent's point(you have to pump up your dex to use it!). Get Sigon's Guard or a tripple perfect diamond gemmed Pavise. Do not waste your diamonds on a tower shield as Pavise is much better. In trend now is also Wall of the Eyeless. Get Vidala Fetlocks for the fast walk/run. My Soceress is currently wearing Goldskin, Frostburns, VIdala Fetlocks, Tarnhelm, +1 skill amulet, 2 rare rings and a staff(+2 sorc skills, +3 thunderstorm). These are the items many Soceress use so it really depends in what you want to use, and if you disagree with me its fine :)
To be a Player Killer, you want to kill other people not get killed yourself. Have as many points into Frozen Orb and Cold Mastery. I have 5 points each in cold mastery and frozen orb. Have about 10 points in Static field, some points into Thunderstorm. You need Teleport most of the time. The basic way to PK is to Static, Orb, teleport, static, orb,orb,teleport. Your thunderstorm will deal some damage too. Nothing can reach you when you teleport! Not even guided arrow or bone spirit can reach you. You can take on anyone, anytime. The only time i've died is when I lagged. I hope this guide will help you guys!! Thanks for reading!!! ^_^
CaoCheebai |
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the best things that benefit a sorc are the following: tarnhelm for your helm, any +1 skill ammy with fast cast rate, spectral shard is so baddass for a weapon, heavenly garb for the regenerate mana, wall of the eyeless for your shield because it has faster cast rate, and 5 to mana after each kill, lenymo is a good belt, frostburns is a must for gloves, and tearhaunch for boots. thats what i use for my sorc and shes pretty badass.
BigD172000 |
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Sometimes it is quite hard to manage your sorceress. Where to put your skill points? What equipment should you look for? Here are my personal tips:
First you have to decide what spell will you use most to attack. Some may choose hand-to-hand combat but one will get harder to hit someone (when you have only 30-ish Dex at level 20). Spells almost always hit. So pick a spell you want to use as a MAJOR "WEAPON". I would suggest one to use FIREBALL (FB) at the start coz you can attack a close group of enemy in one shot. Put 5 points in FB in Normal and you can finish it quite easily.
But against some stronger UNIQUE MONSTERS and BOSSES you need something more than FB. FROST NOVA (FN) is quite a good one to pick. It can slow down enemies when you are surrounded and then escape. it also can push back those Leapers in Act 2 and slow them down. But 1 point in FN is enough and more you put in this is a waste. You will get some +1 skill stuff in the game later to boost them up.STATIC FIELD (SF) is also a must to sorceress. It makes life much easier. Put 2 or 3 points in it to enlarge the radius of your SF.
I would suggest you put 1 point in GLACIAL SPIKE (GS). It can freeze all those enemies and sometimes break them into pieces. However, I've notice that if a creature is "broken" they drop no items. (Can someone check that as well?) I will use it when the enemies are too strong. UNIQUE MONSTERS AND BOSSES cannot be frozen and so FN can do the job.
LIGHTNING and CHAIN LIGHTNING (CL) sounds good to use. But the "1 to xxx damage" thing is horrible when you are surrounded by enemies. 1 point in CL is enough. Use it to trace some other "hidden" enemies while attacking others. But don't rely on it EVER!
I found BLAZE useful in the whole game (including Hell). Most enemies tend to follow you . Leaving a path of flame on your way and hell they go! But the FIREWALL thing.....well I suggest 1 point in it. It deals high damage "per second" but there is the question: Will enemies just STAND THERE FOREVER AND LET YOU GRILL THEM??? NO! Only shamans and magic-user will stand there using magic but they usually have high magic resistant...So as METEOR. Enemies will NEVER WAIT TO GET GRILL! If you insist, put one poin in it and that's it!
BLIZZARD (BD) is a good spell in use. It can slow down enemies and deal reasonable damage. Also, you can cast several BD on the same spot and those creatures will just suffer MORE! However, it drains too much MANA. For Normal Games put only 1 point in it and add some more later in
Nightmare and Hell. Don't put more than 5 points in it coz it doesn't worth the point. you will find BD less useful in the game later.
WARMTH is a must for all sorceress. It speed up your Mana regenerating speed. Max it out and you will see the benefit of it!
SHIVER (SA) and CHILLING (CA) ARMOURs are great. They attack enemies while defending your sorceress at the same time. I would suggest you use SA when melee-ing and CA when attack in range. Some of you may notice that SA deals more damage than CA at the same level. So you may want to develop your SA more by putting more points into it. CA is just a reserve.
ENERGY SHIELD (ES)....emm...it would only be useful when your MANA regenerate fast enough. 5 points is the maximum you want to put in ES. Adding one more beyond that only absord 3% more. Use those +1 skills items to boost that up later.
TELEPORT is important as it allows you to escape quickly and it helps in Act 2 and 4. 1 poin is enough. If you want you just need to put some in LIGHTNING MASTERY to reduce mana cost.
Now when you are in Nightmare, check which skills you use most. It will become obvious to invest your skills in mastery. But I would suggest you put 1 point in each mastery first as the benefit is huge with those +1 skill items...
Misc. skills:
FROZEN ORB...worth a try but 1 point is enough. It drains too much MANA and doesn't worth it for its damage is not as high as other spells.
NOVA...is that a laugh when you have FN?
THUNDERSTORM...well it only shoots once per 1.5 second (almost)...it doesn't help much...
HYDRA...1 point is enough if you feel lazy clicking. But it can be helpful to kill some tough enemies off.
Sometimes magical items are more useful than uniques. Don't think Unique items are the "Top" items. In fact that's not the case.
Weapon: stick to your staff at the beginning until you find a better one. It is cheap, neat and nice.
Helm: Use a Tarnhelm when you can gamble one in ACT 2. It gives a nice +1 to all skills. Otherwise go for something about + Mana/Steal Health.
Amulet: Go for some +Mana/Steal Health/Fast Cast amulet.
Boots: Fast walk? Treads of Cthon (unique) or Vidala's Fetlock (set)?
Gloves: If you want to be RICH go for CHANCE GUARD (unique) or something that giv you extra gold found. Otherwise, go for something that gives you +Mana/Regen Mana/...
Belt: LENYMO (unique) is a good one to gamble for. Otherwise use a belt with 12 storage and + Mana/Regen Mana
Shield: If you hold a one-handed weapon then get a shield with high blocking rate. (Tower Shield?)
Armour: get a Full Plate Armour with something Mana-related.
look for the following items in you don't have it in NORMAL
game: "+1 to sorceress skill" (i.e. Angelic)War Staff or "+2/3
to your favourite magic" War Staff
LENYMO (unique belt)
"Angelic" amulet of ...
"Frostburn" (unique glove)
Treads of Cthon (unique boots) OR Vidala's Fetlock (set boots)
You should start to mix several FULL REJUVENATION POTION with 3 health potion + 3 mana potion + 1 gem (a cheap one will do) with your amazing HORADRIC CUBE!!!
If possible gamble for GOLDSKIN (unique armour). Silk of the Vector (unique armour) isn't worth it in the game later.
Stone of Jordan!!!! (unique ring)
"Archangel's" Rune Staff AND Spectral Shard (unique dagger)
a RARE Mesh Belt that gives resistant to everything.
Goldskin if you haven't got one yet.
Forstburn if you haven't got one yet.
"Archangel's" amulet of ...
a perfect-diamond-gemmed Tower Shield.
ANOTHER Jordon ring! (try to trade on battle.net. Someone will spare you one if you begged them...)
It should be fine to finish the game with all these. To equip all this you have to have 80 in STRENGTH. The Dex. thing is just a joke for Sorceress...
Patrick (Embros Lv 42 Europe Open) |
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Well, since there isn't anyone really bothered to write any simple hints for the sorceress... let me try.
I've been using the sorceress for a long time now... and I think it is one of the easiest single player character to use...
Anyway, I've read quite some strategy guides, etc, with the suggestion of items, etc. They suggest so many items, you'd probably get confused and don't know what to choose... Here's a simple suggestion...
(only applicable to high level sorcs... ie.: Level 55 above.)
Use a gemmed (Perfect Skeleton) crown / grand crown.
Use a 3 Perfect diamond gemmed Tower Shield. (Pavises are out the sorc's league).
Use the Spectral Shard. ( it's incredibly powerful!) and keep the Culwen't Point as a backup.
Use the Goldskin. (Silks of The Victor is for Nightmare and Normal).
Get the Frostburn and forget about any other gloves for the rest of the game.
Get 2 stones of Jordan. Beg, steal, gamble, trade, do whatever it takes to get them.
When you hit level 67, do whatever it takes to get a +2 skills Amulet.
Otherwise, use one which gives +1 skills, adds mana & or increase Cast rate.
Use a Demonhide Sash. Imbue it, and hope for Fastest Hit Recovery, +life/mana, and +resistances.
Use Battleboots (when you're strong enough to ditch Vidala's or Treads).
Imbue them also. ( Hope for Fastest Hit Recovery, Fastest Walk/Run and the rest are similar with the sash.)
For lower level Sorcs, use the best items you can find that you can use.
(e.g, Culwen's Point(when enough Dex) other wise a good staff will do, Gemmed Crown, Socketed 3Diamond Tower Shield, Vidala's Fetlock, Eye of Etlich and Heavenly Garb.)
For skill points, here's the simplest/least strategy involved investment.
Really important skills : Warmth, Firewall, Blaze (low levels), Glacial Spike, Static Field, Energy Shield, Teleport, Fire Mastery, Cold Mastery.
Max out Firewall & Glacial Spike
Increase Warmth and Blaze to a fairly powerful level.
A few points into E.Shield is good. (3 to 5)
1 point to Teleport.
2-4 points in both Cold & Fire Mastery
Increase blaze to level6 in the early levels.
Static Field.... add about 6 points.
(this are just the base points. Once you get the right items, you'll get about +4 skill points to everything. Them you can dump skill points into whatever you like.
I won't explain playing styles...they can be easily found in guides or developed as you play. But, the simplest will have to be Firewall + G.Spike. Works on all freezable enemies. Otherwise, Static Field + Teleport + G.Spike on stronger foes. Keep moving and you'll crush Diablo or whatever the hell there is. (except for the bloody Council....)
Mizuno Ami (level 63 sorc).
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This is my Strategy for Sorceress in Act II (Normal).
Use Frost Nova (FN) when you fight against them in the Desert. It can push them back and slow them for a while. I've got Lv1 on FN and it work pretty well. If combined with Lightning or Chain Lightning (CL) it works better.
Scarab Demon:
They are tough and strong. Use FN then CL to kill them. You have to prepare several Mana and Health potions and some rejuvenation potions handy. Hit and run strategy will be a good idea for low level Sorceress.
Greater Mummies:
Since they can raise undead, it is a good idea to kill it first. However, you can always find that all these Skeleton and Zombies blocking your way. It seems obvious to use magic like Glacial Spike (GS) to break them then kill the Greater Mummy. There is one thing I've notice about this. If the emeny is frozen then broken (like GS) usually there will be no item or gold dropped behind after their death (death of the undead???) If you are those who want to collect items from monsters try not to use GS. My advice would be: use FN x5 then CL x alot. This may drain your mana very quickly but skeletons and Mummies tend to drop mana potions (in my game) so I don't think it will be a problem.
Claw Vipers (and their Temple):
Many of you may notice that Claw Vipers can be killed in one shot by CL. I only got Lv2 in CL and I can wipe out the Temple easily. There isn't many Greater Mummy or undead around so it should be quite easy to finish this quest. However, for the lightning enchanted Viper, I think it's best to use FN to slow it them use Static Field (SF) until it's Health is under 1/4. My Static field is Lv 5, just far enough to avoid those charged bolts and on the other hand, damaged it. CL would be a good idea to finish it, or GS can do the job neatly. (Unique and boss monster will drop items, for sure, no matter how they are killed)
Arcane Sanctuary:
There are loads of Vampires and Goatman in this area. DON'T get in until you are Lv 24 and have BLIZZARD (BD) handy!!! When you are there, keep using BD. Your Warmth skill should be able to recover your mana at a decent rate by now (my warmth is Lv7 and Blizzard Lv1) and Vampires tend to drop Mana potions (and rings). BD won't freeze enemy but can slow them when they are under the BD. you can cast several BD on the same spot because this skill can overlap each other, dealing more and more and more... damage. CL can be a nice finishing off magic.
There is no quick way to finish him off by using magic. Have your chilling armour on and have a Town Portal (TP) handy. you may got kill for a few times before you can kill him. Use BD and SF several times then run away. Come back if you gain full health. If you got killed get into the Sanctuary through the TP. You should be fine with that.
Due to the lag time, you may be killed as you enter the chamber. Make a TP and have your chilling armour ready. Although Duriel is cold resistence, under the BD it will STILL be SLOWED. Keep using BD and SF and you should be fine. (Have mana potions ready as it would be a long battle)
By the end of act 2 you should already have 2/3 unique items and several other rare items. Try to get a decent staff with +2/3 on your favourite magic (Mine was a +2 to CL and +2 to FN)
At higher levels you may want to have a weapon that gives you + All Resistant / +1 to all skills. I have a Soul Harvest (Sycthe) which gives me +20 to all resistant.
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sorecersses use static field on all bosses, it takes all their points down, no matter where you are in game, rips apart diablo, killed him in ten hits, barely got hurt. and if you want to gamle and get uniques, attach manald ring and nagel ring, then you can get more uniques
MarkerxBx |
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i found you can get diablo to follow you up to the top of the map near where the single seal is, he wont go past the steps. this is good if you are a scorceress as you can dodge the lightning attacks and fireballs and kill him with hydras. it takes a bit of time in nightmare but i did it with lev 6 fire mastery and lev 6 hydra. the more hydras you can cast the better so mana potions can be helpfull to keep the heat on him. low numbers of hydras do little damage but 10-20 hydras and you can see his health drop:)
bignose |
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An easy way to kill Mephisto with a Sorceress:
Requirements: Firewall (the higher the level the better) and Teleport
Go to Mephisto and lure him to one of the rivers of lava. Teleport across it. Use a fire wall and run. He will stand in the fire wall. Go back and use it again. Repeat untill he's dead.
Joni |
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I have used a Barbarian and a Sourceress, two very different characters, and have had great success with both. I find that the key is to specialize in one or two things, if you spread your skills around too much you end up with a character who has alot of good looking spells and attacks,but they cannot scratch the hide of a fallen. My Sourceress is my main character now, so I will write up a few of the things I have found.
Choose your main offensive spell right at the beginning. This will probably be fire ball, glaciel spike or chain lightning. I recommend fire ball, becuase fire mastery increases your spells damage.
You will also have to pick a back up offensive spell from the same three, but you will only really start developing this after about level 32. The reason you have a back up spell is because of those monsters you will come up against with resistances. I rocommend glaciel spike, because cold mastery reduces monster resistance.
Later on, you will also find that this combo of offensive spells will help alot with mosters that are risen. All you do is fire in a glaciel spike followed by a fire ball, and all that is left is some broken ice to raise.
Now for the defenseive spell. Sourceress' are always running and firing from a distance, and the best spell to have on your right click is cold nova. This is used just as a slowing down technique, so you can turn and fire your fireball into the whole blue herd of unlucky monsters. The only need to upgrade this spell is to keep the cold time up from normal to nightmare to hell.
These spells, and the right items, eg. fast run/walk boots, frostburn gloves, arch-angels amulet, stone of jordan, and a staff that adds to some of your important spells, aswell as items which add to your resistance. You will keep your didtance and dish out damage with out being touched.
Xalah |
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